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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Fed up with people's reactions!
03 Sep 2013, 11:10
Hi All

Yesterday was a fasting day for me, I would normally have one evening meal to consume my 500 cal, however, yesterday I was ticking along really well and wasn't overly hungary so all I had was a 60 cal cuppa soup early evening.
So all in all I did a 36 hr fast. I felt really good this morning, full of energy and I really enjoyed my brunch, however I am slightly fed up of people telling me its bad for my health!! I have never felt better!! I think I will just keep this woe to myself, people are so negative without knowing the facts!!

rant over :grin:

I'm guessing these people have never actually tried it!
Lack of knowledge isn't it, I have stopped telling people I'm doing the 5:2 unless they ask, I have never felt better, and this is the first time I have been able to shift weight since having my girls x
I just say I'm restricting calories, though I've not had many negative reactions so far. My mother is starting to say I'm wasting away (still over 12 stone) and doing too much exercise but hey, plus na change.
'scuse the French

"Stuff them" I say.

Don't let people get to your skin. We are all individual and if it works keep going.

They will be green with envy when you are a picture of health in your new swimsuit or sexy jeans, have less illnesses, are going for a healthy walk regular whilst they stay sitting in front of the "idiot box", chewing into crisps, overspending on prepackaged foods and being just plain ugly.
Hi Lenny and Welcome well I totally agree with all the replies so far it is ignorance, and this subject crops up every few weeks, Most replies will agree + relate to your predicament, so we keep this WOL to ourselves which is a pity because it could help many more if the had the courage to try it out and not slag something they haven't even tried.
Take no notice and do what you want or need to do :clover: Sue
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