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Feel fed up today :-(
13 Feb 2014, 13:02
Hi all
I really fed up now as the 2LB that I lost has gone back on so Im back to Plateau again :cry:
I know I should not weigh every day but cant help it, I have a box of unopened Thornton's choc which is calling me but will not give in. I will say that I do not always eat all my calories on my feast days so the question is should I eat them even if I am not hungry? And never eat over 500 cals on fasting day.
Re: Feel fed up today :-(
13 Feb 2014, 13:13
Take your Thorntons (had to do a quick google, they look yum. :grin: ) go outside and the first person you see you hand the chocs to then and say " these are for you to share with someone you love."

You will feel much better and the temptation will be gone, guaranteed.

Personally I don't chase my TDEE on non fast days.
Re: Feel fed up today :-(
13 Feb 2014, 13:37
You've done really well so far @Mariondot40 don't let today's weight get to you.

There is nothing wrong with daily weighing, there is a thread on here somewhere (I am a daily weigher) the trick is to see it as one day and use it to see a pattern, not to beat yourself up with. Just imagine weighing after a week and seeing the gain, at least you know now to take action - and step away from the Thorntons, although if there's an Alpini going I'll have it!

If you are on a plateau why not try eating to your TDEE for a few days - keep your body guessing seems to be the message, mix it up a bit. Look around on the site and use the search option to find the pleateau thread/tent you might find something to help (sorry if you already have)
Re: Feel fed up today :-(
13 Feb 2014, 13:43
:heart: Hi @Mariondot40 Well it may help if you tried eating up to your TDEE allowance I think that's the advice usually given and if you think you couldn't eat the calories in your meals try upping your fats as in butter + nuts.
I've been yo yo 'ing 1kg for about 6 weeks and @carorees suggested I eat healthy food for 7-10days making at least one day slightly over TDEE ( unsure so was I) I lost 950grams of course I'm yet to weigh in again tomorrow. :heart:
Re: Feel fed up today :-(
13 Feb 2014, 13:51
Keep your chin up! Weighing every day is difficult, are you recording the information to see a trend or just letting it dictate your day? I used to be awful about it, my mood would be ruined if I'd put on weight, until I got the app TrueWeight, and now it doesn't bother me anymore. Fluctuations are natural, as are plateaus, and I'm sure there's plenty of people here who have overcome them!

From what I've read, just stick with it. Keep fasting, eat normally on your other days (I'd say follow how you feel- don't eat extra calories if you're not hungry), and have some faith that the weight will shift when it's ready to :) Good luck!
Re: Feel fed up today :-(
13 Feb 2014, 14:40
You've lost a lot of weight in a short time. Give your body a chance to catch up! :)
Re: Feel fed up today :-(
13 Feb 2014, 14:49
Think of a plateau as just a step you're standing on, enjoy the view and soon you will step down to the next level! :heart:
Re: Feel fed up today :-(
14 Feb 2014, 00:43
@mariondot40 I understand the feeling of being fed up. And it is disappointing when you think your efforts are not getting results. You're working hard I can see that. But you have done so well so far. I think the plateau phenomena is visiting you, so just stick to the basics and try and stay calm.
I agree with Brian, throw away the chocs, save one for yourself. They will exhaust all your will power which you need for the emotional strength to get through a plateau. I take peeks at peoples trackers and see they are zigzagging all over the place. But down the track they start losing again.
I find when I'm wobbly and share about it on here, then magically I start feeling empowered again. So I'm impressed you've taken the risk to share where you're at. It encourages others to share when they are feeling shaky too.
I'm still in two minds about weighing. Some people find it helps, others find it nerve wracking. If you want to try weighing slightly less see if that helps your positivity.
keep going
Re: Feel fed up today :-(
14 Feb 2014, 09:20
You are DEFINITELY NOT alone @Mariondot40 so please don't be fed up. You will find with daily weighing that the weight does go up and down and up and get the picture! I've been doing ADF for about 3 weeks and have found with daily weighing that it goes right up and then comes right down again so that it's about an average of 1lb a week loss. Daily weighing, I think, just helps you keep on track. If you see the weight go up, you'll be less likely to overeat...won't you?

You can do it...don't despair!

Bean :starving: :wink:
Re: Feel fed up today :-(
14 Feb 2014, 15:14
Hi all
Thanx for all your replys the chocs are still in the box unopened, feeling alot better today been in town trying clothes on and found that a size 12 top that fit and looked nice. I used to be a size 16 on top so that made me happy, and Im going to stick to doing Mon and Thurs as my fast days.
My sister says stop weighing every day and weigh once a wk ( very bossy lol) and she gave me a couple of size 12 nice tops :-)
Re: Feel fed up today :-(
14 Feb 2014, 15:19
I think that weighing everyday and taking an average for the week is a better has kept me on the straight and pun intended. :cool:
Re: Feel fed up today :-(
14 Feb 2014, 15:28
Daily weighing is fine, but to get a more accurate picture of your progress only really look at the first weigh in after a fasting day, of the first of the month, with your last weigh in after a fasting day, at the end of the month (example- compare February 1st's weigh in, with February 28's weigh in, assuming those were both the day after a fasting day).

IF does no follow the traditional linear pattern on the scale, but is instead a series of bounces and whooshes. You cannot look at your daily weight ins the same as someone who is doing straight calorie counting for example, because it simply isn't the same thing. Look at the bigger picture (monthly), and then you'll see your actual progress :)

As for not eating your allotted calories on non-fasting days-it's important to get as close to your number as possible, within a few calories (you don't have to be 100% on target, but if you're eating several hundred calories under on a regular basis, then that's going to become an issue). Under-eating on non-fasting days can cause all types of problems, including weight loss stalls. Eat the amount of calories you're supposed to and have faith that the plan will work, because it really does :hugright:
Re: Feel fed up today :-(
14 Feb 2014, 16:43
Sarajaynevz wrote: Daily weighing is fine, but to get a more accurate picture of your progress only really look at the first weigh in after a fasting day, of the first of the month, with your last weigh in after a fasting day, at the end of the month (example- compare February 1st's weigh in, with February 28's weigh in, assuming those were both the day after a fasting day).

IF does no follow the traditional linear pattern on the scale, but is instead a series of bounces and whooshes. You cannot look at your daily weight ins the same as someone who is doing straight calorie counting for example, because it simply isn't the same thing. Look at the bigger picture (monthly), and then you'll see your actual progress :)

As for not eating your allotted calories on non-fasting days-it's important to get as close to your number as possible, within a few calories (you don't have to be 100% on target, but if you're eating several hundred calories under on a regular basis, then that's going to become an issue). Under-eating on non-fasting days can cause all types of problems, including weight loss stalls. Eat the amount of calories you're supposed to and have faith that the plan will work, because it really does :hugright:

Very interesting facts about the bounces and whooshes. Have you been over to the ADF tent and imparted your wisdom. There are some newbie ADFers. Who might be pleased with your input. Just a thought.
Re: Feel fed up today :-(
14 Feb 2014, 17:46
carieoates wrote:
Sarajaynevz wrote: Daily weighing is fine, but to get a more accurate picture of your progress only really look at the first weigh in after a fasting day, of the first of the month, with your last weigh in after a fasting day, at the end of the month (example- compare February 1st's weigh in, with February 28's weigh in, assuming those were both the day after a fasting day).

IF does no follow the traditional linear pattern on the scale, but is instead a series of bounces and whooshes. You cannot look at your daily weight ins the same as someone who is doing straight calorie counting for example, because it simply isn't the same thing. Look at the bigger picture (monthly), and then you'll see your actual progress :)

As for not eating your allotted calories on non-fasting days-it's important to get as close to your number as possible, within a few calories (you don't have to be 100% on target, but if you're eating several hundred calories under on a regular basis, then that's going to become an issue). Under-eating on non-fasting days can cause all types of problems, including weight loss stalls. Eat the amount of calories you're supposed to and have faith that the plan will work, because it really does :hugright:

Very interesting facts about the bounces and whooshes. Have you been over to the ADF tent and imparted your wisdom. There are some newbie ADFers. Who might be pleased with your input. Just a thought.

I haven't been down there yet, I'll have to check it out :) I hung out with the JUDDD group over on LCF during the weight loss phase and I weighed daily over there-I'll see if I can find the old threads that have my weights to show how crazy the pattern really was :lol:

ETA: here's my ADF weight loss pattern from November, 2012-my second month into the plan

11/7 UD 163.5
11/8 UD 162.5
11/9 DD 162.5
11/10 UD 161.0
11/11 DD 161.5
11/12 UD 160 Hit the 15lb mark for my total weight loss (plus .5!)
11/13 DD 160
11/14 UD 160 sooo close to getting in the 150s
11/15 DD 160 really hoping for a whoosh tomorrow
11/16 UD 159
11/17 DD 159
11/18 UD 159
11/19 MD 160 ended up being more of an up day bleh!
11/20 UD 160
11/21 DD 160.5
11/22 FD 158.5 I can't believe I had that big of a whoosh-TOM started last night! So happy!
11/23 DD 161 tom
11/24 UD 158.5 tom
11/25 MD 159.5 tom
11/26 UD 159.5 tom Back on track today!
11/27 DD 158.5
11/28 UD 157
11/29 DD 158.5 Ate a lot of pizza last night-surprised this wasn't higher
11/30 UD 156 Whoosh, whoosh
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