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28 Aug 2013, 07:02
Gosh how one's weight fluctuates from day to day. After a fast day I weigh a good 2lbs less than weighing myself the morning after a feed! From now on I am only weighing after fast days :dazed: I know I know I am in denial :grin:

Anyone else get this frustrated?
Re: Fluctuation
28 Aug 2013, 07:08
I weigh every day and use the True Weight app. Keeps me focused. I seem to have lost 2lb overnight since yesterday :smile:
Re: Fluctuation
28 Aug 2013, 07:09
It used to bother me, but this way of eating has taught me a lot about how my weight varies from day to day, so although I weigh often, I only care what the scales say the day after my 2nd fast :) still heading downwards, albeit slowly!
Re: Fluctuation
28 Aug 2013, 08:44
I use Libra app (for Android devices) to do the same job as True Weight. I am in maintenance mode and have been for three months, I have recently seen extremes of 138 and 132 lbs whilst maintaining 135 as a trend line weight!

Don't Panic!
Re: Fluctuation
28 Aug 2013, 12:35
It's completely nuts. I'm actually quite fascinated by it now. I hit a new low on 18th Aug but since then, following a rather excessive bank holiday weekend I am now nearly 5lb heavier! I'm chilled though :cool:

Having said that, I went back to the gym today for the first time in months, which has a body fat analyser and it tells me I've dropped 6% fat since mid April. Who knows how accurate these readings are? Whatever, I don't care :victory:
Posted this gem on my journal yesterday, please forgive the cross-posting here, it seemed mighty appropriate. This is from Phinney&Volek (p241) - it should, perhaps, go in a newbies stickie to forewarn them of the vagaries of the scales:

"We humans are about 2/3 water. Each of us contains about 40 liters (or quarts) of the stuff, and each liter weighs a bit over 2 pounds. Our bodies effectively regulate fluid balance by adjusting urine output and sense of thirst, but this is done within a 2-liter range. Within this range, your body doesn't really care if it is up to a liter above or below its ideal fluid level.

" What this means is that we all live inside a 4-pound-wide grey zone, so that from day to day we fluctuate up or down (i.e. plus or minus) 2 pounds. This happens more or less at random, so with any one weight reading you don't know where your body is within that fluid range. Your weight can be the same for 3 days in a row, and the next morning you wake up and the scale says you've 'gained' 3 pounds for no apparent reason. For people who weigh themselves frequently, this can be maddening."
(FatDog's emphasis)
Re: Fluctuation
28 Aug 2013, 18:10
Thanks for all your posts on this. Yes! The daily weight record graph (Happyscale) is a very jagged saw edge, but the trend line creeps down over the weeks. Wonderful to be able to trust that the first fast after the holiday weekend would really help and we put on a LOT. We are back on track very quickly. Enjoying a surfeit of lovely food and wine was truly a guilt free experience, fantastic! :smile:
I feel very relaxed about wide daily weight variations when I record it out of curiosity.
Re: Fluctuation
28 Aug 2013, 19:39
You are right; weight fluctuation can be a real pain. And from what I have heard and read it seems weighing everyday is not a good idea. The best time to weigh is the morning next to the fast day. This will give you a clear picture.
Don’t get frustrated, enjoy your weight loss program, and celebrate your success.
Re: Fluctuation
28 Aug 2013, 20:25
I am a daily hopper on the scales kinda person with subsequent curses emitting from the bathroom. I would not change it though as pointed out by everyone above it is a fluctuation and this WOE really plays around with your fluids out e.g. you wee mega fluids. You can also have other issues eg bowels clogging. There are days where you will be your new low mainly as Moogie says after the second 5:2 fast and then you may have to chase that for a couple more fasts. Ah the fun of it all
Re: Fluctuation
28 Aug 2013, 21:48
I am sat here at the moment and wondering when my ankles will start subsiding. I love the mornings after a fast as I have lovely non-water retentive ankles, but they would normally have slimmed down by now and they haven't. Here's me hoping for another tiny slip downwards this week and my water retention is playing up.
Re: Fluctuation
28 Aug 2013, 21:53
Weighing every day is fine so long as you use the tracking app to filter out the nose so you can see the trend & you can be a bit Zen about it. My weight can fluctuate by two kilos through the day so one weigh in first thing now settles me for the day.
Re: Fluctuation
29 Aug 2013, 01:28
I don't weigh, but I see many fluctuations in the tape measure, and even in how clothing fits! Like many of you it's made me hyper-aware of these changes to fast.

Now that I see and feel the downward trend, I'm not as concerned as when I started this WOE! :)
Re: Fluctuation
29 Aug 2013, 05:45
Good thinking from all of you 99s, I mean 5:2s. I take comfort in the above observations. My scales are really random. I would say that though. it wouldn't be my sloshy self? nah, couldn't be... so down rover! ie numbers on the scales! I think the numbers're still lowering. I know what else I want, dancing feet and lively legs! So scales, down in dimensions, and body up in strength.
Re: Fluctuation
29 Aug 2013, 06:09
I weigh each morning.
If I'm not happy with the reading I check back to what I weighed a week before.
Usually it is more and I :smile:
If it is not, I check back to 2 weeks before and so far it has always been more so it's :cool:
The daily fluctuations are :dazed:
Trend lines on the app I use- Daily Weight chart are :like:
But weighing daily keeps me :victory:
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