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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Everything was fine, I had a great day, everything was going smoothly

Until 7:00 PM

I recieved a bad news. The kind of news really upsetting and, as I couldn't have a smoke as I would have before, I broke my fast.

It was too much, I needed to break it, I was not strong enough and I am disappointed with myself.

I know it's not the end of the world and tomorrow will be another day and I will be abble to repair what I did today but right now, I am just disappointed.

I just needed to vent

It's ok that you broke your fast, and it's also ok to be disappointed, but do try to be kind to yourself. You sound like you've had a shock, and probably tonight, fasting isn't something you need to concern yourself with. There are 6 other days this week you can fast, or you could do a bit of 16:8 if that would help.

Much love xx
Don't beat yourself up about it, just call it a mini fast.

I'm sorry about your news. Well done for not smoking, that shows you are a strong woman.

If you need to vent, this is the place x
First, be kind to yourself. :heart: At the very least you had a good break from food. There shouldn't ever be any guilt with this WoE. If you feel you must 'make-up' for it, then skip breakfast tomorrow. *hugs*
Don't be disappointed with yourself, these things happen once in a while. I broke my fast last week for the first time ever also. Ended up eating about 1000 calories so still a reduction in calories, if not a fast.
Oh dear, but don't beat yourself up about it, well done for nit smoking, that would have been MUCH WORSE.

I hope it's news that can get better :heart: :heart:
Well Done Manderlay you did do a fast :heart: maybe not the exact type of fast you wanted to but nevertheless its been a good (half fast or mini fast or 16:8 :heart: all them are OK just do your ''normal '' fast the next available day for you :heart: :heart: even 2 fast days the same as today are very good days much better than you or me were used to doing pre 5:2: So forget it and don't fret yourself anymore. :clover: Sue
Brilliant that you didn't start smoking- much easier to go back to fasting when you are ready.
You DID do a fast,just not as long, Sh** happens and the diet is no longer the priority for now ,and thats fine,you are not defeated!
and you say you werent strong but you didnt have a cigarette :like:
As an ex smoker i know how very easy it would be to light up after getting bad news..
Imagine, you didnt allow that addictive nasty nicotine into yr system! Thats great!

Hope the news resolves into a happy ending xx
Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for all your kind words :heart:

You know what made me feel so disappointed and, in a way, angry ? That I broke my fast so close to the end of the day. Not just in the afternoon, but just when it was dinner time.

First I decided to not have a liquid fast after all, which is fine, but after I needed a sweet thing to comfort me as I was so upset and, even if I didn't have a lot of it (I don't know how to translate it, it's a kind of brioche we only have here, I guess), I knew I would go way over 500 cal.

I didn't think of it at a 16:8 at the time, just that it was a failure. You know when you have just one thing in your life you can control and you don't control it at a point in time and how difficult it is to deal with, not because it's the end of the world but because, at that point in time, it is a big deal because you feel you don't have any control anymore ? It was that for me, I didn't have any control anymore, just for a few minutes, and I was so pissed off !

Now I am calm again, I will do my fast tomorrow as I was supposed to be (it was a 48h liquid fast) and try to not feel too guilty as I am only human after all.......

Here what calmed me down. I know, it's silly, but they are real cutie pies and it's impossible to feel stressed for long watching them :heart:
So..... After a good night sleep, well almost 9 hours in coma in fact, I feel much better. However I decided to not fast today because I don't feel strong enough. The emotions are still raw and I don't want to have a day like yesterday, to be ok for the big part of the day and have what I feel is a "disaster" in the evening.

Instead today will be a 16:8 (10:00AM to 06:00PM) and fast tomorrow and thursday. I like the 2 days in a row "rule".

Thank you all again for your support last night. I know I have a tendency to overreact when my emotions are raw do thank you :heart: :heart: :like:

Back to my old self now :cool: :grin:
Hi Manderley :heart:

very sorry you had some bad news, and as for the fast, theres always another day! :oops:
take care and dont worry about over reacting, God i do the same!! glad you are feeling better though, hugs from me too ((((())))))

Angie xxx :heart: :heart: :lol:
Glad to hear you are feeling better.

Good luck with the 16:8

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