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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I am enjoying 16/8, but my friend is finally getting on board with intermittent fasting. She will be doing 5:2. But she was asking me about TDEE. She doesn't think she can count calories every day.

Do you have to figure your TDEE to be successful?

Is counting to 500 twice a week enough to lose weight?

For those successful, did you really count calories every day?

In any event, I'm so glad she's finally open to intermittent fasting. Her blood pressure is through the roof.
I don't calculate to every calorie consumed, but I am mindful about what I'm eating. Having been a serial dieter in the past I can make a pretty good guess as to whether I have been over or under my TDEE for the day. Every now and again I spend a few days or a week counting a bit more accurately to make sure my portion size hasn't gone up, or when I have had a slow down in weight loss, I will double check then.

You should always calculate your TDEE, because if you have been putting on weight you have been eating over your TDEE, so you need to find out, not just on paper but on your plate, what your TDEE actually looks like.
Yes, I count calories every day; my blood pressure was high, I've lost weight. Believe in TDEE, get a FITbit and get on myfitnesspal.
It may not be sexy, but it works
My OH and I have never counted calories on our feasting days just eating what we want and it has worked very well for us. I knew I could never get him to do it in the first place so counting 600 cal. 2 days a week was better than nothing and he has lost almost 40 lbs in 6 1/2 mo. And I have lost 23 lbs. it definitely affects our eating in a natural way as we have noticed but not counting calories everyday is what appealed to us :like:
Think of TDEE as a form of "portion control" if you're inclined to count calories.

As long as you're moving towards your goal, you don't need to consider it.
I think if you don't have a lot to lose it is definitely important. I've stuck at the same weight gaining and losing half a pound for the past 4-6 weeks. I'm in the healthy weight range though so I know it is going to be harder for me as I don't have much to lose (in theory). I have stuck to my two fast days a week religiously, most of the time not reaching 400cals so I know that I am overeating on the five other days. But then again at weekends I eat exactly what I want (which with alcohol is probably 3000cals on a Saturday). This week I have been much more mindful with what I'm eating on a feast day so if I don't see a drop on the scales at the weekend I'll be really disappointed.
Lil :heart:
I've only counted my "feast" day calories once or twice in six months, just to confirm that I'm eating around my TDEE.
I think if you haven't ever known how many calories a day you eat you may have to check a few times just to see how much food it is.
I am sure that the fasting naturally reduces your desire for too much food over time which is why most people don't need to count calories on "feast" days.
I don't count calories on nonfast days, and so far have been successful. I would recommend your friend start this way. One thing to bear in mind is that TDEE goes down as you lose weight.
I only count calories on fast days.

I try to eat reasonably on normal days. I do have treats. Last night I had a gorgeous lasagna bolognese. But I'm learning to have smaller portions and eat more moderately. I'll make my son an apple cake tomorrow, but I will have normal sized slices in stead of enormous ones :-)

I weigh myself every day now as well. I don't freak about water weight, and I've learned what foods are going to result in a temporary gain the next day (usually salty and/or highly processed foods). I find it helps keep me more honest on regular feed days.
I did keep a calorie diary. I have always been a healthy weight and not a dieter, so I had no idea how many calories were in my daily meals. I found logging the calories to be helpful, especially where snacks were concerned, but also with my typical home cooked dishes, to know how high or low they were. Also, if I kept a tally of calories already consumed during the day, it was a good impetus to stop eating when I approached TDEE (or to go ahead and have dessert, depending on the day). I did it for 4 months, but now I let my appetite determine how much I eat.
To be honest i think it depends on ones version of 'eating normally' if u tend to go overboard like moi...i don't eat large amounts just lots of carbs since fasting..because i can ~_~, then u need to either do 4:3 - my choice, or watch cals on feed days. But if u r a moderate eater why bother. I never counted cals on feed days, i would have fled.
I have not counted calories on my feed days.
Good luck to your friend.
I haven't been counting calories, on fast days I eat nothing. On feeding weekdays I eat carefully, on weekends I binge.

I suspect your friend will have to do a lot of counting to be successful though, if she hesitates despite such serious health problems she might have some issues.
I don't count calories... I don't know if I'm "successful" but I do feel good! :)

At almost 6 months into my fasting, I just don't eat until 7 pm on Fast Days, and I eat a very small portion of the meal I cook for my family. I've also started a 1/2 fast on Friday, where I also wait until dinner to eat, but on Friday night, I don't worry about the portion, and I may have a drink!
I hate calorie counting but have done so much dieting and obsessing in the past that I do pretty much know what is in things!!
I think maybe just get her to start 5:2 and get used to the fasting - that itself can be hard for newbies. Tell her not to worry if the weight doesn't come off and to allow the natural effects of this WOL to kick in - reduced portion size, less snacking etc. If she isn't losing weight then doing some calorie counting is probably sensible!
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