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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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So.... what are your rules with wine? I notice that as soon as I cut it out I begin to lose weight (fast!), but it is my sin of choice and I can't give it up altogether (other than for short periods or time or like when I was pregnant of course, even though here in Italy the say a glass now and then is fine).
So what do you do? How and to when and to how much do you limit your wine intake? Be honest now :razz:
I don't limit it but I don't overindulge very often or I suffer for it and that is not pleasant. I love a glass or two with a meal otherwise I'm not fussed about drinking just for the sake of it. I can sit in the pub and have coffee or tonic water very easily. I don't find it makes much difference, if any, to my weight whether I abstain or not. If I was told it would kill me to continue to have wine then I could give it up instantly. Thank goodness no one has told me yet that it could prove fatal :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Hi @humptydumpty :heart:

I enjoy my wine too! :oops:

For me personally, I find it quite difficult to say "I'll only have 2 glasses" or something similar so what I do is indulge on Friday and Saturday evenings and have what I fancy (sometimes it may only be a couple of small glasses and sometimes it might be quite a few large ones :bugeyes: :bugeyes: - it just depends.)

I don't normally drink during the week or on Sundays unless it is a Bank Holiday so I'm off work on the Monday :like: , or a birthday or other special occasion

I've stuck with doing the above even when starting the 5.2 WOE (I never choose Friday, Saturday or Sunday as a fast day) and I'm still losing 1lb a week on average so am happy to carry on as I have unless I find that I plateau :heart:
I think the easy answer to this is that if one used to drink a bottle per night and indulge in fatty foods as well, one is definitely going to lose weight if you cut down to let's say two bottles a week and watch your food. Not that I am saying that is what I did or am planning to do. I think I am going to try and stick to 3 max 4 glasses at the weekend (Fri and Sat) and hope I can keep at it for good, though undoubtedly there will be the occasional slip at dinner parties etc
We had never drunk alcohol at home Monday to Thursday ( except special occasions) but we share a bottle of wine on Friday and Saturday with a pre dinner drink as well.If I go to a pub quiz on a non fast day I will also have a couple of drinks ( if I have a lift). Part of what I like about this plan is that you can continue to have a drink without guilt. I expect my weight loss might be quicker if I didn't drink but I would probably have jacked it in by now
When I first got interested in 52 it was because you could still enjoy your favorites so long as you committed to fasting two days per week. And isn't it true that other diets that restrict fail because eventually you reach your goal and revert to your old ways? There may be some items that you find you could live without forever and others that truly are your pleasure. If that is wine then make it mindful and you will be successful in the long run.
Yes I'm a wino but never on my fastdays I usually indulge
Fri-Sun and consume half bottle of red BUT on certain occasions I've downed a bottle no more, and as I eat out a lot I do sometimes have a glass midweek however as some members have reported that they can't take as much now as they used to I had never noticed this until last night and my half bottle felt like three quarters bottle. :drink: Sue
Oh I like a glass of red wine, but recently have cut back dramatically..but I used to have a glass some evenings about 9pm would chill out lovely before bed..especially after a stressful day at work, now don't sleep so well. So I am thinking about having the odd glass through the week to see what difference it makes to my weight loss..decisions ...but I am pleased I have proved to myself and not had any wine for 3 weeks...which is major!!!
I like wine....any colour will do. But I can't drink as much as I used to. And fast days are a good way to help wean off it.
I love my wine too :-)
I normally go to the pub on a Friday night and sunday lunchtime before lunch with the family. With 5:2 I have now (almost!) stopped drinking at home otherwise. Drinking is definitely my problem, you can keep chocolate and sweet stuff but when I drink wine my willpower goes out the window, so I am likely to scoff crisps, olives, cashew nuts, cheese, etc. and that is when my weight creeps up. If we are not out on a Saturday I am doing 4:3 as my weight is not really moving. The answer for me is probably to cut wine out altogether until I am at my ideal weight but I know I'm just a girl who can't say no :confused:
From easter onwards we are going to be at our house in the south of France for the summer, so I know I must stick to these rules as it will be even harder when we are there
Well obviously I like a drink. I don't drink on fast days and I had cut right back last year, but since Christmas I have been drinking most other nights and I know this is part of the reason I'm still carrying extra Christmas weight.
I'm nearly teetotal and I still can't lose weight. It may not be the wine thats the problem, it may be the lack of willpower that goes with it. Thats when the nibbles and snacks creep in, loaded with carbs and calories.
The only nights I don't drink are fast days. The other days I have one or two glasses, white or red, and perhaps another two on Friday and Saturday. It definitely affects me more so, like I do with my food, better quality. Except for a few nuts I tend not to snack.
Spritz it eg 1/2 wine 1/2 good quality mineral water and a slice of lime. Very pleasant way to drink in summer and it does reduce your consumption. I don't spritz a very good quality wine but think its fair for a less expensive brand. Have spritzed red and white and rose. It will depend on your own tastes

Just a good quality sparkling mineral water cold with a splash of lime is a wonderful drink
I used to be a big drinker, almost every night but when I started 5:2 in October I didn't drink at all during the week which made me feel so much better... but also made me look forward to my Friday night drinks so much more! Since Christmas I've been alcohol free probably 2 or 3 nights a week but I want to get back to where I was as I think that had a lot to do with the weight loss. Like many others, when I have wine it takes away any will power and the savoury snack monster gets a hold... Cheese and carbs - my weakness!!
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