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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Gahhhhh! THAT was a mistake
20 Sep 2013, 14:05
Had my fasting and repair day yesterday..all well and good til i got up this morning..
a visitor here so we had a more special brekky...
Had a pastry ( the thought of that pastry spurred me on yesterday :razz: ) and a small bowl of really nice muesli with a little Greek yogurt..

I know people here have mentioned not being hungry the day after a fast..but wow was i too full after my breakfast..
I was "pogged" as my friend says!

Had to go to the supermarket afterwards and could barely bring myself to look at the food on the shelves..* groan*

Won't do that again in a hurry! X :bugeyes:
Re: Gahhhhh! THAT was a mistake
20 Sep 2013, 15:06
Thank goodness for that. I thought from the headline you had abandoned a fast! Isn't it great when this happens?
Re: Gahhhhh! THAT was a mistake
20 Sep 2013, 16:49
And my mistake today, even for a non-fasting day...
Shared a slice of carrot cake in M&S cafe. Just checked the calories... 825 per slice!! Good job I didn't have the whole thing because that's more than half my TDEE! Shocking!
Re: Gahhhhh! THAT was a mistake
20 Sep 2013, 21:43
Karen its ten thirty pm and i still feel stuffed
It IS great when the hunger switch is flicked off! Its a relief tho my mind still thinks it wants grub tho my tum says no...But i cant even face a gin and tonic! boohooooo

And Golarne wow that is a whopping cal count isnt it! Thank goodness you shared! Am sure you enjoyed every delicious scrap!x
Re: Gahhhhh! THAT was a mistake
20 Sep 2013, 23:09
Golarne interesting when you do notice now how high the calorie count is in things and consider the effort it takes on a 5:2 day to keep low cals consumed that alone is sobering. Aw Candice no G&T, some pastry you had there
Re: Gahhhhh! THAT was a mistake
20 Sep 2013, 23:23
I noticed this too today after yesterday's fast... I do 16:8 as well as 5:2 and when I started this found it quite hard to still do without breakfast after the fasting day. However, today I went out and at 1pm ended up having a smoked salmon salad (with lovely home made potato salad, loads of smoked salmon, salad garnish, and small wedge of home made bread) and was I stuffed!? Came home tonight and had a small tea meal, but didn't really feel hungry at all ...
Re: Gahhhhh! THAT was a mistake
20 Sep 2013, 23:43
If I can be allowed to rant here... This is a huge problem with our society. Nobody, not even a large, trim, healthy man, should be eating an 825 calorie piece of cake. Yet that's a very typical dessert in a cafe or restaurant. A Starbucks "reduced fat very berry coffee cake" sounds quite healthy, isn't even a dessert, and still has 350 calories.

I'm offended on behalf of everyone living in the developed part of the world who has access to too much food, usually too much unhealthy food. And I'm particularly frustrated because I do like to eat out and it's so hard to get a reasonable portion of anything in a restaurant. Often my husband and I share a meal. Sometimes I take half home, but if you are traveling that's not an option. And it's so wrong to throw food away. Yet my TDEE is only 1300 calories - I neither want to nor can eat an entire restaurant meal most of the time.

Ok. I'll stop now.
Re: Gahhhhh! THAT was a mistake
21 Sep 2013, 00:43
As much as I would like quick weight loss I know it is unrealistic to maintain. We have our celebrations and evenings out which are meant to be enjoyed. That is why I like 52 because I can enjoy those rare occasions without guilt because the two fasts counter balance. I mostly cook/bake at home so a rare restaurant treat is just that... a treat!
Re: Gahhhhh! THAT was a mistake
21 Sep 2013, 12:07
I find a lot of things that are labelled reduced fat etc are actually not that much lower in calories but often are very much lower in taste.

Personally I've found I'm better off having a smaller less calorific portion and still have the good taste :D. That's not to say there aren't nice low calorie things to eat, just not half fat versions of fattening things :D.

At least you were full doing the shopping and weren't tempted to pick things up that you didn't need. Shopping while hungry is terrible.
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