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Grrrr Yo yo up and down!
05 Sep 2013, 16:29
Hi all,

I'm relatively new, this is my 5th week...I think...and the weight loss has been pretty good. At my last weigh in I had lost 11 pounds, amazing!

I have had the days where I put on a pound a day after weigh in, but it and more dissapear by the following week. This morning ( stupidly) I thought I would slip in a mid week weigh in, on a fast day too. Why did I do it? My scales say I have put on 4 pounds....4 POUNDS!!!

Now my will power is at an all time low on a hungry fast day and I'm dreading Sunday, the REAL weigh in day!

Just wanted to moan really, I don't expect it to be gone by Sunday :cry:
Re: Grrrr Yo yo up and down!
05 Sep 2013, 16:37
Sounds to me like you're weighing too often - or more to the point, putting too much faith in the scales on a daily basis!

If you're going to weigh daily that's all well and good, but try to keep track of it in an app (or our Progress Tracker) which will create a nice trendline for you, showing you that overall it is going down.

On a daily basis our weight fluctuates naturally, and those with more to lose can vary by more. I know I can weigh as much as 3lbs different depending on the day I weigh, but sticking to my 'official' weight on a Friday morning I see the downward trend.

Bear in mind that to gain 1lb of fat you need to eat an extra 3,500 calories! So that 4lb gain is almost certainly not real weight, just water weight or food yet to pass through your system. Also bear in mind that hormones play a role and that time of the month can change what the scales tell you too ;)

During the first few weeks of this way of eating the scales will yo yo a little though, as you lose a lot of water weight (as with any diet) but then regain some of this as you lose fat. Some see this as a gain, others as a maintain - but it's short term and the loss will resume!

There's a really good topic about this here: ... t1006.html
Re: Grrrr Yo yo up and down!
05 Sep 2013, 16:57
Thank you Moogie,

Very informative, so the key is STOP weighing so frequently, always check other measurements before you decide you have put " weight" on ( didn't measure my waist) and stop being a whinge bag lol..I added that bit myself.

Actually feel a bit better now, haven't eaten anything yet I will wait for dinner, there is no reason to sabotage an otherwise excellent fast day.

Re: Grrrr Yo yo up and down!
05 Sep 2013, 17:21
Hi bellyb gone all good sound advice from moogie there I'm a once a week weigh-in person and like you say sometimes I do sneak one mid week usually regret because I need all the motivation I can get to carry me forward to the next week as I've a shed load of weight to get rid of.
So no giving up under no circumstances try very hard to pop on scales once per week because as you've found they aren't always your friend
carry on as your doing brilliantly. Good Luck. :clover: Sue
Re: Grrrr Yo yo up and down!
05 Sep 2013, 17:44
I can definitely sympathise this week!!
Had a bit too much snacking over the weekend, (including a failing of mine, Medjool dates, but 12 of them are about 700kcals), and was famished on Monday, so kept going.
Gave myself a slap on Tuesday morning, jumped on the scales, 3lb on!!!!!
Fasted Tuesday, had a meal about 7pm.
Did a butternut squash risotto Wed lunchtime, bit too much, but didn't want anything except some melon in the evening, even though it was a normal day.
Scales Thursday, result, all gone!!! The trendline on the Progress Tracker is great for motivation, not only seeing the downward trend, but seeing how much you have already lost. Stick with it, and it'll do you right.

Re: Grrrr Yo yo up and down!
05 Sep 2013, 17:52
fixedwheel wrote: I can definitely sympathise this week!!
Had a bit too much snacking over the weekend, (including a failing of mine, Medjool dates, but 12 of them are about 700kcals), and was famished on Monday, so kept going.
Gave myself a slap on Tuesday morning, jumped on the scales, 3lb on!!!!!
Fasted Tuesday, had a meal about 7pm.
Did a butternut squash risotto Wed lunchtime, bit too much, but didn't want anything except some melon in the evening, even though it was a normal day.
Scales Thursday, result, all gone!!! The trendline on the Progress Tracker is great for motivation, not only seeing the downward trend, but seeing how much you have already lost. Stick with it, and it'll do you right.


and some gentle encouragement from your other half (ME), 60 miles away... to put it down to a blip and continue :grin:
Re: Grrrr Yo yo up and down!
05 Sep 2013, 18:16
And realising that life throws in different things, and 5:2 fits in with life, so I can see me doing it for life.

No need to feel deprived, as you are only a day away from having something if you want to. Just not going silly 5 days a week.

Re: Grrrr Yo yo up and down!
11 Sep 2013, 19:54
Well the extra four pounds we disappeared on Sunday so back to where I was the previous week. One fast done this week, get to g ready for my 2nd tomorrow, fingers crossed for a loss this Sunday. Onwards and downwards!
Re: Grrrr Yo yo up and down!
11 Sep 2013, 21:04
Well done belly gone did you Measure up?
Good Luck for tomorrow :clover: I'll be doing one also :clover: Sue
Re: Grrrr Yo yo up and down!
12 Sep 2013, 01:12

Scales go up and down. This might help: 5-2-diet-chat-f6/the-scale-tale-t7660.html
Re: Grrrr Yo yo up and down!
12 Sep 2013, 18:47
Hi all,

First apologies for my typo' s, typing on my tablet Is not easy! It's fine as I type then auto correct kicks in and chucks in random words!

I did measure my waist when I was four pounds up, and yes my waist stayed the same!

Thanks for all the help and replies. X
Re: Grrrr Yo yo up and down!
12 Sep 2013, 22:01
Do you ever look at peoples progress charts? There are few interesting ones around here. Take a look at mine - up, down, up 2lbs last week, down 2st since the new year and that is off for good. Ups and downs are normal, yes they are a pain but stick with it.
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