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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I have been doing this for a month now and feel my obsession with carbs on the 5 days "off" is sabotaging the whole thing.Tuesday and Thursay are my fast days and in between I can't get enough carbs and have no desire to eat anything else but that. Any suggestions?
Hey Penny,

A lot of us love carbs here so you're in good company!
Do you have your two fast days under control yet? I think that's definitely the first stage with this WOL. Concentrate on getting those right and then look at fixing the 'feast' days.
As long as you're not going too far over your TDEE I wouldn't worry too much for now.
Have you weighed and taken measurements since adopting this WOE?
Lil :heart:
Well, I try to limit my carbs on weekdays and have a few indulgences over the weekend. This is how it tends to work for me...the less carbs I eat, the less carbs I crave. Unfortunately, the reverse is just as true. So, the more carbs I eat the more and more I want. If I have overdone it on the weekend I go as low as I can go on Monday. I try to beat my number from last Monday. Can I do a zero carb day?? Well, it's never happened so far but maybe one day.

But, by Tuesday I'm back on board and not wanting the white junk as much. So, if I haven't strayed from the path M W and F fast days are 30-50ish carbs. Tues and Thursday non-fast days usually come in around 100 because I like to have a serving with dinner and hot chocolate or a small amount of dark chocolate. Sometimes weekends and holidays are a bit of a free-for-all. Then, we've come full circle and on Monday I'm playing the how low can I go game again. :wink:
Those numbers aren't to bad at all. There is low carb for extreme weight loss which would be your 30 - 50g a day and a normal/low carb diet of 100 carbs a day. If I go by my recommended balanced diet (when I started) I would have been on 230g of carbs a day.
The low carbing for extreme weight loss level isn't long term healthy or even achievable.
No matter how much I think that carbs are the spawn of the devil, they DO have a place in a healthy diet.
Exactly, Julie. It isn't so bad if you try to do reasonable low carb or moderate carb. I know that I cannot stick to extreme low carb very long. It just doesn't work for me...they start creeping in and before you know it I've given up or gone on a binge.
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