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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi I'm a newbie to this woe and so far so good, but this week I've had a shock my son has anounced he's set his wedding day for 6 months time August to be precise. I so so want to be slim for his special day.
What I'm concerned about after reading everything I can on this subject doing this will it be possible to loose the 30lbs in time.
I'm currently a size 16/18 and want to be a size 12/14. I know my weight loss will slow down or plateau.
Is it possible all you experts out there really need your support and encouragement :shock:
The average weightloss of Forum members is about 1 lb a week, so taking a very simplistic approach 6 months = 24 weeks = 24 lbs, which if not 30 lbs is very nearly there.
You have already found that you can lose with this WOE, so unless you have another plan, I'd stay stick with it :clover:
And stick around here,'cos if you plateau, we'll help you get back on that there hoss!
I lost 1lb per week- seemed slow at the time, but it's do-able.
You may be slightly over your ideal target by the summer but if you do lose a pound a week on average you will still look fabulous and slim in your mother of the groom outfit. Good luck!
Huge congrats to your son!

I agree with the above posters, I've found that I'm losing about 1-1.5lb a seems slow but 6 months is ages away! Make sure you keep at/slightly under your TDEE on non fast days to ensure you're not undoing all your hard work on fast days! I'm rubbish at monitoring my calories so I keep track on non fast days using my fitness pal which does it all for you!
:heart: Hi @LUVLEEJU Yes as everyone has said if you get stuck in and do "true" fastdays you'll get very close indeed plus reducing your carb intake could boost your weightloss its worth a try for a month or so and it should confuse your body into releasing some from your fat store I've just posted in the Low Carbers tent and should be easy for you to find loads of good useful information and recipes to try.
Either way you'll feel like a proud mother of the groom and feel so much better with whatever weightloss you achieve by the time of the wedding. :heart: Sue
Welcome to the forum , LUVLEEJU ! So many friendly folk here , you'll soon get to know everyone !

Like you , I have an unexpected wedding ( niece's ) in October so panicking slightly about what to wear / do I have the wiilpower to sustain the 5:2 WOE ?

Last year (April - October ) I embarked on my 5:2 journey and lost 1stone relatively easily ( was 10 st 7lbs , reached 9 st 7 lbs ) . From Oct. - early Dec. I followed 5:2 diligently , losing another 3lbs , but Christmas , several family birthdays/ celebrations wreaked havoc on my good intentions ( not so much the food , which I'm fairly sensible about , but the wine ..... !?!?!?!?! ).
I feel much slimmer and fitter than I did a year ago , BUT - at only 5' 3" , know in my heart of hearts I should be shedding another stone . . . . but that's the difficult bit , isn't it ? Just standing in the changing room of John Lewis , trying on dresses and tops , with these cruel mirrors showing up all the flabby bits you'd convinced yourself you'd banished for ever , is a salutary warning . . .

Not sure how to advise you , LUVLEEJU , but keep reading all these helpful posts - I intend to ! So much good advice , chivvying , admonishing ( occasionally !) humour and friendship too. Think positive !

Good luck with your August wedding goal - you can do it ! (and I'm trying hard for October too !)

Best wishes , Goldilox .
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