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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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So... yesterday was a fast day (#21 for me). I woke up with a sinus headache and went to work. Once there I learned that my boss of 3+ years died the day before. I messaged my hubby the news and he suggested abandoning my fast. I wasn't the least bit physically hungry though and I resisted. Throughout the day I definitely had 'comfort food' cravings. And the wicked headache would not go away. I left work early, did a few errands, including meeting hubby in the evening for grocery shopping. Then went home to have salad for dinner. He was very concerned about me. He said I appeared spacey and pale. I still have a sniffle and a headache today. Thank goodness it is Friday!

I'm wondering though, what do other people do on very stressful days? Do they stick with it? Are there any tips/tricks/tools I can learn about to make fasting days that are also stressful days go easier?
Awww! *hugs* So sorry to hear about your boss. There is stress (cars not working proper, missed the bus, etc) and then there is STRESS (grief). For normal everyday stress, I say do your best and don't let it derail you from your goal of taking care of you. For extreme stress, do what is right for you, if you feel like eating, eat if not, don't. Take care of you and those you love. :heart:
hey there, so sorry for you and the loss of your boss. I have to agree with betsysgr8 and on those extreme stress days just do what is best for you and if that means throwing in the towel on the fast, so be it. When I have had stressful fast days I have tried to do things to keep my mind off of the fact that I am fasting and if that means taking the dogs for an extra long walk then I do it. If it means I drink a few more cups of Pukka Peppermint/Licorice tea, I do it. If you like those flavours, that tea is delicious and very satisfying. You take care!
*hugs* from me, too. I don't think I could have said it better than Betsy. How each of us deals with stress is as unique as our looks, personality, etc. Do take care of yourself and do what feels best for you. :heart:
Sorry to hear your news x

It sounds like you coped very well. If hunger is not the problem, food is not the answer. Easier said than done most of the time but food would not have genuinely helped/soothed you in that situation I think.
Thanks folks! I love that saying "If hunger is not the problem, food is not the answer." I think I need to put that up on my pantry door and fridge. Wonderful!

I'm feeling a bit more like myself today. Still find the whole boss/death thing unsettling but I'm slowly adjusting.
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