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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi all,

so I'm 2 months into 5:2 now and whilst I've gone down a bit it hasn't been that much. I suppose I didn't have so much to lose - but I'm basically 2 kilos down in 2 months. I expected more I think. But to be fair I did have 2 weeks holidays and I find it impossible to lose during TOTM even with carrying on fasting and exercising. So I look at it as 4 weeks rather than 2 months! Anyway rambling (pre-amble!)

What I really want to know is how can I reduce my bum and thighs? I am a classic pear shape and I already have a slim waist that's under the 50% ratio so I don't need to lose any there. And overall I'm (just barely) in the healthy BMI. But I do really need to lose bum and thigh fat as I'm totally out of proportion (think size 10 on top and 16 on the bottom). And it's just not shifting. I have measured waist, hips, thighs and have lost zero cm let alone inches. I exercise pretty much every day - minimum 30 mins of aerobics or boxing and alternate with toning.

So, how can you target losing fat in a certain place? Is it possible even? I mean I do bum and thigh exercises but that seems to just make them bigger (although less wobbly)!! But the fat is still there.

Is liposuction the only answer? :bugeyes:
I can only speak for myself but exercise has slimmed down my bum and thighs , specifically running and using the Cross Trainer. I was in size 16 jeans and I'm now in size 12. There is a good programme called Couch to 5K (C25K) endorsed by the NHS to get you moving more
I used bike and cross trainer at gym I think both have helped me slim down in legs along with 5:2. I don't overdo just enough to warm up for weights and stretches. Sorry if not helpful lisainch
This is just my opinion...but I think you can diet forever and not really change your body shape much. Exercise will tone and improve. But, I think a pear will still be a pear. I have been an apple since puberty I guess. Frustrating as it is, when I lose I just become a smaller apple. The stomach is the first place I gain and the last hold out when I lose.
I think you need to persevere with 5:2. I'm also a pear shape and lost almost 10kgs over 6 months. I've gone from sz 12/14 trousers to sz 8. I've only done light exercise like walks, dvd workouts and easy pilates.

My thighs and bum are still large (in my opinion), but much smaller than they were.

It will work if you stick at it and don't overeat on feed days. Keep going because it's really worth it.
43tweaker wrote: This is just my opinion...but I think you can diet forever and not really change your body shape much. Exercise will tone and improve. But, I think a pear will still be a pear. I have been an apple since puberty I guess. Frustrating as it is, when I lose I just become a smaller apple. The stomach is the first place I gain and the last hold out when I lose.

Well, yes, I do agree with you - I mean, I will always be that shape it's true, and I'm OK with that, but I just want to even out the difference in my top and bottom halves I suppose. It makes buying clothes so difficult - anything that fits my hips is 3 sizes too big on my waist.

I already do bum and thigh target exercises, I suppose I just need to give it more time :nailbiting:
I agree with 42tweaker, I don't believe you can change your basic shape, I am also an apple, you can only change your size. I have a flat bum, a big tum and a spare tyre that I will never get rid of. It is so frustrating when you can't shift weight from your problem areas so I really sympathise/empathise with you lisaich but at the end of the day being healthy, whatever shape you are, is more important, I think! And yes, buying clothes to fit different sizes is a nightmare, if it fits my waist then there is room for a herd of elephants round the hips and if it fits my hips there no chance that I will EVER get the waistband fastened, think I'll have a glass of wine to take my mind off things! :grin:

Ballerina x :heart:
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