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I can't believe how full I am!
19 Mar 2014, 22:56
Today is a feed day for me. I still have over 600 calories left (and that's actually 200 less than my TDEE since I eat lower during the week and splurge on the weekends.) I had a late snack of a banana and peanut butter and now I'm supposed to eat dinner and just don't feel hungry at all! I'm at a cafe and want to get something yummy, but just don't feel like I have any room!

Does this happen to other people? Do you try to force yourself to eat, so you aren't eating too little on feed days?
Hi cblasz
Yes, for the first time in my life, there are times I just don't feel I can eat any more that day. So I don't. I'm trying to learn to pay attention to & honor my body's fullness & hunger cues. I'm also working on not feeling obligated to eat just because I'm going out somewhere. Usually, people I'm with are cool about it & I'll get a coffee or tea to chat with. I try to make sure it wont make the person feel awkward, if I think they will, I order an appetizer or salad, play with it & take home the rest. Don't overthink it, just enjoy your day.
I haven't had it lately, but there was a time when I would get stomach cramps after eating what seemed like a normal amount on non-fast days. These days, I'm having to be more mindful and ask myself whether I'm really hungry.

If you're not hungry, I wouldn't force it. I like MLCDz advice :-)
Yes these days i do get times when I ' m full..guess our tums shrink or something tho having said that,most of the time i can eat,coz in my head i fancy something even tho my body is telling me i dont need to eat yet! But yes its a pleasant surprise to find i am more in touch with whether i am hungry or whether i am merely being greedy!
Nice that youre sensitive to others, its true that some people feel uncomfortable dining alone,but beware the saboteurs who just want you to eat to make themselves feel better coz they want to..specially when it comes to desserts! X
Without a doubt my appetite has reduced since starting 5:2.
Thanks everyone. I did end up feeling a little hungry, so got something to eat. I probably could've gone without, but that might've made today's fasting a little harder. It's just so strange to me. I used to always be able to eat!
Yes! Today I ate when not hungry.
Its the day after fast day morning. I'm not hungry at all but we're having hubbies birthday breakfast so share half an omelette with son who also is not a brekky person. Packed a chicken salad for lunch. Sitting in the staff room at 11.40 am not hungry at all but eat most of it anyway. Got a bit hungry 7 hours later for birthday dinner ( had munchies- 20 grams Havarti cheese and 20 grams crisps and then not of hungry for special birthday dinner I spent hours making.
Motto- I can't eat as much as I used to which is a good thing.
Now that I come to think about it, I probably really only enjoy my food when I've utilized my eating window and wait till I'm really hungry ( which is about 1-3 pm in the afternoon as the first time I eat in the day.) This is a seriously interesting journey. I worked out that I used to eat 4 meals a day a year ago. Now I eat 14 meals a week ( instead if 28) because I listen to my hunger and don't eat breakfast just because"its the most important meal in the day". The first meal I eat in the day IS breaking my fast so YES it IS a very important meal in my day - even if it is at 2 pm.
( I have lost 3 stone/19.7 KGS in this last year) it works people!!!
Xxx julianna
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