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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I'm not blaming my 4lb gain, am blaming my other half for being away with work and not being here to control me! :oops: I haven't been too terrible but there won't be a fast this week, I am just not in the mood. Not quite sure how to motivate myself either. I think some sunshine would do the trick and also if someone could come and take this bottle of wine away from me....
Don't be disheartened Babyfish - have a peak at my blog Havoc at the Harvester :doh: Despite my good intentions I went off the rails in one meal :razz: and set myself back a fortnight :oops: We all go off the rails at some point sometimes a little sometimes a lot but hey ho,there's always tomorrow :wink: :like:
Heh Babyfish - it's early days, we are riding the wave. Dig down deep and chuck whatever you need to the side. Tomorrow is a new day. For me it's also about changing more than food and the usual day to day, it's about taking on something I've always wanted to do (but have not as I've been to busy). Along side this I am about to buy a guitar and have lessons and get back to art - long lost childhood pursuits.

Oh, I'm also joining a choir (I'm flat as a pancake - day tomorrow!).

So while your OH is away, keep busy and challenge yourself. I find that helps.

I'll also keep my eye out for a lovely OH for me.

Lizbean :wink:
Babyfish, it happens.
This is but a minor blip and you can get back on track for your Easter loss. So, not off the rails, but on a minor diversion!
Thank you all, you are all lovely and encouraging.
I was so motivated up until this weekend and it was the first weekend that i 'feasted' so to speak. Maybe food upsets your brain waves when you pack it in...
Look at the big picture Babyfish! Its just a minor blip like Penny said
You won't even remember it in time to come,when youre reporting weight loss,inch loss,compliments received,how good you are feeling,how your appetite has changed,how friends are noticing yr skin looks good.. etc etc etc..
So get back on that horse soon as you feel able,and then all the good things will start to happen
all the quicker..these things happen faster for a faster! :grin: hahaha!
We are all here to cheer you on x
I know how you feel. My partner has been away for a while now, and it was really difficult for me too. We do the 5:2 together and keep each other honest. However, after a few blow-outs I have managed to get back on track. The weight I put on was a little easier to shift and now I have reached my target weight.

Start each day a-fresh as if yesterday's excess didn't happen. I am trying not to be held ransom by food any more. I used to get very upset with myself if I ate or drank too much. Now, for me, there's always another day (I know, it sounds a bit Scarlette O'Hara but it seems to work).

Don't lose heart, you will get there in the end in spite of the occasional blow-outs.
Scarlet O'Hara looked pretty good - there is sense in that!
So sorry baby fish that you're feeling rotten. I totally understand how it feels to have to face a fast with your other half away. You have shown control writing here and seeking support. I think that's key to this WOL is seeking support. The longtimers still seek support too. The others are right you will get past this.
If there is anything in the house you want taken off you I sufgest throwing it into the back of the highest cupboard. If you do get the chair to pull it out only have a bit and put it out if reach.
It's also helped me to help the newbies with suggestions it helps remind us that we have learnt so much. Lots of warm showers and cuddling a teddy helps too.
Stay close to forum as you are.
X Jo
Well, I have sat and entered everything I ate yesterday into MFP and it wasn't pretty but I can draw a line under it now. It was pretty terrible after all but what's done is done. I am off to Tesco to buy some healthy food so at least if I do slip up there are better things in the house to scoff than cheese and onion crisps and toast and even if I don't manage to fast today I will try and stay around 1000 Kcals and do a bit of damage limitation.
Thanks guys for the encouragement last night.
Well looking at your results since 13 Jan I think you are doing fantastically.
If it's any consolation I completely fell off the wagon last night,
Cheesy garlic snails, then a huge schnitzel smothered in cheese and mushroom sauce and a 2 Dom Pedros to finish and a nice scotch and soda for good measure, I dont even know how to start calculating for MFP but it must be at least 10 000 Kj. :grin:

Fresh start today. :grin:
It sounds amazing though!!!
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