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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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My husband told me I have a nice soft form hour glass now , it used to be a bit bottom heavy and like a triangle, I think he means pear, pear is infamous in my genes.

I'll take that as a compliment though, heck I'll take anything that slightly resembles a compliment, it motivates. :oops:
And such a nice compliment as well, from the one you love, :smile:

Ballerina x :heart:
Aw, sweet!
Its great to receive compliments

Do you compliment him :?:
Men certainly have a way with words. But at least he noticed and said something. You are right it is so s l o w! But keep going, its a way of life.
jacksati wrote: Its great to receive compliments

Do you compliment him :?:

Yes, I do, he has lovely hamstrings and chiselled leg's. He rides 250km around the Alpine Mountains each January in one day, I dont know how he does it, and its summer at the time :smile:
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