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I made it through the day
26 Feb 2014, 16:53
Well I am about to finish work and so happy I managed to eat well today, this is what I Had;

Rice Krispies Square cereal bar
Cucumber sticks
wholemeal pitta
5 turkey slices
Strawberry mousse

My hunger peaked about 3pm but I ignored it, made myself a cup of tea and I am ok now. I think starting with 16:8 healthy eating will help me to re-learn that hunger can be managed and satisfaction is gained from managing the hunger. I think I might be ready to start fasting again in a few weeks :like:

I have sausages for tea, but having two instead of the normal three and will have a small portion then no eating after 7pm

Hope everyone else has had a good day
Re: I made it through the day
26 Feb 2014, 16:58
Well done @Claire23. Small steps to begin with :heart:
Enjoy hour sausages. :heart: Sue
Re: I made it through the day
26 Feb 2014, 17:04
Thanks for the update, always nice to hear how things pan out. I like the phrase "satisfaction form managing your hunger"
Keep up the good work.
Re: I made it through the day
26 Feb 2014, 17:06
Well done!

I think success is a bit like a muscle - when we haven't used it for a while, we have to break it in gently - start with a jog, not a full-out sprint. Each success builds our strength up, and soon the successes get bigger and better. So your plan sounds like a winner to me.

You've got me really fancying sausages for tea now!
Re: I made it through the day
26 Feb 2014, 17:25
YAY! well done, that's you broken through!
Re: I made it through the day
26 Feb 2014, 17:29
Don't forget, we're still waiting for you in the ADF tent! :wink:

Well done!

Bean :starving: :heart:
Re: I made it through the day
26 Feb 2014, 17:42
Keep at it and enjoy your sausages.
Re: I made it through the day
26 Feb 2014, 17:55
Well done! I think 16:8 really works. I had been trying to get back on to it properly since Christmas but found I was cheating with a piece of fruit or two mid-morning. Have now got back onto proper 16:8, the excess few pounds are dropping off and I feel much better. I'm sure you will find the same :clover:
Re: I made it through the day
26 Feb 2014, 17:59
Well done :like:

Tomorrow is another day, and another opportunity to practise success. You can do it!
Re: I made it through the day
26 Feb 2014, 18:09
Well done Claire. Log on everyday and let us know how you are doing. Its very hard to fall off the wagon with us lot yelling at you to jump back on :-) Take each day at a time, small steps are the way to go :heart: and enjoy those sausages you've earnt them :like:
Re: I made it through the day
26 Feb 2014, 19:52
That is terrific Claire, well done.

cheers Maggie :smile: :smile:
Re: I made it through the day
26 Feb 2014, 19:56
So glad to hear Cliare. It will get easier x
Re: I made it through the day
26 Feb 2014, 19:59
Well done Claire, see you can do it. Mind over matter. Well that's what I'm telling myself :wink: .
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