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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

17 posts Page 1 of 2 can be strange, 5:2 life stranger still..
On an ordinary day,i find Cuppasoups and Slimmasoups pretty repulsive and inedible.
However, i know today( a fasting day ) come 4 pm and a 60 cal slimmasoup will taste like nectar from the gods...warming,filling and with a welcome salty boost to take me thru to dindins time..
Bring it on :grin: :lol:
Hey Candice!!

This is soooo true lol, ANY food taste like nectar on fast days :-)enjoy your soup and your dinner later, not too long now xxx
Not a fast day for me today, but of all the food I dreamed of yesterday not much really appeals today, that's what 5.2 does to you,bloody good job too :-)
Thanks Ange! Have just taken the first sip and yep - tastes divine! Wouldnt be able to drink it tomorrow! And the choccy cake that keeps swimming into my mind today? - it won't appeal in the same way tomorrow.mixed up ole world isnt it! X :grin: :lol:
I think that's been one of the biggest revelations of this eating plan. Everything you fancy on a fast day (which is pretty much any food stuff that comes into view) doesn't have the same appeal when you're 'allowed' to eat it.

Personally I find the fact that I'm on a fast day, enough of a deterrent to stop me caving and scoffing a bar of dairy milk. Then by the next day, I probably could quite easily still scoff it, but it's more of a take it or leave it feeling. It's so much easier than regular calorie counting.
By afternoon of a fast day I walk past the office vending machine packed with chocs and crisps and sweets and think eugh, filth! But anyone puts the same in front of me on a non-fast day and it's scoffed.

However, if I get a whiff of a jacket potato or some yummy soup or meat on a fast day it's droooool!
@egregious You hit the nail on the head! What makes it easier than regular calorie counting is - you dont have to feel deprived - if you cant have it today,well you can have it tomorrow! :lol:
And that fact takes most if not all of the power out of our desire for goodies!
@Katastrofee sense of smell is so evocative..the aroma of good nutritious tasty food is torment on a fast day! Thats why i feel so much for those members who still have to cook on a fast day for family! They must have cast iron willpower!
@Katastrofee I'm not sure I could ever look at chocolate as filth, maybe one day :lol:

@CandiceMarie I have to cook for Himself on a fast day as I'm always home before him, but we both have the same. It's usually carb free and he'll have a bigger portion. If he doesn't like it, then he can cook it himself :razz:

I've been considering having a total fast on one of the days and cooking him something that I can re-heat, then I'll go for a walk or something while he eats. This Thursday he's away so I'm thinking of doing a trial run. Not sure I can hack it though, I'm usually chasing down scabby dogs by 6pm :shock:
I know, i cant quite make that leap to total fast either..i am ready to snatch rusks from a baby by teatime on a fast day..i have a dim memory that i DID once wait til next day before i broke my fast..i think i was so shocked by it,my mind refuses to remember the details! :grin: :lol: x
Let us know how yr trial run pans out!
Yep, will do. Oops, I've gone and made myself accountable, still it might help motivate me. Sometimes I'm too lazy to cook, so if Himself isn't here, I might just not bother to eat by default.
@CandiceMarie well I actually managed it without eating my own arm. Just had herbal teas, hot/warm water and 1/2 a beef stock at lunchtime. Wasn't too bad really, but I have been busy fighting with a curtain rail this evening, so that took my mind off it. Thursday fasts are never as easy but I think I could do it again. I know technically it's not over yet but I'm off to bed in a mo, hopefully will be able to sleep.
Well done! And hope you won the fight with the curtain rail :lol: :lol: xx
Did the curtain rail win??!!
Amusing posts! SO many ways of expressing hunger aren't there? Personally I can eat the balls off a low flying duck some fast days!
Thats a good one @Debs!
Another good one i first heard on here is, i could eat a horse and chase the jockey! X
@Debs No it lost! Although I didn't walk away unscathed :grin: @CandiceMarie cheers. The curtain rail took several attempts but I did eventually conquer it. The jockey one - yes I remember reading that one, made me chuckle. Night night peoples :grin:
Good to hear it wasnt " curtains " for you@egregious! :grin:

Ps every time i see the 'its a funny old world" title, i say to myself..
"It's a small world but i wouldnt want to hoover it!" :lol: :grin:
Ok, i ' ll just get me coat...
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