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Losing weight in week one ????
18 Sep 2013, 13:50
Hi all, I've done my first 2 fast (Fri & Mon) this (5:2) week and didn't count cals or over eat on non-fast days. The main thing for me is that I've managed to stay off the scales since Sunday. This is a big thing for me as I normally check in with them on a daily basis, even when not trying to lose weight. Tomorrow is weigh in day for me and it feels like Xmas, waiting to see what I get. Of course I'm hoping for a nice surprise but have told myself I'll be happy with a lb down. I'm in this for the long haul and even if I don't lose this week I'm sticking at it for the health benefits.
What I want to know is, did you lose any weight after just one week? It will be interesting to see how many people lose on week one and how many don't. If you didn't how long was it before the pounds started coming down? Sorry if it sounds like I'm obsessing over the weight too much, it is the health benefits that will keep me on this WOL. I'm just excited because the 5:2 santa is coming to me tomorrow morning.
I hope everyone else is having a great 5:2 week.
Cross you fingers for me for tomorrow.
I waited for 3 weeks and was a tiny bit disappointed even though I'm doing it for health reasons. But then I got over myself and was just grateful it was a loss. Anyway I have decided to go to weekly weigh-in and Santa is coming on Saturday.... Please post your results when you weigh-in. Good luck!
I actually gained a little bit the first week (you can see my tracker) but I lost a cm of my waist, so going in the right direction. Now I am 4 weeks down and I have lost an average of a pound per week and I feel great!
Don't get too obsessed about the scales, keep going and in the long run you will see the results. Having said that, I hope tomorrow you will get a nice surprise because it is also nice to see a measurable progress!
I lost in the first week and it was a noticeable amount on the scales, but I forget now as it's over a year ago and back then I hated the numbers too much to write them down ;)

If you click on to the Progress Tracker link at the top you can look at the overall forum weight loss stats and you'll find a chart which shows how the losses change from week to week, starting with higher losses and then evening out to around 1lb a week on average.
Hi JustDee

I lost on my first week and each week since, I didn't really expect this as I started this WoL in a healthy weight range and am doing the plan for the other health benefits.

Good luck on Sunday.

JustDee, welcome!

I have lost every week, with an average weekly loss of 2.5 pounds! It has varied, sometimes I've lost 3, sometimes I've lost 1 - depends entirely on what I've eaten that week and how many times I've walked the dog, etc.

Very best wishes and good luck, I hope you love this way of life, like many of us here on the forum do! xx
Yes I lost but to be really truthful I like many ''misread'' and did eat anything I wanted on the other 4 feed days then found this forum and realised I'd probably overeaten but my 2 lbs loss was welcome indeed also I have never in those 22/23 weeks gained at all :heart: :heart:
Absolutely amazing I've never had such results before on any diet and I've done the lot, even more importantly it has been so so easy and enjoyable and will result in a WOL for me deffo :clover: Sue :clover:

Good luck coz Xmas will come early for you tomorrow :heart:
Thanks everyone, and thanks Moogie, I'll have a look at those stats.
I'll have to just wait and see tomorrow. Like I said I'm in this for the long haul and already feeling better in myself. Your all so inspiring and one things for sure, we do lose weight on this WOL, even if it is slow (after all that is the best way) :smile:
Hi! I lost a massive 6 pounds my first week - I was stunned! since then though it has evened out to just over a pound a week. I think the more you weigh to start with the more you lose, especially if you have not been on a diet when you start. Good luck with the scales :clover:
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