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My hubby started 5:2 yesterday
29 May 2014, 11:21
He's not overweight; his BMI is under 23, but at 44 he is finding for the first time in his life that his 32/32 trousers are too tight :neutral: He is determined not to give in and buy 34s!

I always said I'd like to weigh less than him for just one day, which has happened in the last few weeks. However, doing that by virtue of him gaining weight doesn't count :confused:

So now we are in a strange new position, whereby I am the one having to delicately manage his feelings as he has never had body size/shape issues before. Historically it's always been him consoling me over the too-tight waistband and trying to give support without being annoyingly helpful IYKWIM?

He did his first fast day yesterday and was fine, albeit moaning about being hungry at times. No headache but disrupted sleep. I fasted as well and of course worked out all his calories etc. At one point I did feel the need to point out that I've had to watch my weight all my life, so my sympathy for him missing ONE meal in a day (he doesn't eat breakfast as a rule) was fairly limited... ! He's 2lbs down this morning so is happy, and I have made sure he's downloaded True Weight so he doesn't get hung up on the daily fluctuations. Oh, and I told him to read the FAQ and Simon's newbie warnings threads on here. Can't do much more :geek:

Please wish him luck as we all know the less you have to lose the harder it often is, and wish ME luck as support crew :lol:
@Winsome I'm sorry but this made me laugh. I think you will need lots of patience and fortitude but good luck to you both and I'm sure he'll get into the swing of things soon :)
My OH likes the monotony of his fast days so once we worked out what he could eat he has stuck with it. His love of bread, pasta and rice on the other five days is what's slowing his loss over the months. With still around 40kg to go we are in for the long haul.
Good luck Mr Winsome! I am sure you' ll do great with your lovely wife's support! X
:clover: Good. Luck @Mr Winsome :clover:
But think the wife needs it more than you do :clover: :clover:
Seriously though i hope your trousers become a little loose on the waist line sometime very soon. :like:
Second fast day today. I wouldn't have chosen for him to start off with only one day between fasts but we have a big party to go to tomorrow night so have worked around that.

He's doing REALLY well, no cheating and counting every level teaspoon of sugar in his coffee....however I've realised that its probably the worst timing in the world for him to be starting this a few days before my period :bugeyes:

I've beaten him into submission and he now has nutracheck on his phone so he can calculate EXACTLY how many grams of cheese HE can have with HIS remaining calories HIMSELF. :starving:

'Nuff said!! :wink:

I do love him, honest!
Good luck with this one, when my OH did it with me he made my life a misery so I was almost relieved when he decided to stay fat :shock:

Ballerina x :heart:
Thanks for making me laugh today. I wish luck to all couples who can do this together. Mine won't even consider it and I'm fine with that as it would turn into a competition and snarky nastiness in no time. I just don't talk about it and he eats what he wants, so we can still smile at each other occasionally over a cup of black coffee (me) & one with 1/4 c. cream & 4 T. sugar (him). Ah, love...
Mine drops 10 lbs just by cutting out a few pieces of cake and a cookie or two for a week. Heck, he loses weight when I go on a diet, just from us not eating out so much.

I try not to be resentful . . .but it does seem a bit unfair!
I am doing the same with all mine, hubby and two sons as the expanding waistbands are getting problematic. Hubby is showing distinct signs of terror at the thought of changing anything. Its to be expected of the two lads who are both on the Autistic Spectrum, but I didn't expect it of hubby. He's the one that needs to keep his weight down, any excess weight causes him more pain. The biggest problem is going to be switching out his sugar in his teas. I'm sure that if he didn't have sugar every 30 minutes he would feel more hungry when it was meal times and he would eat healthier because of it.
:?: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Hi Julie at home
Perhaps you could switch your Hubby's sugar to a substitute like Stevia.A bit more expensive but has a reasonably sweet taste without a bitter aftertaste that some substitute sweeteners have.
Your support is appreciated folks :cool:

Peebles, my hubby was always the same until the last year or so. Suddenly, just cutting out the vino and making a tiny adjustment isn't enough anymore. It's taken me many years to accept that's how it is and to suck up the unfairness, and now it's all change.

I KNOW it's all questions when we begin, but as I told him last night that frankly, I've been through all this and as he knows, spent many an hour browsing the forum and reading up. He has a straight choice: either accept what I say as gospel (last night this was about why he is doing 5:2 and I am doing 4:3/ADF) or he can do all the research again for himself! :curse:

Anyway, after three fasts and the calorie negotiation that has gone on, I've now pinned him down to me having a fixed 450 calorie allowance with which to provide his evening meal. The other 150 are his to use on sugar in his coffee, a daily dose of cheese or whatever.

Good luck with your fellas Julie!
You tell him @Winsome! :) :) :)
Good luck
It amazes me how *some*men decide to make changes but it's up to significant others to make it work for them ;)
Beloved is the same but usually just lasts about three days. Wish he would stick at it though as he is a bit too heavy and rather unfit...
Ohh this is so my husband. It's up to me to calorie count for him. You'd think that after 18months ( yes he started before me) that he'd know what he can eat on a fast day! Oh no apparently not! Well someone at his work mentioned MFP, ignore the fact that I've been using it since day 1! Now, everyday day I am given a run down of how many calories in this and that and the other and ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!
Well, well well. Its only been 4 days, my sons are happy fasting, hubby didn't like, but he persevered. Its cruel, but because of his disability he can't just grab something like a chunk of cheese out of the fridge as he can't cut it etc. So he is at my mercy. What has happened that's remarkable is with the lads on board, we have all reduced hubby's sugar to one heaped teaspoon instead of two rounded, so a bit more than half a teaspoon difference. He hasn't noticed, yet when he makes his own tea, he always thinks he has double sugared it. I will give it another week at a heaped spoonful and then get the lads to drop to a flat spoon of tea and keep hubby away from the kettle.

@Minsmum I feel your aggravation. They are the same all over. We tell them something, or do something, over and over yet they won't believe us. But, if another male or sometimes a female authority figure tells them, then its a 'new' concept that they are going to embrace as their own. They will even try and tell you that its all their idea, they convince themselves that its all their idea and that you, who have been doing said same for 6 months, have only just jumped on 'their' bandwagon. Its a good job they have other uses..... and that we love them.
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