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I started this WOE in mid-August and it is working for me in the sense that I am losing weight, slowly but I feel really good about it. My fast days started easily and for a few weeks not so easy but now they are as smooth as can be.
My biggest issue are my non-fast days, I tend to eat way too many carbs! I feel like 80% of my calories are carbs, really! And I mean mainly grains, not even fruit. Now, if I plan my meals I tend to eat a more balanced diet but if not, I just eat any carb that dares to be in front of me. And, I looooove to bake :confused:
I don't want to completely give up carbs, I really don't but I wish I could eat less of them and more of the healthy stuff :frown:
Iztla, I share your pain and your guilty secret! I too am a carboholic, there I said out loud!
I am a ferocious baker, especially when I am down, everyone knows as I produce bread, cakes, biscuits!! My weight loss is also glacial but I am hard pressed to give up naughty carbs completely as I love them too much. What is life without beautiful sourdough?
I skip breakfast these days which reduces my car intake and I am generally not hungry then, but it is tricky as hubby loves rice, bread, pasta and wants to consume them at every meal, as do I. A conundrum!!
I'm a carb addict too :oops: there's only one thing that works for me and that's complete abstinence :starving: the good news is that the longer I go without, the less and less I want/miss them. The bad news is that it only takes a small amount for me to be right back there. It's alright people throwing the word moderation around, but me+carbs+moderation do NOT go hand in hand :curse: going without feels like deprivation at first, but after a while, when the cravings are gone and I start feeling healthier and losing weight, it's worth it! plus I'm more in control of my appetite :victory:
chichi13 wrote: I'm a carb addict too :oops: there's only one thing that works for me and that's complete abstinence :starving: the good news is that the longer I go without, the less and less I want/miss them. The bad news is that it only takes a small amount for me to be right back there. It's alright people throwing the word moderation around, but me+carbs+moderation do NOT go hand in hand :curse: going without feels like deprivation at first, but after a while, when the cravings are gone and I start feeling healthier and losing weight, it's worth it! plus I'm more in control of my appetite :victory:

SNAP :cry:

Ballerina x :heart:
Me too. What Chichi and Ballerina said. Oh but so yummy. Mind you, since I have been going without(ish) I think my tummy has been happier
Snap with Wendy Darling (waves) my tummy is sooooooo much happier without bread especially. Hardly ever have pasta any more, no cereal - why would you I figure the cardboard box is healthier IMHO. Basmati rice is my go to rice once a week max. Cakes and biscuits a rare treat. My downfall still crackers.

I never imagined to be in this situation and not feeling fatigued. Iztia I used to be a carbaholic
[quote="gillymary" no cereal - why would you I figure the cardboard box is healthier IMHO.[/quote]

:heart: Snap Snap Snap etc +more
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
I'm Sue a recovering carbohlic :like: :like: :like:

Drastically reduced my carbs towards my count at the start and much better for it :like: bread hardly ever likewise pasta and rice however loads of fruit and never actually looked
If these are high carbs if so then maybe kind of good ones.
:heart: get some withdrawal therapy Izla :clover: Sue. :clover:
My name is Julie I to am a carboholic. I also am gluten intolerant, but still eat bread, pasta, cakes etc. as they taste sooo good. But, something I have learnt is that wheat based products don't actually tasta all that good, its what you put on them that makes the wheat based product sooo good. Think of bread, on its own. It doesn't really come to life until you slap some butter on it, or dip it into soup. The same with pasta and crackers, pasta on its own is bland, its the sauce that makes a difference and cheese with your crackers. Cake comes ready made with its fat and sugar additives. Where wheat is concerned try and find a different way to have the toppings if you can.

Now if you will excuse me whilst I wander off to my corner and gibber with withdrawal symptoms. I am having a cheese and salami salad for lunch whilst the lads have cheese and salami toasties.
My name is Karen and I'm a carboholic. I have more or less given up all grains except once a week I allow myself a treat if I fancy it. Last week it was twice and I have paid for it as another week of no loss :cry: :cry:
Ha! Beat you to it! I made that declaration yesterday :) 5-2-diet-chat-f6/needing-support-instead-of-giving-it-t9493-15.html#p116872

And I'm going to repeat this as I think it's important that folk realise that going low-carb does not mean that one has to deprive oneself - there are many work-arounds!

FatDog wrote: <snip>...
My name is FatDog and I am a recovering carboholic...

So here are a couple of low-carb things I use:

* cheese and nuts - not so good on repair days, but give them 20 minutes and they'll usually calm things down; Tesco full fat cream cheese is 240kcals for 100g so even usable on repair
* linseed crackers - with any sugar-free nut butter (maybe not cashew as it's quite high carb), any cheese, pickles (not sweet ones), quorn ham and mustard (latter is good for repair days)
* pancakes - a more recent discovery that I'm still experimenting with, currently 15g soya flour and 10g gram flour (plus 50ml water, s&p, and / or seasonings) will make two nice sized pancakes for one, in no time; add an egg for extra oomph if you've calorie-space
* cakes - yes, soya flour, ground almonds and gram flour to the rescue; my halweyat adaptation is 12g carb for a *big* slice; Celia Brooks Brown almond muffins are even less...
* co-op 85% cocoa Ghanaian chocolate - at 17g carb per 100g it's wonderful stuff: two squares (occasionally four) usually sort out my postprandial pudding urges

I'll go dig a couple of links to my recips out xxx

see here for the halweyat, Thursday 5th September, day 74:
and here for linseed crackers, Friday 13th September, day 82:

Edit: and I'll have my cheese rolls (the best bread I've managed so far and rather good, though I say it myself) and a (hopefully) yummy flan on my log after this weekend xxx FatDog
:heart: :heart: Oops missed that yesterday fatdog :heart:
Thanks for your tips etc as i'm still a " work in progress " and can use all the advice I can get :heart: :heart: Sue
Thank you fat dog, you are a star *

I'm reducing by eschewing all things wheat, having very limited amounts of rye bread (yes I know it's got gluten but it's heavy so I eat very small pieces) or ryvita crackers when I really MUST eat carbs at home, also gluten-free ginger biscuits are helpful.
When out I'll eat an oat flapjack to be sociable or a G.F. If available, whilst hoping the sugar content will disperse quickly :0O

Realistically, there are times and places where I just have to eat wheat products but they are lessening as I get savvier, and luckily I'm not coeliac just a bit sensitive.

My daily carb intake on feed days is between 100-200g though I aim to get and keep below 150g ...
Wish me luck :0)
My name is Linda, and I fall into carb pit far too often. It's a very slippery slope. I have celiac disease so when I eat the carbs it is even worse. My bread, crackers, and pasta are made with tapioca starch, potato starch, corn starch, etc. So I miss out on the benefits of fiber found in most of the grains. And of course gluten free carbs have twice the sugar and fat to make them palatable.

My birthday was this week so have really overdone it with carbs and sweets and am laying here feeling miserable. An old WW saying comes to mind, "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels".

It seems the more you eat carbs, the more you crave truly is a battle. Now we need a 10 step program to quit or reduce our addiction! Someone here should be able to devise a list for us and we could pledge to follow....
What's wrong with eating carbs? Filling, but v. little fat. Obviously moderation is needed, but I thought carbs are an essential and useful part of a healthy diet? I thought this is about the 5:2 diet, not a non carb diet?

Confused of Norfolk:)

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