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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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New to this
04 Sep 2013, 10:26
Hello all.

I have recently had a big wakeup call when I checked my BMI and apparently I am classed as obese :shock:

Everyone around me says I don't look the weight I actually am, but I think they are just saying it to be nice tbh.

I flirted with the idea of Atkins, as apparently you see big results fast, but a friend pointed out this 5.2 thing to me, and to be honest it sounds perfect for what I like 5 days a week and be a bit hungry on 2 days.

I have a question though. I am on a fast day today, and I am trying to work something out. I used MFP for the caories in a cup of tea with 1 sugar..heres what I got

Surely that cant be right? Are the values for 1 sugar correct, or should they be higher? Its impossible for an extra 1/2 sugar to add nearly 50 calories..
Re: New to this
04 Sep 2013, 10:33
Hi and welcome Vicky :)
I know how you feel, I was shocked when I started with a BMI of almost 32 and well into the Obese category! My friends couldn't believe it, I've always held weight fairly well it seems.

I don't believe anyone should have to cut out entire food groups from their diet unless they are in some way allergic or intolerant to them. I love my carbs, and while I probably don't eat as many as I used to I couldn't dream of life without my beloved potatoes ;) So I can totally understand why you're leaning towards 5:2 over Atkins! Plus, there is no real quick fix for weight loss. It's healthier to lose it at a slow, steady rate and while you may be impatient to be smaller, it'll be better for you in the long run and more likely to stay off - slow & steady wins the race! Cutting back on 2 days a week is a small price to pay, so the losses are also smaller (but pleasing!).

Please do remember that "eat what you like" is not the same as "eat as much as you like". It means no foods are forbidden. It is of course still possible to overeat and negate any calorie deficit obtained from your fasting days!

As for the tea issue, I believe that second link isn't counting the milk. 1 level tsp of sugar is about 16 calories, so that's got to be for black tea with sugar. 1.5 sugars would be 24 calories, then add the amount of cals for your milk.

Some folks like to use a sugar substitute to save on cals, something like Stevia which is a natural product might be worth trying, albeit expensive.
Re: New to this
04 Sep 2013, 10:44
Hey moogie, thanks for the quick reply. And wow at your avatar. Thats some fantastic work right there :o

I know I still have to kind of watch calories on feast days. Luckily I am already in the habit of eating 2000cal a day or less. I do tend to pig out on chocolate sometimes, but if I do that I just skip a meal or something to stay under the 2k. Its very rare I eat over that, but if I do (if we go out for a meal or something) it still tends to only be about 2500cal. And thats a one off every now and again. So I dont think theres anything to worry about with negating the fast days.

My problem seems to be eating below 2000 per day if I am eating normally, if that makes sense. I have tried to go down to 1500 but it just doesnt work. I dont know why.

Which is why I figure the 2k per day that I normally eat will be fine on this diet, as long as I stick strictly to the fast days, is this right?

Planning on doing the 30 day shred at the same time. But am a bit embarrassed about doing it infront of OH tbh, as he tends to take the pee (in a good way though) and our room doesn't have enough space to do it in it has to be the lounge :/ And I am unfortunately not dedicated enough to get up an hour before him just so I can do an exercise routine, I like my sleep too much :lol:
Re: New to this
04 Sep 2013, 11:13
2000 calories on a non-fast day could easily be way too much. For example, my TDEE is around 1500. I'd be in a lot of trouble very quickly if I tried to eat 2000 every day. Best to calculate rather than assume.
Re: New to this
04 Sep 2013, 11:19
I dont really know what a TDEE is, but I searched for a TDEE calculator and got this when I put my details in

Your BMI is: 32.9
Your BMR is: 1639
Your TDEE is: 2254 calories

I used this one ... -fast-day/

That is assuming I do my exercise as normal (I do gym 2/3 times a week)

With no exercise it is

Your BMR is: 1639
Your TDEE is: 1967 calories
Re: New to this
04 Sep 2013, 11:21
I'd suggest signing up to the Progress Tracker to let it calculate your daily calorie needs (TDEE). Always best to underestimate your exercise levels too, as this is the downfall of many. I'd like to think I'm lightly active but I stick to sedentary for my figures as I mostly sit on my backside all day ;)

If you were gaining weight while eating around 2000 cals a day it stand to reason that is probably more than you need. If however you were maintaining weight on that amount then yes certainly cutting back to 500 cals or less two days a week should result in a loss :) We all have days were we eat rather too much, as long as it's not regularly it shouldn't be a problem :) I just wanted to be sure you knew that 'eat what you like' isn't exactly what it sounds like!
Re: New to this
04 Sep 2013, 11:24
I havent gained any weight in about 7 months or so, and thats on 2000 cal a day (and more sometimes)

I just never thought to check BMI and stuff until recently :p

I knew I was heavy for my height, I just didnt know I was THAT big
Re: New to this
04 Sep 2013, 11:29
OK, I set my progress tracker to sedentary.

But I do tend to go to the gym a few times a week most weeks (for treadmills, rowing machines, stepper and such, not weights)
Re: New to this
04 Sep 2013, 13:21
Hi Vicky and Welcome well done on wanting to take control now before your BMI goes through the roof like mine !!! Started at over 44 now I've dropped a group, so one step closer, I'm sure you've made the correct decision with this WOL it is truly amazing, just 2 days per week then eat carefully on the other days, well now you'be got your TDEE which was a little lower than you believed go ahead, sounds like your first fast day is going ok. I'm doing 4:3 simply because of the amount of weight I've got to lose, I now save all my calories for evening meal because once I ate lunch/snack I actually became more hungry so its eve meal of 2 courses I do this by way of a reward for doing the 24 hrs as you can see I've absolutely no complaints at all with my progress.
Good Luck to you :clover: Sue

Meant to say don't knock off calories earned with exercise just stick as close as you can to the 500 calories and if you have loads of salad and/or veg you will have a bigger + more filling meal :victory:
Re: New to this
04 Sep 2013, 13:49
Vicky87 wrote: I havent gained any weight in about 7 months or so, and thats on 2000 cal a day (and more sometimes)

I just never thought to check BMI and stuff until recently :p

I knew I was heavy for my height, I just didnt know I was THAT big

Sounds like about 2000 is right for you then :) TDEE calculations can be out by as much as 30% as there are so many individual factors they simply cannot account for! If you've been on about 2000 and maintained, then keep eating like that on your feed days. Going over a little won't hurt if you've been doing that before, it's probably offset by your gym visits (although it's best not to eat extra cals for those burned during exercise).
Re: New to this
04 Sep 2013, 16:09
Fast day is a bit wobbly now..OH is cooking his dinner and I am starving.

Extremely tempted to just give in for today, then do it tomorrow and friday as hes away at work those two days so I wont get tempted by anything. Would it be ok to do two days in a row? I know it says it is ok on the faqs, BUT I tend to not eat til around 5/6pm on a feast day, so I would be going around 56 hours or so

Just worried that if I give in today I will do that more often :/

Have had 5 cups of tea, and 2 carrots. So I have maybe 100cal or so left.
Re: New to this
04 Sep 2013, 17:34
I wouldn't recommend consecutive days for a new faster, I've been doing this a year and I've struggled with consecutive days! You've made it this far, you only need to make it through the evening and then it's bedtime. You can eat tomorrow!

You won't starve and the hunger will pass. Have yourself a nice big glass of water or a low cal hot chocolate and carry on. You can do it!

I didn't plan my first fast very well at all and was ravenous by the evening but persevered and was glad I did. Do you have what you need to make a nice big leafy salad? You can have a lot of that for 100 cals. Maybe next time try to spend your cals on food a bit more filling than cups of tea and carrots!
Re: New to this
04 Sep 2013, 18:44
Strangest thing happened just earlier. I was kinda arguing in my head over whether to give up for the day when I smelt the cooking..then about half an hour later..I wasnt hungry at all anymore? Very odd. Good, but odd :D

Also got a burst of energy at the same time after feeling dead all day off that 30 day shred.

I feel much better right now than I have in a long time. Maybe this isnt going to be as hard as I thought :)
Re: New to this
04 Sep 2013, 20:05
Hi Vicky glad you did ok and held on for the full fast it can only get easier from now on but you're so right about strange feelings because you've got to have your head in the right place to begin with then fasting seem less hard to do, you can do without because you can have that certain something tomorrow. Good Luck. :clover: Sue
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