Well I am biting my tongue right now because my grandson did not lick his dinner plate clean! Today is my fast day and I have done extremely well, easy breezey. But I cooked a nice dinner for my 10yo grandson of pork chops, green beans and rice pilaf and when he was done there was a tablespoon of rice and green beans remaining. I almost told him to come back and finish eating. I did a quick about face and said nothing. He has had enough right? I do not want to reinforce the idea to eat until there is nothing left just until your not hungry anymore.
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Ha, ingrained into us isn't it? There can't be many on here who were faced with that growing up and paid the price by feeling guilty for leaving food. I still do! Thank goodness for doggy bags in restaurants! For many of us, we were the first generation to have unlimited, cheap food and those who lived through the war couldn't abide waste of any sort. Well done on your restraint towards your grandson.

As long as you didn't eat it!

Cross my heart@Lil My dinner was another cup of carrot soup and a green side salad. Today was easy and I feel satisfied.

Glad you've had a good day@clairemarie I'm off to bed now - night night

@Debs Even after all these years I can hear my Mom and Dad talk of food rationing during the war, yes even here in the US and the starving children in Africa. As for my own children, I had six so they basically fought for their food!(lol). There is such an overabundance of poor quality food. Healthy food I think is in short supply.

Bye @Lil.

It was a hard lesson for me to learn to leave food on my plate. I like what Amanda Salis says about that: My body is not a rubbish bin. Or in my case: the compost bin. When you continue to eat food when you aren't hungry because you don't feel good throwing it away you are basically treating your body in that way. That helps me to leave food on my plate.

Great job!! It's so hard as adults to learn to stop when we've had enough. I'm glad to see you are trying to help your grandson not learn our bad habits

Well done for not teaching your grandson a habit you have fought hard to break yourself. It IS hard.
Say what you like about the diet, but when I did WW I had a great, very plain talking leader. Sometimes she offended people with her dismissal of excuses, but to be honest that's what worked for me. I can't bear people who blatantly lie to themselves about what they eat, and believe me I've heard some corkers in all my years of slimming groups!
Anyway, one of her pet sayings was "it's your choice - do you want to WASTE it or WAIST it?" In other words, the extra food goes in the bin or on your body!
I remember that every time in in a restaurant and can't manage the plate of food in front of me, or am not enjoying it and don't want to eat those calories for the sake of it. As hubby says, we've paid for it whether you eat it or not, but (at the time I was paying for slimming clubs) how much more will you pay to WW/SW in the long run if you eat it for the sake of it?
Say what you like about the diet, but when I did WW I had a great, very plain talking leader. Sometimes she offended people with her dismissal of excuses, but to be honest that's what worked for me. I can't bear people who blatantly lie to themselves about what they eat, and believe me I've heard some corkers in all my years of slimming groups!
Anyway, one of her pet sayings was "it's your choice - do you want to WASTE it or WAIST it?" In other words, the extra food goes in the bin or on your body!
I remember that every time in in a restaurant and can't manage the plate of food in front of me, or am not enjoying it and don't want to eat those calories for the sake of it. As hubby says, we've paid for it whether you eat it or not, but (at the time I was paying for slimming clubs) how much more will you pay to WW/SW in the long run if you eat it for the sake of it?

Even after over a year on this WOE, I still find myself genuinely pleased when I manage to leave food on a plate or agree to share a dessert!
Long may it continue!

Yes, Stowgateresident, I too was very pleased the first time in a restaurant that I left food on the plate sans doggiebag!
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