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Now I've plateaued ?
24 Sep 2013, 01:11
I've been doing 5:2 for months and happily losing the kilos I wanted to loose.But now I've plateaued. Without seeing the kilos melt away I feel my motivation waning. Has anyone else experienced this? Got any tips for staying on track? I think I would start gaining weight if I reduced to 6:1.
Re: Now I've plateaued ?
24 Sep 2013, 01:40
Hey Viola :)
Are you measuring too? You seem to be of a healthy BMI so I would try to relax :) are your fast days pretty strict? Are you overeating on feast days? Just a few things to think about.
Don't give up.
Lil :heart:
Re: Now I've plateaued ?
24 Sep 2013, 02:10
Ah I can relate! I had a massive plateau a few months ago that lasted a good couple of months. I was v depressed as before that had been consistently losing over 1lb a week. Then suddenly I started losing again and lost half a stone in around 3 weeks. I cant really explain the sudden loss but I like to think my body just needed some time to be sure I didnt need these next layers of fat before getting rid
Anyway, my advice is to stick in there!
Re: Now I've plateaued ?
24 Sep 2013, 02:20
I too haven't lost weight 3 weeks in a row. I'm trying to keep the faith as I know this works. I was thinking the same thing as body just wants to be sure it's okay to let go of the fat.
Re: Now I've plateaued ?
24 Sep 2013, 05:07
I had a long plateau - must have been about 3 months? I then did a few things to shake it up - I did a few weeks of sometimes 4:3, sometimes different fast days (instead of usual Mon/Thurs) and a 3 day juice fast. I also got my pedometer out, and did 10,000 a day, plus made sure I moved a lot incidentally over te day (search for "NEAT" for info on that). Not sure what triggered it, but my weight is going down again.

FWIW, I know I'll be doing 5:2 for maintenance. I'm sure that will keep me at my ideal weight, and not drop me below. (I would just skip a fast here or there in the unlikely event of loosing too much). I also don't find it impacts negatively on my lifestyle, so totally okay with it being a life plan.
Re: Now I've plateaued ?
24 Sep 2013, 06:44
My weight loss has been slow since June when I had a week off due to holiday with friends and gained a kg which I then lost fairly quickly. Then had a fall and twisted my ankle which meant my gym routine was curtailed. The past 6 weeks been sedentary due to some deadlines which incurred much sitting at the PC. Life is happening while I head towards my goal

All the way along have kept as close as I could to doing 5:2, also mixed it up with 16:8, liquid fasting. My weight fluctuates within a range of 1.5kg and haven't seen my lowest low for a good month. Viola I still persist and have the goal of healthy BMI maybe about 3~5 kgs away.

Slow and steady is OK, just stick to it and use Forum to keep inspired I guess. You are not alone :)
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