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Now what?
03 Oct 2013, 17:36
I've fasted on four separate days now, and am surprised by the fact that I am coping. I truly thought I would cave in on day one, because I've always believed that the reason I'm rubenesque is this huge love affair I've been having since my teens, with food.
I currently have no idea how I feel about food. Last week I loved it, this week... clueless.
I'm finding feast/feed days anticlimactic too - I expected to feel the need to stuff my face with anything that wasn't nailed down, but I'm waking up and am slightly lost... I don't know what I want to eat!
This has never happened. Ever.

I feel like I'm wandering around on a feast/feed day with a general feeling of "Now what?" :confused:

How did the rest of you feel when you started this WOE? Were you also surprised that you could actually do it? Were any of you as confused as I am? I feel like I've lost my best friend!!! :wink:
Re: Now what?
03 Oct 2013, 17:45
Hi Abbe - Congrats to you on embarking on and surviving the fast plan! :like:

I can relate to the early fear of failure and thinking "I like ("need") food far too much for this to work for me..." Then the awesome feeling of accomplishment upon waking up the next morning and realizing you did it! Then the even better feeling after the weighing in and realizing that not only did you not starve and managed to fit in some great meals, but also lost weight. Fantastic!

I've not experienced the "what now?" feeling as I pretty much eat the things I want to eat on non-fast days. What I love is not feeling the anxiety/guilt/agonizing decision making on eating that I would have in the past. I love just enjoying socializing without fretting whether something will or won't fit into my "diet". It's liberating, I tell ya! :wink:
Re: Now what?
03 Oct 2013, 17:51
Hi Abbe
I understand how you feel, its really weird what this wol does to your eating habits! It switches something in your brain, am sure of it, because like you, on fast days i see food everywhere grrr especially at work and all i can think of is the next day and what i am going to feast on lol! But that doesnt happen, not anymore, if anything i am even more careful what i eat, i do have my treats though, i would never ever give up chocolate :-) but i dont pig out, before i started 5.2 i was always on a low fat diet, and that hasnt really changed.. Food is still very mucg my friend though, but we are not the best of buddies hahah!
Enjoy your fast anyway, and watch the magic happen soon :-) xx :heart: :like: :victory:
Re: Now what?
03 Oct 2013, 18:32
Look at it like this - you have lost your evil friend GLUTTONY! Don't worry, she'll pop back every now and again and you can have a fun but naughty time together, but she'll gradually lose her allure. That instant gratification will lose its charm, carb-laden and too sweet, too alcoholic, too creamy! = no, instead you will begin a new lifelong and more meaningful friendship with good food in smaller portions, revel in the delights of virgin coconut oil and deep dark chocolate (in little bites!) Veggies will reveal their hidden charms and ............ :grin: You get the picture! Yes. it's pretty amazing isn't it? But I do know what you mean about losing an old friend - I haven't smoked for yonks but every time I go down to the bottom of my street I stop outside the pub (I live in Scotland, what can I say?) and inhale the fag smoke wafting about DEEPLY!! Then jog on, smugly, doing my couch to 5k! :shock:
Re: Now what?
03 Oct 2013, 18:44
Oh yes Abbé. I recognise this and blogged about it yesterday. I describe it slightly differently in that I realise I was using food when bored. Now boredom is even worse because I don't want food but have not yet found anything to fill the void yet! I'm not complaining though. This is a great side effect and I'm going to enjoy the ride until the evil twin that dhana describes returns :grin:
Re: Now what?
03 Oct 2013, 20:19
fitfunk wrote: What I love is not feeling the anxiety/guilt/agonizing decision making on eating that I would have in the past. I love just enjoying socializing without fretting whether something will or won't fit into my "diet".

This is totally the best thing about 5:2 for me - I have never eaten anything without some semblence of guilt asserting itself. Then I get into a whole rebellious "do what I want, eat what I want" and overeat.

angie090465 wrote: I understand how you feel, its really weird what this wol does to your eating habits! It switches something in your brain, am sure of it

I think you're dead right, angie - something has switched in my brain, even after just over a week. Which after 41 years is a tad "what's going on?".

dhana wrote: Look at it like this - you have lost your evil friend GLUTTONY! Don't worry, she'll pop back every now and again and you can have a fun but naughty time together, but she'll gradually lose her allure.

I do hope you're right, dhana - I think I'd miss her if she disappeared completely :wink:

rawkaren wrote: Now boredom is even worse because I don't want food but have not yet found anything to fill the void yet!

This may just be my "Now what?", I really am bored without food. It might explain why I've spent so much time playing Sim City on my desktop this past week!
Re: Now what?
03 Oct 2013, 20:52
Hi Abbé well you may have lost that friend but ''she'' wasn't the best friend you thought :shock:
But you have gained loads of other friends that will prove to be far better friends. :heart: all the lovely members here. :heart:
My eating habits have changed in the 5 months I've been here, which is just as well as my starting BMI was over 44 :shock:
I've just returned from an evening meal out with friends of an Indian buffet well I'm sure you get the picture and to make the picture more interesting we could take our own alcohol :heart:
As you can see I'm back home by 10pm. + Stuffed ( no sleep tonight )
The friends I was with know I'm watching what I eat, but were truly amazed at how my portion sizes have changed from previous meals out.
This is now '' my new best friend '' no mistaking !!!
So Now What ? You just got a NBF like me :clover: Sue. :clover:
Re: Now what?
04 Oct 2013, 12:32
Youre a softy, Sue. Thankyou *blows kiss* :wink:
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