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Dr Oz is on now talking about the danger of low fat products - how its all marketing and bad for your health and how some fats are good for you.
OK,so for those of you who missed it ( everyone I think) I'll give you a run down.
First I'll say that I'm not a huge fan of Dr Oz after feeling tricked to buying lots a garginia cambogia after him raving about its appetite reducing qualities ( haha 5:2 reduces my appetite for free!)
He said that low fat products are just marketing to get more sales.
He compared 2 tbs of normal peanut butter to low fat peanut butter from the same brand.
They both had 190 calories. But the reduced fat peanut butter has twice as many carbs, hydrogenated trans fats which is bad for heart health and lots of chemicals. He said what will you say next time someone wants you to buy low fat anything? And the audience shouted "no!"
Next segment- he is raving about rice bran oil. Its got good stuff like gamma oryzanol, omega 6 fatty acids, vitamin E and antioxidents and is supposed to reduce bad cholesterol.he said to buy cold pressed. 3 mums made a dish each for their families using the oil and doc oz to try and they were happy it tasted light and not like rice. 2 stir fries and a chocolate cake.
I agree now with not buying low fat anything anymore. Like @Sue.Q and many others I'm learning about and trying to include more healthy fats which is hard after 25 years of low fat brain washing. I've been listening to Beverley Myers podcasts while driving on diet for human beings ( paleo) and I like a lot of what she has to say but I would guess that because rice bran oil comes from a grain its a no no. Sorry about the long post but I'm so confuuuussssed! HELP @Rawkaren and @caroreesor anyone else.What's your opinion? I know coconut oil is good but what about rice bran oil???
Xxx julianna
Thanks for that julianna, I wouldn't have seen that. Not a fan of those over enthusiastic audiences!!
I should have thought it was impossible to have low fat peanute butter unless you are completely adulterating it, and it sounds as though that is exactly what they are doing. How can you alter crushed peanuts for goodness sakes?!

I have seen some threads about 'good' and 'bad' oils on here somewhere, and am still trying to find the best one for stir fries. At the moment I use mustard oil, haven't tried coconut oil and haven't really got into the swing of using it for much. Every time I go to find some in the health food shop it has sold out! Given that you aren't using very much oil for cooking, other than olvei oil, which I slather on, I wouldn't personally worry about what oil I use for stirfries etc. But I may be wrong on that. I know there are some who refuse to cook with olive oil as it supposedly goes all toxic on you. A step too far IMHO!!
You can get peanut butter powder which is whats left after they crush the peanut oil (groundnut oil) out of the peanuts. You can reconstitute it with water, though it doesn't quite taste right or have the right texture. But the calorie savings are enormous and if you are using peanut butter in any form of cooking it can give a really powerful peanut taste for much less calories.

Here's the link on Amazon to some.. ... nut+powder
julianna wrote: OK,so for those of you who missed it ( everyone I think) I'll give you a run down.
First I'll say that I'm not a huge fan of Dr Oz after feeling tricked to buying lots a garginia cambogia after him raving about its appetite reducing qualities ( haha 5:2 reduces my appetite for free!)
He said that low fat products are just marketing to get more sales.
He compared 2 tbs of normal peanut butter to low fat peanut butter from the same brand.
They both had 190 calories. But the reduced fat peanut butter has twice as many carbs, hydrogenated trans fats which is bad for heart health and lots of chemicals. He said what will you say next time someone wants you to buy low fat anything? And the audience shouted "no!"
Next segment- he is raving about rice bran oil. Its got good stuff like gamma oryzanol, omega 6 fatty acids, vitamin E and antioxidents and is supposed to reduce bad cholesterol.he said to buy cold pressed. 3 mums made a dish each for their families using the oil and doc oz to try and they were happy it tasted light and not like rice. 2 stir fries and a chocolate cake.
I agree now with not buying low fat anything anymore. Like @Sue.Q and many others I'm learning about and trying to include more healthy fats which is hard after 25 years of low fat brain washing. I've been listening to Beverley Myers podcasts while driving on diet for human beings ( paleo) and I like a lot of what she has to say but I would guess that because rice bran oil comes from a grain its a no no. Sorry about the long post but I'm so confuuuussssed! HELP @Rawkaren and @caroreesor anyone else.What's your opinion? I know coconut oil is good but what about rice bran oil???
Xxx julianna

I'm not qualified to comment on omega 6 and 3 balancing, but I would take care about taking in too much omega 6. @carorees might come along soon to help.
Give me french butter any day. And even some Aldi stores stock it now.

is this the episode
or ... 6229986001
I use Rice bran oil sometimes. It's good if you want an oil that has little flavour. I also use coconut oil and olive and peanut and sesame. It all depends on what I'm cooking.
I no longer buy low fat products and guess what, no weight gain but yummier food.
Sorry @Juliana.Rivers I just saw your reply now. Thanks for putting up those links. I don't think it was either of them unfortunately. Its hard to know what and who to believe anymore but like @Wineoclock I'm using more good fats and no reduced fat items anymore and it just feels right. I'm going to buy some coconut oil but have to admit I'm a bit scared to try it in a stir fry but I figure if I don't like it I can always use it as a moisturizer and lip balm.
Xxx julianna
julianna wrote: Sorry @Juliana.Rivers I just saw your reply now. Thanks for putting up those links. I don't think it was either of them unfortunately. Its hard to know what and who to believe anymore but like @Wineoclock I'm using more good fats and no reduced fat items anymore and it just feels right. I'm going to buy some coconut oil but have to admit I'm a bit scared to try it in a stir fry but I figure if I don't like it I can always use it as a moisturizer and lip balm.
Xxx julianna

My kids said everything tasted of coconut when i used it for frying. :curse: this was pre 5:2 days.

i went back to butter and olive oil.
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