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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Fasting today and Brrr! I am really feeling the cold today. I NEVER feel cold, I call it having the physical makeup of a whale, 6 inches of blubber for insulation. I haven't lost enough weight to decrease the blubber layer that much.

It could also be the tablets, one of them Tramadol does say it causes feelings of cold, and the pain levels at the moment. The TENS machine has had to come out today, with the afternoon on the sofa feeling sorry for myself.

I am sat in my perfectly cosy house, where the temperature is set at 22C (71F), in a fleece jacket, with socks on (I normally live in bare feet through the year, except when I have to go shopping etc) and wishing I was wearing gloves, a scarf and granny slippers. I don't own any slippers, because I'm normally barefoot, but today I really wish I had a pair of sheepskin lined slipper boots. The silver lining there is that its a nice cheap pressy that hubby can suggest to the youngest one that he buys for me.

I know that feeling the cold can be a 'side effect' of fasting, but I didn't think it could be this bad.
I can sympathise Julie, in my early days of fasting I had days when I was actually shivering whilst wearing a soft woollen shawl over a jumper! As you say it may be the medication but even if it is caused by the fasting - like other side effects - it will surely pass.

I need some new slippers, think I will be looking for some like you mention.
I totally sympathise. With an underactive thyroid, a fasting day for me feels like I landed in the Arctic!

Have just spent more than a little on a handsome collection of thermal vests and can vouch that this seems to have solved the problem! I am hoping that the cost of the vests will be less than the amount I might have spent this winter on turning up the heating all day on fasting days!

Good luck.
I also sympathise Julie. I don't have medication that affects me but being pear shaped I seem to have lost more weight from my top half & my back becomes very chilled & my extremities! So it's bed socks & a long sleeved pyjama top at night & layers throughout the day.
Having lost some weight my blubber layer has reduced but I caught sight of my naked self in the mirror & realised how far I have still to go to look slim again. This is quite depressing but I do look better when dressed :grin: & I suppose a reality check helps keep me on the straight & narrow that will keep me losing weight for the many more months needed to get within reach of my goal weight. Let's get through the colder weather & winter to a warmer spring in 2014 :like:
I've always hated the cold, and I find I get really REALLY cold when I fast. Summer is fine, but winter? It takes a really brisk walk or two in the day to get rid of that deep cold. Lucky I live in Queensland, don't think I would be very happy in Europe!
I always felt cold when I was fatter too! :confused: Looks like the blanket thing with arms that mum bought me will get some use this winter then! I have lower spinal problems and nerve damage in my left leg - areas that need extra warmth during the winter!

Hope the painkillers are working @julieathome and you are feeling less sorry for yourself today! It's horrible, I know! BRING BACK SUMMER!!!! :cool:
Just posted a moan on today's fasting thread about how cold I am and then spotted this, so thought I'd have a moan here too. I'm cold! And I'm never cold!

Mug of herbal tea and a microwave hot bag on my tum (as I sit typing this) have warmed me up nicely, except my mouse hand which is still frozen. I only have the heating on morning and evening - too mean to put it on in the middle of the day! :oops:

Hot water bottle, anybody?
Yes, I have my trusty hot water bottle down the back of my trousers as I type. I love love love my hotty. It is my own private central heating and my fast day chum.
hi there, I found that I really feel the cold on my fasting days, incredibly so sometimes! I will turn on the heat and my husband will say "it's roasting can you turn that off!" Socks in bed at night and sometimes even a jumper and one of the dogs!
Ankle warmers and fingerless gloves help me to feel warmer. I even wear some cuddleduds underwear when visiting children who like to keep the temp down too low for us old folks.
The hot water bottle it is then. Its so weird going from having hot flushes, though not hormonal ones, mine are brought on by too much sugar/carbs and having to thow off the blankets, to stealing the blankets off hubby.
Marybeth wrote: Ankle warmers and fingerless gloves help me to feel warmer. I even wear some cuddleduds underwear when visiting children who like to keep the temp down too low for us old folks.

I had to look up cuddleduds - nice! Here's the link, if anyone else wants to know:

Julie, that's why I'm so befuddled by feeling cold - I'm far more used to hot flushes and chucking layers off!

I gave in around 4pm & put the heating on. I think electric blanket tonight! :wink:
ME: I'm cold...
Gym boy: But you're so much healthier now...
ME: I'm cold...I never get cold...
Gym boy: Isn't being thinner better?
ME: I'm cold...
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