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Well today I had a bit of a mad day. I still haven't got my carb monster under control. I had my lunch and a mid afternoon snack. But after dinner I went mad for carbs. In the end I had to change tack and tried to balance it out with protein, but all I wanted was peanuts. Why didn't I stuff my face with some lean meat?

What was really shocking was when I put it all into a food tracker HALF of my days calories were in the snacking, yet I only went over my TDEE by 100 calories. What am I doing wrong with my meals then? There must be something I'm doing wrong at meal time to a) not have enough calories and b) to trigger the carb cravings. Or is it just that I haven't had enough food at my meal time? If I had put any more on my plate I wouldn't have been able to carry it safely.

My food report says that my food today was 49% fat, 19% protein, fibre 23 grams and 32% carbohydrates (well over on the carbs at 148grams)).

Where should I try to re-balance (apart from the obvious one of lower carbs). Am I getting enough protein, is my fat too high?

I just can't get over half my calories being in the snacking.

Current research says about 70% of your daily caloric intake should be fat calories, and 15% or less should be carbs (even complex).

I'd go really low carb for a couple of weeks (20 or fewer g per day) and then start having meals/snacks with more fat in them.

Good Luck!
Well, it sounds like maybe you aren't getting enough protein. Also, for your snacks can you have fruit or yogurt or something? They say to try to add protein to snacks too, like peanut butter with an apple. Also, are you drinking enough water? That might keep you from snacking a bit. Just my 2 cents, I'm no expert!
I know you have said that you regularly don't eat breakfast, so perhaps your 'snacking' is an attempt to make up the missed calories? I tried skipping breakfast but found that difficult even though my breakfast is usually 5-6 hours after I wake, I now have a substantial breakfast and find that I'm not hungry for lunch or even any snacks til dinner at 6pm. My breakfast is usually a frittata hybrid of onions, garlic, bell pepper, mushrooms, spinach and/or broccoli and tomatoes then eggs on top and all topped with several cheeses (very important). I don't skimp on the fat for my first meal and am very satisfied through out the day. It's possible that you aren't breaking your night-time fast with enough fat/protein calories.
hi @Julieathome, everyone's advice seems great here. But I'm also wondering, was there something going on emotionally for you? I don't want to "out" you on that here, but it might be something else to consider? Or were you just feeling a bit deprived, I know I'm struggling a little with feelings of deprivation now that I'm going a little lower carb - hoping that will settle down. I'm not sure that going cold turkey onto 20 g/day would work for everyone, I myself am planning on a little gentler introduction to low carbing - and dealing with the emotional stuff as it comes up.

I'm sure you're probably right on the addictive nature of carbs, was that you talking about that on another string @simoncoeluv?, but I do know a fair bit about addiction medicine, and I know that cold turkey, although it can be very effective for a lot of people, is not always the best way to go for everyone.

But maybe the pragmatics are all that's required?
I'd second the suggestion of a high-fat, protein filled breakfast. I don't have mine till 11 as I'm doing 16:8, and I have eggs, bacon, mushrooms toms, or buttery scrambled eggs on ham with mushrooms etc etc , and that leaves me full till pre-dinner cheese & olives snacks, with wine, then a low carb dinner, then the window closes.

Good luck :heart:
Well it looks like an ok day to me Julie so don't beat yourself up too hard. That level of carbs is not excessive. Interesting you went for peanuts in the end. I do think salt can help.

I'm a really early riser and I also workout in the morning, so I tend to eat my calories at the front end of the day too. For me it's just fat calories in the morning (coffee with coconut oil and butter), but you could have coffee with cream if you prefer and see if that helps. It's a compromise on your no breakfast habit. Eggs are great too.
May have been the salt. I had to have a lump of cheese at 10pm last night, a fast day !
I am a snacker always have been always will be but I am changing my snacks from biscuits, chocolate and sweets to nuts, cheeses and olives. If your are craving then why not put 'portions' of nut, cubed cheese and olives into small plastic tubs for snacking on rather than just taking a handful (and then another handful) from the bag. Have the plastic tubs easy to access and the open bags at the back of the cupboard with elastic bands round them. And remember if you want more you can have more tomorrow. Also if you want salted peanuts then switch them for dry roasted but again put them into portions. And take your time to enjoy them.
It is said that refined carbs (particularly carbs containing sugar as well) are addictive... and trying to give up an addiction is hard going! I agree with wildmissus that snacking on nuts, cheese & olives or a tangerine, if you want something sweet, might help you as they are very healthy options.
Best thing I find to really curb your hunger is the bullet coffee @rawkaren and I have it has coconut butter oil and unsalted butter in it. It is an acquired taste but by golly it stops the temptation. I'd use a teaspoon of each. The butter is unsurprising just like cream and the coconut oil means you don't need a sweetener so there is a carb gone
I'm not really a coffee drinker, so the bullet coffee's are out. For example though I may enjoy a cappachino or latte when out, mostly because the water around here makes cups of decent tea a hit and miss affair, I don't drink coffee at home. We buy one jar of coffee a year, decent stuff too and end up throwing it away at the end of the year because its gone all damp and sticky once opened. I don't mind coconut oil direct though, so I may just pop a spoonful of it down next time.

Dietry changes are what I need now. I an a carnivore on a budget. I rarely have more than 4oz (100g) of meat or fish a day as its too expensive for any more, though we do eat plenty of cheese. My understanding of vegetarian proteins is that it tends to be carb heavy, which won't work as I'm trying to cut my carbs.What I shall do from now on is have a bowl of crudities handy or a big bowl of coleslaw without the mayo (though there is no real reason why I couldn't have mayo) and just chomp through that. Low calorie but high fibre, so it should fill me up and help with bowel movement.
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