Monday was my 7th fast day. Intended to start with scrambled egg & ryvita as before but didn't feel hungry so just had a couple of cups of tea. With milk, big improvement, really can't stand black tea.
Continued through the day, never felt hungry, just drank more tea/tap water/fizzy water/ginger & lemon tea, etc.
Also paid attention to the NEAT recommendations on here and never sat down when I could stand up or better still, keep walking.
I got to evening meal time with almost my full calorie allowance (less milk in tea) so had plaice fillet & some prawns, masses of veg and strawberries to follow.
Next morning, usual weigh day, and glory hallelujah, I'd lost my first 2 pounds.
Thanks to all who helped when I was down-hearted, to all who recommended NEAT and to those who suggested that if you don't eat at all, you don't flick the hunger switch to "on".
Worked for me, may not work for you, but I'll be doing it again tomorrow.
Continued through the day, never felt hungry, just drank more tea/tap water/fizzy water/ginger & lemon tea, etc.
Also paid attention to the NEAT recommendations on here and never sat down when I could stand up or better still, keep walking.
I got to evening meal time with almost my full calorie allowance (less milk in tea) so had plaice fillet & some prawns, masses of veg and strawberries to follow.
Next morning, usual weigh day, and glory hallelujah, I'd lost my first 2 pounds.
Thanks to all who helped when I was down-hearted, to all who recommended NEAT and to those who suggested that if you don't eat at all, you don't flick the hunger switch to "on".
Worked for me, may not work for you, but I'll be doing it again tomorrow.