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Plateau'd it seems.......
12 Aug 2013, 15:35
Hi all,
Havent posted for quite a while, but just wondered what peoples thoughts might be pls.....

Started on the 5:2 back in Feb this year, and apart from a couple of 'relaxed' weeks, have stuck to it, with Mon & Wed generally being my Fast Days.
Started off at 15st 7lb, and currently, 14St all good.
I feel better, fitter, and more comfy in my clothes & skin, so nothing really to complain about.

But, and I dont know whether this is something that other Fasters have found.......I seem to have plateau'd as far as actual more weight loss is concerned.....and thinking back, I did hope that once I got to 14stone, I'd have to re-assess.

My 'Fasting Days' are generally .....
Maybe 2 cups of tea in the morning, with Semi skimmed milk and 1 suger....
Perhaps a Nespresso Coffee with Milk at lunch, again 1 suger.
No food so far.....
Another Tea or Coffee PM.....

Come Teatime, sometimes a 'light meal......Jacket Potato & Beans, or soup,
or similar.
Never absolutely rigidly 600cals, but pretty meagre for a 6' well built bloke !
On most days, I walk the Dog at least twice, and as he's a pretty lean German Pointer, that can be 3-5miles, and up to an hour and a half, and on some days, I've played Golf in the evening too, with no ill effects or 'tiredness'.

In fact, I did meet Michael Mosley in a pub back in June, and after introducing myself and chatting, he said that recent findings showed that exercising too on Fast Days was good, and doubled the effect, or words to that effect.

So here I am, 7mths in, feeling fab, but also wanting to achieve 14stone if I can, which at 51, would be as light as I have ever been since I left School as a very well built Rugby Playing 18yr old....

But - in all honesty, am I doing something wrong that is holding my further weight loss back now, or perhaps have I naturally Plateau'd at my 'ideal' weight of 14-10lbs.......???

Re: Plateau'd it seems.......
12 Aug 2013, 15:59
Hi Chris and Welcome you have done very well on this WOL :like:
And the dreaded plateau is apparently normal, I've just kickstarted mine out (hopefully) I'm doing 4:3 simply because of the amount I've got to lose, so that could be worth a try for few week, I also walk on my fastdays 5 miles apprx so you have that one covered :like:
Maybe reread the book that sometimes helps.
I also looked again at my feed days + cut down a little gave up some of the treats that had crept back into my life.
There's also a link on this site on plateaus and another that Caroline posted on '' why are my scales stuck'' well something like that !!!
Have a good look around and Good Luck :clover: Sue
Re: Plateau'd it seems.......
12 Aug 2013, 16:23
A plateau of 6-8 weeks seems to be relatively common it seems, I've been through it and just kept on going because I had seen posts from others who had been on a similarly long plateau.

Don't know if this might help at all: ... t-plateau/
Re: Plateau'd it seems.......
12 Aug 2013, 16:23

You did not say how long your plateau is. Up to 4 weeks, probably just other things. Over 4 weeks, you probably need to eat less, exercise more or both. This might help: 5-2-diet-chat-f6/on-plateaus-t7102.html
Re: Plateau'd it seems.......
12 Aug 2013, 16:59
recheck your TDEE - calculate it for sedentary - most likely is that your intake on the non fast days is two high for the new slimline you
Re: Plateau'd it seems.......
12 Aug 2013, 20:58
Thx all - How do I check TDEE ?
Re: Plateau'd it seems.......
12 Aug 2013, 23:32
ChrisMc wrote: Thx all - How do I check TDEE ?

Input your info in the forum's progress tracker and you'll be given a TDEE number. :)
Re: Plateau'd it seems.......
13 Aug 2013, 09:51
Strange that so many of you seemingly Calorie Restrict according to your TDEE on non-Fast Days ??

What specifically drew me to the ease of the 5:2 plan, was its simplicity of operation, ie 2 Fast Days, and 5 days where you dont have to think about what you eat.
Michael's programme specifically stated that in their tests, people 'couldnt' (within reason), eat more on their non-fast days to negate the positive effects of the 2 Fast Days, and that simplicity was fantastic as far as I am concerned.
So on my 'normal days', sure - I'll have a bag of crisps, or a snickers, but I certainly dont 'overeat' to an unusual extent.

If I am to now start 'Calorie Counting' on every day, it'l do my head in, and I'll lose interest, so that route isnt for me.

Perhaps my own Plateau is just a temporary thing, or perhaps i've reached my optimum, I dont know, but as the main reason I started the 5:2 was more for the Health Benefits than Weight Loss per-se, I'll just carry on as I am and see where it leads I think......
Re: Plateau'd it seems.......
14 Feb 2014, 13:39
ChrisMc wrote: Hi all,
Havent posted for quite a while, but just wondered what peoples thoughts might be pls.....

Started on the 5:2 back in Feb this year, and apart from a couple of 'relaxed' weeks, have stuck to it, with Mon & Wed generally being my Fast Days.
Started off at 15st 7lb, and currently, 14St all good.
I feel better, fitter, and more comfy in my clothes & skin, so nothing really to complain about.

But, and I dont know whether this is something that other Fasters have found.......I seem to have plateau'd as far as actual more weight loss is concerned.....and thinking back, I did hope that once I got to 14stone, I'd have to re-assess.

My 'Fasting Days' are generally .....
Maybe 2 cups of tea in the morning, with Semi skimmed milk and 1 suger....
Perhaps a Nespresso Coffee with Milk at lunch, again 1 suger.
No food so far.....
Another Tea or Coffee PM.....

Come Teatime, sometimes a 'light meal......Jacket Potato & Beans, or soup,
or similar.
Never absolutely rigidly 600cals, but pretty meagre for a 6' well built bloke !
On most days, I walk the Dog at least twice, and as he's a pretty lean German Pointer, that can be 3-5miles, and up to an hour and a half, and on some days, I've played Golf in the evening too, with no ill effects or 'tiredness'.

In fact, I did meet Michael Mosley in a pub back in June, and after introducing myself and chatting, he said that recent findings showed that exercising too on Fast Days was good, and doubled the effect, or words to that effect.

So here I am, 7mths in, feeling fab, but also wanting to achieve 14stone if I can, which at 51, would be as light as I have ever been since I left School as a very well built Rugby Playing 18yr old....

But - in all honesty, am I doing something wrong that is holding my further weight loss back now, or perhaps have I naturally Plateau'd at my 'ideal' weight of 14-10lbs.......???


Keep up the good work.

Ditch the sugar in tea and coffee unless you have to.

I started at 14.6 stone (5/11) and i'm now hovering just over 12 stone, like you plateau'ed just now.

The fact that I've gone most of the way through today on next to nothing says something....

keep it going.
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