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Please give me some motivation
02 Oct 2013, 22:33
Hey everyone,

Sorry, not a positive post from me :(

I'm fasting today (second of the week) and I need to do it as have a big weekend with lots of yummy food and drink planned, but I really, really am not feeling like it. I am so tired, I'm sat at work and look like a zombie. I want food for energy :(

I don't want to give up and not fast as I don't have another day to do it this week, and I'm worried if I break my habit of fasting this time it's going to go downhill.

So please give me motivation to go another 10 hours with just herbal teas and water.

Also share your stories of how you get through a really hard fast day please.

Thanks everyone.

Lil :heart:
Right lil.....if you are at work why are you on here? Not sure what time it is down under - is that 10 hours til bed time. Many, many years ago I tried to control my cravings with when you get a craving look at your watch and give it 15 minutes before you give in to your craving. It does work because by the time 15 minutes have passed so has your craving. Getting though fast days for me is like that. I go though moments throughout the day where I feel like throwing in the towel but I have my devil on one shoulder and angel on the other fighting it out and by the time they have finished fighting I'm either busy doing something else or the hunger has passed. Just remember why you are fasting - no not to lose weight but to improve your health firstly and secondly to lose weight. 10 hours is nothing in our lifetime and you can eat tomorrow. Good luck.
Great response there wildmissus - very practical advice lil. Keep busy, if you can with something practical which will take your full attention, and wildmissus is right, the feeling will pass quicker than you know it :like:
Thanks :) it's quiet at the moment unfortunately but it will pick up shortly I'm sure!
I just need to keep reminding myself it's Friday tomorrow so probably a little bit of pizza (naughty) then a lovely meal out in a lovely restaurant on Saturday with some nice wine.
And 10 hours until dinner which I am actually looking forward to, a chunky soup with miracle pasta.
Lil :heart:
Great advice there from Missus and Silver x
Just keep focused Lil ..look at yr fab after pics,and remind yourself youve done this many times
And you can do it again!
Youre not alone and you know that coz you checked in for motivation x thursday fasters are with you all doing ourselves some good! :heart:
LilSmiler wrote: Hey everyone,

Sorry, not a positive post from me :(

I'm fasting today (second of the week) and I need to do it as have a big weekend with lots of yummy food and drink planned, but I really, really am not feeling like it. I am so tired, I'm sat at work and look like a zombie. I want food for energy :(

I don't want to give up and not fast as I don't have another day to do it this week, and I'm worried if I break my habit of fasting this time it's going to go downhill.

So please give me motivation to go another 10 hours with just herbal teas and water.Also share your stories of how you get through a really hard fast day please.

Thanks everyone.

Lil :heart:

That makes it sound hard....

Buy in a load of brocolli. It staves off a few hunger pangs . I don't know whats cals are in brocolli but I'm heading in the direction.
Oh yes, forgot about your before and after pics...they give us all motivation lil.
Aww thanks, I'll just keep looking at them haha.
Having an energy drink now cuz I just need something to make me keep my eyes open.
Do you know what though, even when these fast days get really difficult I never think I want to stop this WOE :)
Lil :heart:
I would have gone for a mug of boillion, a stock cube or something like that. Sometimes you need the salt, not sugar.
Hi Lil, didnt you do a fast yesterday? No wonder youre hungry. Do you drink coffee, a long black with a splash of milk usually helps me, better for you than an energy drink.
Anyway keep smiling, the day will be done before you know it :smile:
I think I will try this stock cube thing, do you just dunk it in hot water?!
I fasted in the day then pigged out last night in a lovely Thai restaurant :)
Lil :heart:
Thai food, yum. Well dont be too hard on yourself then as you fasted most of the day yesterday. Just do your best.
Thanks Wine, I was just having a sulky 5 minutes I feel better now :)
Lil :heart:
Go Lil, You can do it!!! Go Lil !!! ( I'm jumping and waving pom poms ) Yeh Lil!
:victory: :heart: :clover: :like: :victory: :heart: :clover: :like: :victory: :heart: :clover:
I think it's quite a while since your last post so hopefully by now you will have completed your fast day. You did the right thing by coming on here and getting the support and encouragement you needed. Now relax and enjoy your weekend :)
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