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post prandial somnolence
06 Jun 2014, 04:47
I have this for years aka post food sleepiness. The subject name is fancy, but boy I could sleep at the drop of a hat.

Is a feed day out of a fast day, and I am pacing because my sons partner is in labour, so I am eating not mindfully at all. Breakfast was toasted banana bread. cinnamon donut and 3 middle bacon and cup of soup and small bake at home dinner roll. Very carby, I might have carb coma. Its a huge effort just being awake. :sleepy: that was over the course of 6 hours.
Re: post prandial somnolence
06 Jun 2014, 06:30
A very exciting time for you and your family zamale. I wouldn't be worrying about what you eat at the moment - whatever it takes to get through! I wouldn't know about a carb coma - could be, and there are no doubt other reasons why you might feel like a snooze. Have a snooze if you can!

Hope the labour isn't too long for all your sakes! :)

Very best wishes to all, look forward to hearing the outcome. :D
Re: post prandial somnolence
06 Jun 2014, 07:40
oooh how exciting @zamale
doubt I would be able to snooze even if I was dropping.
Hope all goes well. Is this your first? I seem to remember it is :)
Looking forward to hearing the news and seeing photies
ps cinnamon doughnut sounds scrummy
Re: post prandial somnolence
06 Jun 2014, 07:43
Hope all goes well re:the birth. Eat sleep and be merry.
Re: post prandial somnolence
06 Jun 2014, 08:22
Exciting times! Is it your first grandchild?
Re: post prandial somnolence
06 Jun 2014, 09:15
How exciting ! Keep us posted and don't worry bout what you eat for now! Yr brekky sounds scrumptious! And the pacing will use up the calories :like:
I guess food can make us sleepy as after eating,blood goes from the brain to the tum to help with digestion ( think thats what i read somewhere anyhoo :?: ) plus our crafty bodies probably wants us to rest as its always so flippin keen on us holding onto calories :confused:
Ooh how thrilling Zee you are gonna be a granma! Xx
Re: post prandial somnolence
06 Jun 2014, 10:51
I hope that all goes well, @Zamale. I wouldn't worry about the carby food - just enjoy it! I really believe that the weight that goes on when you eat carbs is mainly fluid retention and that when you cut down again the weight also goes quite quickly. Hope the new baby arrives soon and with no problems. Keep us informed!
Re: post prandial somnolence
06 Jun 2014, 11:23
Exciting times!

I am very prone to post-food fatigue, particularly after eating bread or pasta. An afternoon nap is a regular part of my day, and I'm only 40 :oops:
Re: post prandial somnolence
06 Jun 2014, 11:42
Thanks ladies, Its only 9.35 pm Friday night and mum to be is only 4 cm dilated, so I think little Lara will probably make her grand entrance after midnight is my guess, but the time of birth can be a mystery. Can a woman go from 4cm to 10 cm quickly. I have not left home yet. I think I will go about 11pm. Thanks for being excited with me.
First time Nanna coming up. I will send pics as soon as I get the ok from new mum. My son will be an awesome dad, I've seen the way he has been these last 9 months and I'm proud already.
Re: post prandial somnolence
06 Jun 2014, 11:55
Speaking from personal experience, yes, a woman CAN dilate very quickly - my dilation was so quick that the midwife and SHO who had both examined me about 15 minutes before the consultant were shocked and the midwife had another check when he left the room :lol: I believe that's unusual though, and perhaps carrying twins was a factor :?:
Re: post prandial somnolence
06 Jun 2014, 12:04
Oh dear, maybe the same for this too, not twins but 100% effaced. I saw a picture of what that looks like so the babies head is right at the end, just needing to thin out. You have twins, how lovely.
Re: post prandial somnolence
06 Jun 2014, 23:40
Or she could stay stubbornly in the 4cm to 8cm dilation rage for a day. No one knows how things are going to go.

I have my fingers crossed that all goes well them all.
Re: post prandial somnolence
07 Jun 2014, 00:04
Z, i dilated very quickly,had my baby in just under two and a half hours...on the other hand,many first births can take over24 hours.Lara will come when she is good and ready!
An exciting time Nanna Zamale..we know that you will be a wonderful one! XX
Thinking of you all xxxxx
Re: post prandial somnolence
07 Jun 2014, 02:53
Zee i can't sleep so have called back to see if any more news..
Thinking of you at the hospital! And cheering your DIL on!
I wonder if Lara has made her entrance yet! Got my fingers crossed! X
Re: post prandial somnolence
07 Jun 2014, 03:58
@CandiceMarieLara Nicole was born at 5am on Saturday morning. She is a sweet little thing. 7 pounds and 13 ounces. She is considerers long at 51 cm. Photos I will post when I learn how in the snappers tent or here.
Watch this space or that one.
Thanks guys, you feel like family. :heart: :heart:
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