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I noticed the same thing. It's coming off where I wanted it to come off, first, ie waist (and I'm post menopausal too, and it is supposed to be more difficult to shift) well it's not shifting quickly, but it is shifting. Not doing any extra exercise, always hated, so nothing to do with that either. I think Carorees has posted about this phenomenon quite a few times, in response to people's observations
I've lost 19lbs in 20 weeks but have hit a bit of a plateau at the moment but I must say that when I look in the mirror I feel thinner than the scales are saying?! Someone else I know is a stone lighter than me and I don't feel that I look that much bigger than her - obviously all down to body shape. I too exercise regularly and I'm not sure if this does make an overall difference. Anyway I'm sticking with it, scales moving or not!!
Body shape is very weird, and don't forget boobs can add a lot of extra (but wanted!) weight - although I'm not very buxom so probably only a pound for me!!

I noticed yesterday that my watch kept slipping round and I now need to put it on the tightest notch. I assumed it was just expanding because it's old and it's warm, but you've got me wondering now! Wish it would come off further up my arms though - I have a very pleasing flat stomach (in the mornings at least!) but still have bingo wings that are more suited to someone much larger than me. Must do some weights... then I will have muscly bingo wings!!
miffy49 wrote: I just got my first pair of jeans in over 30yrs! I could never have worn them before even though my waist/hip size is no different as my thighs were far too fat. I was so thrilled when they fitted! I've gone down a size at the top and I can see my dreaded bingo wings dissolving at a steady rate.

Great to hear and congrats. Yep the scales are not as important as those jeans or trousers or skirts. I cant wait to get into a particular pair of jeans i bought to impress someone 2 years ago and they were really tight then.

I do see my 3kg loss more in my figure than anything else. A complete transformation and this time last year i know for sure that the more I ate the hungrier I got. Have never ever had that feeling since i started.

I guess it depends on ones physiology whether the loss in size is concomitant with weight loss. Hey this diet must be good for the brain as i havent used that word in years.
Similar issue here. I have only lost 6lbs in the last three months but all my clothes are loose (it's also coming off my mid section mostly too) and I've suddenly had loads of comments about my weight loss, it's weird!! Keep at it, it's definitely doing something.
I'm in the same boat as you and was actually about to post a topic of a similar rant!

I've been stuck at 64kgs (about 10st) for what seems like forever...ok six weeks, but it feels longer. It just has not budged beyond that. I've only lost about 5lbs in total despite being on this WOE for three months now with the occasional week or so off.

However. I have also lost three inches off my waist and two inches off my hips! Went from a size fourteen verging on sixteen to comfortably fitting into twelves again.

The plateau is annoying as hell, but it won't last forever as long as we keep doing the right things the scale will start moving again. Let's try and keep this thread going because there will be times when I need to rant and rave to people on this WOE so I don't bore my flatmates to death! :D
Vix89 - your stats and experience are very similar to mine (though I suspect I'm a lot older, lol!) I'm about 10st 10lb now, only 4lb down, but it's the inch loss that has been most amazing. It does seem that there are quite a few of us in this sort of category.
Having been a slave all my life to the tyranny of bathroom scales, I have finally found the courage on this diet to stay away from them and the false joy/misery they can bring as my weight over a week can be so variable-- and just go by the look and fitting of clothes. After all - who cares what you weigh, it is what you look like that matters and for virtually the whole of history, no one knew what they weighed, they went on what they looked like.

so my suggestion would be to put the scales to one side for a month and follow the 2;5 and take a pair of jeans etc as your yard stick. if you fit them better at the end of the month, then mission accomplished.

Also, I am 53 and I have found that my middle age metabolism (despite vigorous exercise 4 x a week) just does not want to drop weight like it did in my 20s! And that if I "eat what I want" 5 days, I will maintain, but if I eat sensibly and healthily - the weight comes off slowly but surely. Tortoise not hare.

don't be discouraged, do keep on keeping on but don't torture yourself with the scales!

JL x
Having been a slave all my life to the tyranny of bathroom scales, I have finally found the courage on this diet to stay away from them and the false joy/misery they can bring as my weight over a week can be so variable-- and just go by the look and fitting of clothes. After all - who cares what you weigh, it is what you look like that matters and for virtually the whole of history, no one knew what they weighed, they went on what they looked like.

so my suggestion would be to put the scales to one side for a month and follow the 2;5 and take a pair of jeans etc as your yard stick. if you fit them better at the end of the month, then mission accomplished.

Also, I am 53 and I have found that my middle age metabolism (despite vigorous exercise 4 x a week) just does not want to drop weight like it did in my 20s! And that if I "eat what I want" 5 days, I will maintain, but if I eat sensibly and healthily - the weight comes off slowly but surely. Tortoise not hare.

don't be discouraged, do keep on keeping on but don't torture yourself with the scales!

JL x
That is a good idea JL. I have a pair of trousers that don't stretch I could use instead.

Last year they fitted me, then after I put on a stone they were actually strangling me. Now they are starting to fit again, just a wee on the snug side.

Weight is usually unreliable; I have a friend who is a size 8/10, got a lovely slim figure. I always assumed she was around 8 st 5 or so, I was VERY surprised when she told me she weighs 9 st 7 but it is all muscle as she runs and cycles a fair amount.

Just goes to show the scales can be very deceptive!
I agree with everyone's posts. I would try calorie counting on non fast days. Sometimes it's shocking how many calories are in certain things and how few
Calories some things have. And once u do calorie counting for a while so is very exhausting I seem to remember most of them so its easier later in life without actually calorie counting.
Be aware of restaurants too! Look at the calories online.
But the fact that your clothes are looser is saying soo much! Stick with it. U can try a cheat meal
Or day too to shock your system and not get used to low calorie days. O and lift weights. I'm
Sure you know all of this just remember to not give up!
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