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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

14 posts Page 1 of 1
10 Dec 2013, 19:45
Well hi there folks!

It's been a long while since I logged in but feel like I just had to share my success with y'all!

So, I've been combining WW + 5:2 + exercise and it's really started to pay off!! The pounds are really shifting at this stage and I have dropped 2 dress sizes!

Bought my fab size 14 wedding dress for June and secretly, even though I love it, I am totally hoping to have it taken in before the big day!!

When I started on my weight loss journey, I was a strong size 18, 13 stone 4 pounds. Tonight, I weighed in at 11 stone 12 and am in my size 14 party frock for Friday night!

I feel wonderful and you know what The hard work has been worth all the effort. Just having that one extra chocolate or handful of crisps can crush your hopes. It's not worth it.

As queen of the diets (I've tried them all) I am finally getting to the size and shape I feel I deserve and I feel truly feminine for the first time in ages.

Keep it going full steam guys!! I know I will!

J :like:
Re: Result!
10 Dec 2013, 19:49
What a wonderfully inspiring story! You have done so well and must be over the moon with your weight loss. Congratulations and keep posting to let us know of your future success. :like: :like:
Re: Result!
10 Dec 2013, 19:56
How wonderful Janie. You must feel great! Congratulations!!!! :victory: :victory: :victory:
Xxx julianna
Re: Result!
10 Dec 2013, 19:57
Well done Janie Bop! :like: x
Re: Result!
10 Dec 2013, 20:02
Congrats on many levels and here is hoping for your wish to have to have your wedding dress taken in as you continue with your good efforts. All the best
Re: Result!
10 Dec 2013, 20:12
Thank you so much all!! :heart: :victory: :heart:
Re: Result!
10 Dec 2013, 20:40
:heart: Hi JanieBop Welcome back :heart:
Was wondering what you'd got to :heart: :heart: :heart:
I'm so glad that everything is working for you well done and now you are reaping all the rewards just in time for all the Christmas party's :heart: :heart: :heart:
Good luck for the future + wedding keep finger's crossed for the alterations I'm sure you'll look perfect :heart: Sue :heart:
Re: Result!
10 Dec 2013, 22:47
Congrats! So good to hear you're feeling feminine now - it's something lots of people don't realise about being overweight - not only does your self-confidence sometimes diminish, but you can also start to feel as though you've lost your identity as a woman.

All the best for your upcoming wedding planning!
Re: Result!
10 Dec 2013, 22:57
Another congratulations - and looking forward to *the* wedding photo!
Re: Result!
11 Dec 2013, 09:48
Well done! Enjoy looking fabulous on Friday night!
Re: Result!
11 Dec 2013, 09:57
What a wonderfully inspiring post. Well done you :victory: :victory: :victory:
Re: Result!
12 Dec 2013, 15:40
Thank you so much again everyone! Especially for all the lovely warm wishes!
Re: Result!
12 Dec 2013, 16:54
Brilliant, Janie! Have a great time in your party frock at the weekend and I'm sure that by next June you will DEFINITELY need your wedding dress taking in!!

Congratulations and thanks for posting your story :grin: :like: :heart:
Re: Result!
12 Dec 2013, 21:41
How exciting! Better start saving the money to pay the seamstress! :heart:
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