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Sad, happy, scared, excited...
24 Sep 2013, 22:07
Evening all.

I have just been attempting to pack up my car for the drive back to Reading tomorrow. I am starting a masters, full time job and going back to my boyfriend, with whom I have been having a long distance relationship for the past three months (we have been together for nine).

I am so excited - this move signals a completely new chapter in my life - I am finally 'officially' moving out of home (although I have 'moved out' numerous times, having been at boarding school since I was fifteen - now twenty two) - but this feels different somehow...for the first time ever, I know I most probably won't be coming back.

Of course I'll come back to Derby for family occasions, Christmas, birthdays and the odd weekend here and there, but for the first time I don't have next summer to look forward to, as for the first time in my life I have a permanent, full time 'grown-up' job. For the first time I am in a committed relationship. For the first time I am completely in control of my future as it is totally of my own choosing and for some reason I am shitting myself! I'm so scared - good scared - but scared, nonetheless.

I'm scared about how I'm going to manage both the full time job and the masters, I'm scared about whether my future is set to be with my boyfriend (with whom I'm very much in love, might I add, but there is a considerable age gap and although it doesn't bother me now - will it in the future?), I'm scared that I'll get lonely, miss my parents, my grandparents, my dog. I'm scared that I don't know how to tune a telly. I'm scared about the fact that I'm leaving in twelve hours and still I am not fully packed or prepared. I'm scared that to cope with the 'stress' (I know this is not really a stressful situation in relative terms) I just cracked open a cider (my previous weight nemesis) - although I did swiftly pour it down the sink as I realised I really don't need or want it and that opening it was just an old horrible habit sneaking back upon me.

Basically - you may have gathered, I'm scared. But I'm also excited, don't get me wrong.

Anyway, sorry for blabbering, I just find this forum so helpful and supportive - I thought it would be a good place to rant about my wimpishness!
Not wimpish at all - you're bound to feel some trepidation.

Here's to all the very best in the future for you! Raises glass of red wine (much better for dieters than cider) :)

Good luck, FatDog.
Well Done pinchypops on the job again and your impressive weightloss.
You've done so well with everything and we can understand you being scared its a massive move for you plus a lot of miles away from all your loved ones :heart: but you are moving into the arms of the one you love
and the exciting new/first job not forgetting the degree :heart: :heart:
That's 4 biggies for you to take on very young shoulders but you're ready for all this We all know that for sure from the excitement these past few weeks. Good Luck in your new life :clover: Sue. :clover:

I'm sure you're going to make a little spare time to let us all know
how its going for you. x
Sounds like you have some fabulous foundations you have laid down for your new life. Look at all you have done to get where you are

Just be gentle on your self as you adjust to the number of changes and if the going gets tough just put on those joggers and go to a walk while you will not have your lovely dog to walk beside you, you will feel good for the fresh air and time to think

How exciting for wishing you best of luck and it was lovely of you to share your feelings with us
Thanks for sharing, Pinchypops, I remember it so well, myself. Now I have two 18-year-old granddaughters going through similar experiences. I think you are a good role model for them.

Things work out, even if there are rough patches here and there, so try to relax a little.

Best of luck
Hi pinchypops, How exciting for you to be starting this new life. Enjoy this next chapter and all it has to offer. Remember, it's good to be good scared, it keeps us alive. x Have a safe journey x :)
This is exciting! Good luck Pinchypops you sound very sensible. You might be moving but you are taking your forum buddies with you. Keep us posted!
Safe driving Pinchy, it's foggy out there :clover:
hi Pinchypops

what you are feeling is completely normal, you wouldn't be human if you didn't! :-)
I left home in France when I was 18 and that was the scariest thing I have ever done, but like you I was sooo excited lol!!

you'll get into a routine eventually, you'll make friends, and of course today its so easy to keep in touch with everyone, so get out there and enjoy the ride... it'll take some adjustement of course, but you are building your future and you should feel proud about this major step!!
anyway,enough lol, you take care and all the best and am sure you'll be just fine!!

Angie xxxxx
Thank you everyone - your responses almost brought a tear! This is such a fantastic forum and I will most certainly be sure to keep you posted. Without this forum I am certain that I wouldn't have found this WoL as easy as I have done, nor would I have felt so supported. Pinchy xx
Hiya Pinchy, I agree with all the comments above. Go for it girl, seize the new chapter of your life with both hands. Relish the 'ups' and don't be overly saddened by the 'downs'. Congratulations on your exciting move. :clover:
Aah pinchypops never fear, it hits everyone this, oh f..k I gotta be a grown up and pay the bills feeling,
Actually sounds like an exciting time in your life, don't stress it. My moto
If you can't change it, don't waste your time stressing it, just go with it.

You're young, in love and taking the next step, job,masters,moving out, coupled with slimming into a hot goddess.......enjoy it, rock it. X

Good luck :)
Oooh! to relive those times, bliss. Even though I still remember my heart doing flip flops when it was happening to me.
Enjoy every moment, feel every difference in its own right, try not to compare with home, and soon you will wonder what the fuss was about.

If you need a bit of grounding in financial matters this guide is brilliant for explaining about real life and money... ... _guide.pdf
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