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12 Jan 2014, 15:59
Hi, tomorrow i will be starting my 2nd week, due to weigh in the morning.
ive been really good not to get on scales! But had sneaky peak, ive gained 2lb?
I havnt gone over my TDEE on NFDs and 500 on FDs. I did have two glasses of white wine friday evening.i could cry.
Re: Sad
12 Jan 2014, 16:16
First of all, wait until your official weigh in, especially if it is nightime where you are. Your weight can fluctuate a lot throughout the day, so it the morning it will definitely be lower.

Also, sometimes your body has a delayed reaction, so the weight you are seeing might not be from this week, it might still be creeping up from whatever you did before you started the diet.

One thing I've been learning from this forum is that it takes time and you need to be patient.

Be proud of yourself for sticking with it so well and don't give up. Just keep up what you did last week and you will probably see better results next week (if not tomorrow morning! :))
Don't be Sad
12 Jan 2014, 16:17
Please, don't be sad...

This is from Volek & Phinney (p241) - it goes some way to explaining the vagaries of the scales (apologies if you've seen this before but I think it bears repeating):

"We humans are about 2/3 water. Each of us contains about 40 liters (or quarts) of the stuff, and each liter weighs a bit over 2 pounds. Our bodies effectively regulate fluid balance by adjusting urine output and sense of thirst, but this is done within a 2-liter range. Within this range, your body doesn't really care if it is up to a liter above or below its ideal fluid level.

" What this means is that we all live inside a 4-pound-wide grey zone, so that from day to day we fluctuate up or down (i.e. plus or minus) 2 pounds. This happens more or less at random, so with any one weight reading you don't know where your body is within that fluid range. Your weight can be the same for 3 days in a row, and the next morning you wake up and the scale says you've 'gained' 3 pounds for no apparent reason. For people who weigh themselves frequently, this can be maddening."
(FatDog's emphasis)

All the very best, FatDog
Re: Sad
12 Jan 2014, 16:18
We all have those days when we could cry I myself reported similar on Friday after my weigh-in having done back2back fasts and another planed for the Thursday which was aborted feeling absolutely fantastic and got that "thinner" feeling and on a sort of high, got on the scales 200 grams gain only small I know but I feel like I've wasted the
last 5 weeks.
Water is sometimes the reason and reducing my carbs has greatly improved this for me ( worth a try ) just sit it out have faith and more importantly don't despair because those feelings lead to failure, for me it could be my body playing catch-up because I'm still on my high this WOL weaves its magic eventually, your 2 glasses of wine wouldn't have done any damage but some members do lose at a slower rate that said I changed my weigh day to the morning after my 2nd or 3rd fast just another psychology twist. Sue :heart:
Re: Sad
12 Jan 2014, 16:23
Re: Sad
12 Jan 2014, 16:24
Normally I would leave first response to one of the girls but since none has picked this up yet, here goes!

1) A week is nothing - keep going and have faith, it works.

2) I weigh every morning, some never weigh but do measure. Some weigh weekly. The main thing is that weight naturally fluctuates regardless of food consumption, as @fatdog points out in her signature, so the best thing is to start keeping a record so you can observe the overall trend. I use Libra on Android, others use True Weight or similar on other platforms, read @kencc's posts on weight trends for comfort.

3) Don't get sad, get confident that you have taken the first steps towards a new you! Anyway, most scales lie some of the time...

While I have been typing all this the others have said it all - but I'm going to let this post stand anyway as reinforcement of the message!
Re: Sad
12 Jan 2014, 16:47
A week is no time at all, in what is a long term commitment to a way of eating, not a diet. You have taken the first step that's all. We are all governed these days to want instant results, and if there is one thing this WoE teaches, it is patience, and that nothing comes without effort.

Keep going, it is very early days yet, and if you have still not lost any weight after 6 weeks, then is the time to worry.

I didn't lose any weight at all for 6 weeks or so. But I did lose 4.5 inches off my waist in that time. Have you measured yourself? If not, do so right away. Good luck, and keep at it. :clover:
Re: Sad
12 Jan 2014, 16:52
Don't be sad. It was a whole month before I lost anything. Keep going :like:
Re: Sad
12 Jan 2014, 17:26
Don't be sad @mstevo are you mid cycle? Take a look at my progress chart, it sometimes takes a couple of weeks for your body to realise you've burnt that fat. There are ups and downs with 5.2.
I also had a shock on Friday, but I'm grabbing it by the horns or nuts if you'd like and I'm running with it. :lol: only occasionally do I show a lose a couple of weeks on the trot.
Keep going, I'm with you, and so is everyone else.
Re: Sad
12 Jan 2014, 17:55

You can't tell how 5:2 is working for you until you do it properly for a month or more. Please check this out: post71147.html#p71147

Good Luck!
Re: Sad
14 Jan 2014, 09:16
Thank you to all that replied. I have gave myself a kick up the backside! 3rd fast day yesterday, found it hard again, didnt realise just how greedy i am! Well, was!
I WILL do this! Xx
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