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Six months in = 20 lbs gone!
31 Jul 2013, 14:43
I was amzzed to hit a new low this morning - first time under nine stone in many many years. And just realised I've been doing this now for a whole 6 months.

Had been permanently at around ten stone and a bit for decades and figured that was my set point. It made no difference if I was running marathons or sitting about. I didn't believe in diets, just tried to be sensible and always ate healthily but had too much flab even though BMI was just inside the 'normal' range.

This week, I had to skip Monday's fast. But weight has carried on downwards anyway! I have been so re-educated, reformed, reprogrammed away from mindless snacking by 5:2!! I don't mind being a little hungry, and enjoy good food all the more. I've never calorie counted, even on fast days, as that seems to me thinking too much about food. 5:2 has taught me to do what I already knew but never quite managed: Eat only when truly hungry.

Very few people have noticed, still. Interestingly, those who have will invariably say, after remarking that I've lost weight, "did you mean to?" I guess they mean they didn't think I was fat before? But I feel SO much better, enjoy looking for clothes (albeit in charity shops) for the first time, and just feel lighter on my feet.

So hang on in there, everyone! I was stuck on a plateau for six weeks and it's not been a rapid loss - averages out to 0.8 lb/week - but I can happily keep this up longterm.
Well done emm - congratulations! Wonderful achievement. Thank you so much for sharing that with us - it gives us all hope and motivation.
Well done emm, that's great to hear and very motivating for me to hear as am also trying to get from around 10 stone to under 9 stone. Just need to keep going...

Just out of interest, have you noticed a change in measurements / clothes fitting? Presume so since you mention clothes shopping. :smile:
Well done. this is such an easy way of eating that it is no hardship to carry on for months. It is also good that when we get to goal weight there is not the temptation to return to the bad eating that put the weight on in the first place, or if we have the odd bad day we know how to fix it. I am sure your maintenance will go equally as well :like: :grin:
Well done emm and congratulations on getting to a new''low''
Slowly and surly that's the way however slow it seems :like: providing it stays away :clover: Sue
Congratulations. I am just slightly envious (well a lot really). I hope to get there one day. Well done to you.
Congrats! :grin: :like:
Congrats Emm :like:
That's brilliant news, you must feel amazing.
Sounds like you're really in control, really hope I sound as convincing in a few months time :smile:
Well done Emm, great to hear when this WOE works, you must feel really good :like:
Wow, thanks, all. I'm not there yet, but feel positive it'll happen. And I look forward to 6:1 eventually!

Pineneedles, I wish I'd done proper measurements. I don't even own a measuring tape, and think I didn't manage do it right with my piece of string at the start... But in terms of clothes size, yes indeed - I've had to take a lot of trousers back to the charity shop and it's the size 10 rack now instead of 14, which still feels unbelievable! Good luck. I do think it's a lot slower the less you have to lose, but that's okay...
Congratulations, this is a fabulous way of making you rethink you're eating habits, I love it too! :0)
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