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Me again!!

Admittedly, I never really used to go by the tape measure, just the (un)trusty old scales.
I bought a tape measure about six weeks ago and in that time I have lost one measly inch off of my waist. My thighs are still 22 and my hips (38) are not budging by even a millimetre! My waist went from 32 - 31. So is still horribly chunky.
My weight is going down on the scales but I want to see that my body is actually shrinking a bit!
Does anyone have this? I'm starting to think maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Lil :heart:
It must be coming off somewhere. Where my weight comes off shifts around. Initially it was waist and hips, now it's more above the waist. Hang in there is all I can suggest.
ah, frustrating!
do you measure your upper arms, below bust, widest part on your torso?
The excess tends to accumulate in certain areas and can be slow to move from there e.g. hips,thighs, but it can melt off other areas. :shock: Do lots of places and see if that makes any difference.:victory:
I measure in cms too. And sometimes millimetres! There are a lot of them in an inch! I'm not kidding myself on though as I work in metric .
And it is so satisfying adding up the loss.
Hang in there- it will surely shift
Dont lose heart. I only measure my waist as I know from years of dieting that hips and thighs are the last part of me to change. I seem to lose weight from the top down and not until I get closer to my target that it starts to shift from the bottom half. Measure in cms, not inches - you might be surprised!
I sympathise, my tape measure seems to have got stuck on 35 inches. I'm hopefull that I'm swapping fat for muscle !
We all lose the inches in different parts of our bodies and at different rates LilSmiler, not many of us get to be the perfect shape especially at first. Hips 38, lucky you, it's my goal to get my hips below 40, I've been doing this since January and still have a couple of inches to lose on hips and waist - even though my BMI has been below 25 since June. I'm sure you will get to your desired shape eventually, I don't think you are doing anything wrong.

All the best :clover: :clover: :clover:
Just a thought, but when you hear about people losing big numbers in inches it usually tends to be the sum of all the inches they've lost everywhere. So, when there is a claim of someone losing 50 lbs and 12 inches that adds together the waist, hips, chest, sometimes even the thighs, arms, neck, etc.

I have lost 5 inches in my most troublesome area just a couple of inches below the belly button which is the widest part of me. There is a substantial difference as my waist is smaller and the apple truly has begun to shape into more of an hourglass. I still feel a bit like an apple because of that pouch at the belly; however, the measurements show chest and hips within an inch of the same size and several inches smaller at the waist.
Thanks everyone.
I think I'm 36/31/38 so not great really! I will try and measure with cm from now on as maybe I will see some improvement then.
Lil :heart:
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