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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Morning everyone :smile:

This is my first week doing 5:2 so I did Monday and Thursday. Looking forward to the weekend but a little worried.

I have been weighing every day as some on here do to see how my graph goes. I've lost 3.5 lbs since Monday but can't see how that will stay off now I have my three "normal" days where I won't be counting.

Do any veterans on here have some reassuring stories about their first week weigh in. I guess I'm worried that my weekly weigh in comes before fasting and after a three day eating period!

Thanks all and have a lovely Friday :smile:

Rest assured, there will be ups and downs, but the trend will be down. The average loss is 1 pound a week...anything more is icing on the cake. If you are one who stresses a lot over ups and downs maybe you should only weigh once a week? Regardless of how often you weigh, I would recommend only charting once a week.

Be patient, it will happen:)
Just to echo what Golinda says. First week loss can be quite dramatic due to water loss etc. the average loss for women is slightly under one pound a week. However, if you stick with it, the losses add up and the steady loss , being quite slow, is better to maintain and can possibly hep prevent too many saggy bits! :)
I also suggest measuring everywhere. Looser clothes are a good sign, but I think there's nothing more motivating than measuring and adding up the total loss. Especially if it's in milimetres. ;)
Tis way of eating/living is a wee bit different to the usual 'diets' and it can take a bit of time to get into the mindset of it and relax. It's so worth it when you do though.
Good luck and patience.
Well done for your weight loss so far, just enjoy the weekend, but be mindful of what need to eat. I, and many others also have a great weekend, but I now 16.8 on all other days as I really don't need breakfast anymore. Good advise also already given by janeg and GoLinda. A massive weight reduction can be seen during the first week or so due to water loss. I tend to lose, maintain, or lose, lose maintain. So please don't be disappointed if it slows up. It's a slow steady journey. So read the FAQs above so that you are armed and ready.
Hi Debbi & welcome :smile:
I agree with everything that's been said. It's best to try not get too hung up on the scales from the start. Personally I only weigh once a week, and to begin with I didn't even do that, but I did measure my waist & hips and they decreased a lot before I even lost a pound - and that took about 6 weeks! So results can vary a lot. Stick with it, take the long term view and it will work. I've been doing this since May and have lost just over a stone, which averages out only about half a pound per week. But I'm delighted nonetheless.
Weigh yourself on the same day and time each week. I do it on a Friday morning after my Thursday fast.
Do put your weight and measurements into the Progress Tracker and you'll see how you're trending, which is a real motivation. And look at other people's too, as that can be a real eye opener.
Good luck and enjoy! :clover: :clover: :heart:
Your weight will ping pong up and down when you track daily weighing and soon you will get to know what your weekly range will be. I tried daily weighing and hated it, so I just weigh weekly and not only do I feel better about myself, the trend curve has smoothed out.

Don't worry, but don't be surprised if you put a bit of what you have lost on over the next few days.
I weigh myself every day and write it in a book but only record my 'official' weight the day after my second fast day - the weight goes up and down during the week but as long as the general trend is down then I don't get hung up about it - we all fluctuate depending on circumstances. Someone else said earlier about 'eating mindfully' and I think that's true - the thing that really helped me at the beginning was that the fasting really seemed to knock my appetite on the head and I started to crave less sweet things (like chocolate, which I used to eat daily) to the point where I rarely eat them now (because I don't have the urge to). Also I think (again, as others have said) that you have to stick with it and don't expect mega fast losses - it doesn't work like that but you only have to look at people's results to know how well it works! And how painless it is too :0)

Good luck!
:heart: Morning Debbi all good advice from everyone we've all been there and had similar doubts so relax and go with the flow but don't go mad and overeat, but do try to withdraw from your addiction to the scales Lol :heart: I only weigh-in once each week on the morning after my 3nd fast
(I'm doing 4:3)
You'll probably get depressed about your regain come Monday so for me its Friday weigh+record day before my weekend of indulgence. Good. Luck and enjoy
:clover: :clover: Sue :clover: :clover:
Hi Debbi I weigh daily but just to record and it is about a 2kg range depending on the efficiency of your fasts, fluid losses, what you have eaten, time of the month etc etc. if you want to weigh daily do it but just observe trends as you actually get to understand your pattern. Measurements are another indicator and your clothes as well.

Enjoy the journey, be patient and you will get to see remarkable results most likely. Read heaps here as there is lots of interesting stuff to get your head around. Best of luck :clover: :heart:
I prefer to weigh once a week (after a non fast day). Losing at times can be slow but iI think that's best in the long run. I have been trying to lose weight since 2/1/13 (by cutting down and then 5:2). I can see the difference looking in the mirror! I've gone down a couple of sizes. It's working.

Don't stress about it all. Just enjoy. Moderation is key for me!

Good luck! :clover:
ps I weigh once a month- if I remember ;)
Hi and welcome:

Here is how I started - a lesson or two in there somewhere: 5-2-diet-chat-f6/topic6491.html

Good Luck!
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