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Struggling non fast days?
20 Oct 2013, 07:38
I came back after a break last week, did the two fast days ok and scales showed two pound loss after the 2nd fast day. But that day I over ate- l felt really hungry late afternoon so ate some nuts then we went out for dinner, ate the fries, shared a dessert and drank wine- am struggling to get back to sensible eating, it's like my brain is saying its ok to overheat because you were good on the two days- does anyone else sabotage themselves like that? Will do the two days again this coming week just need to work at not repeating the pattern of last week.
Re: Struggling non fast days?
20 Oct 2013, 07:40
Ha- over EAT not overheat!
Re: Struggling non fast days?
20 Oct 2013, 09:00
Sabotage is a good word..i think most of us do that at times and not just around food,in other areas of our lives too.
Plus i think other people try to sabotage our efforts at times!
But a lot of other things come into play,including it being difficult to change old habits so we can often slip back,and also there are physiological changes we are barely aware of that urge us to keep eating
You did great last week and like you said,plan to do well this coming week
I find it helps to read all the info etc on here as it keeps me focused and makes me remember why i am 5:2 ing! X
Re: Struggling non fast days?
20 Oct 2013, 09:06
I think most of of us go through stages of feeling we are over eating, not sure why,probably because some of us are ha ha
Re: Struggling non fast days?
20 Oct 2013, 11:47
Actually put what you ate into a calorie counter, quite often you will be surprised by the actual calories eaten. Very often they can be under for the day.

The beauty of this way of eating is that if you do have a bit of a frenzy day you can always miss breakfast the next day, or lunch or just have an extra fast day.

Overall, just keep trying, the control isn't going to come overnight, nor is it going to be a fixed process for the rest of your life once you do get control. We are human, enjoying food is what we do. Allowing that aspect of our lives, without guilt, is what this way of eating is about.

Don't feel guilty about having a good night out, have a look into what may have triggered the blow out. If it was something like just having a good day and enjoying the food, the company and the situation then there is nothing to worry about. But, if it was triggered by something like having a carb heavy breakfast that started a blood sugar roller coaster, then looking at reducing the breakfast carbs is something you can change.

There is also nothing inherently wrong in eating fries or drinking wine. Making out that some foods are taboo and will be taboo for the rest of our lives is what makes other diets fail. If you ate a bucket of fries then that's bad, but a 'few' fries is not going to make your life come crumbling down, I doubt if it even put 20grams of weight on you (check the calories). A few glasses of wine in a week isn't going to ruin your life, in fact it may be healthy (reducing stress, lowering cholesterol etc), having a bottle a night is the bad part. So don't beat yourself up, its not what this way of eating is about, the diet is slower, but much more sustainable than other diets, because it is human based, not saint based.
Re: Struggling non fast days?
20 Oct 2013, 12:08
Hi Sue

I can totally relate. Every time I get close to dropping down to that next kilo I feel like I sabotage my goals too! It is sooooo frustrating. I have lost the same kilo over and over and over in the last few weeks. I agree it is breaking old habits and sometimes it is about just having a taste of something and learning when to stop and not nibble. I think for me I have to stop walking through my kitchen in the afternoons as even though I'm not hungry it is so easy to pick at things without thinking. The good news is that we are still focused on continuing with this WOL and it will happen and we will reach our goals!
Re: Struggling non fast days?
20 Oct 2013, 12:15
PS if I feel I have over eaten on a feed day I do what julieathome suggested and skip breakfast or do a half fast the next day to get me right back on track mentally. That is the beauty of fasting
Re: Struggling non fast days?
20 Oct 2013, 12:39
I am in that mode at the moment and have been since September, which is why I have lost no weight whatsoever since then, every week I tell myself I'm going to eat normally on feed days and every week I eat too much.

This week I'm trying to plan better as it's often bad planning that cause me to overeat, we'll see if that helps :0
Re: Struggling non fast days?
20 Oct 2013, 14:10

I was the same! Although I had lost weight since starting the 5:2 diet it was not as much as I'd hoped. I'd averaged half a pound a week.

Now, I find that the best way of tackling the over-eating on the days off is counting the calories the day after a fast. I try not to count calories everyday as I feel my weekends shouldn't be constricted and I usually don't go overboard anyway. But the day after the fast I try to make sure I'm not eating more than 1500, that way I can feel confident I'm not ruining all the good work of the day before. Did this last week and have lost almost 2 lbs in one week.

Try it, it might help you!
Re: Struggling non fast days?
20 Oct 2013, 18:16
I overeat after my second fast day of the week but put it down to being a Friday and relaxing into the weekend rather than sabbotage. So I don't feel bad about it; I simply accept it and adjust my eating the following week. It ends up being undereating Tuesday and Wednesday, fasting Monday and Thursday then enjoying whatever I want Friday through Sunday. Works really well for me (see my sig below) and no guilt!
Re: Struggling non fast days?
21 Oct 2013, 10:34
Thanks for the replies- helpful advice, will try tracking on weekdays this week and see how that goes,
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