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Taking the pressure off myself
22 Jul 2013, 23:24
I had a duh light bulb moment the other day.

I keep setting up goals and then failing to reach them. And then I feel like crap.

So I am not doing that any more.

My body is really rubbish at losing weight. But I find 5:2 completely doable and I am moving in the right direction. And that's all that matters really.

And my digital scales are reassuring me that my muscle is not only being retained by increasing on 5:2 so that's even better news.

And I feel much more inclined to exercise (long walks, internal training and some weights)and my fitness has improved substantially. Clothes are fitting better and overall I just feel more positive.

Today I did not get the number I hoped for because it's that time of the month when it goes up. But it hasn't gone up so I know I have a "disguised loss" waiting for me this coming week as long as I stay on track. So that's all good. I can wait.
When I started having the numbers problem and hitting some plateaus, I changed my goals. How important is that number on the scale, anyway? I went to more focus on a size goal than a number in pounds. It helps me. I still weigh daily, but it is only a number and I know that it doesn't always represent my effort and whether I stayed on plan. I keep a pair of inspiration jeans in the next size down hanging on a peg in my room. On fast days or whenever I'm feeling thin and noticing hardly any tummy bloat I try them. The current pair goes over my hips and the button touches but doesn't quite reach. Soon, though. I already found another pair to replace them when I get into the current pair. They were on clearance for $5, too!
Thanks for posting this. I'm in very much the same boat. My husband and I have been doing 5:2 together since late April. He's lost nearly 10 kg really easily, and I'm wavering at around 4 kg loss, up and down, up a lot, down a bit, it's so slow and I have been getting extremely discouraged by it all.

My BMI is also pretty high, and it would be ideal for me to lose a lot (like 20-30 kg), but I may just have to resign myself to not achieving that. It's so hard to stop obsessing about it though, isn't it :p

I really like 5:2, and will keep doing it for the health benefits, but as to whether my body will cooperate with weight loss or not, I really don't know. So I need to follow your lead on this one, I think, and just drop those expectations and goals, and just keep going, and see what, if anything, happens ...
I'm battling the scales at the moment, too. They've been pretty kind to me so far. I suspect it's the half marathon training. My muscles are so sore, they must be retaining water. If not, I'm slimmer and fitter than I've been in ages. That should count for more, right?
Great attitude - I am trying to adopt the same attitude to this myself. I'm only coming to the end of my first week but already it feels like I've taken the pressure off myself.

I was doing Weight Watchers before this and constantly felt under pressure to be "good" every day. Now on a feed day I eat similar to what I would have done on a Weight Watchers day but it feels like a treat instead of a hardship!

Having read the posts here I know to expect weight loss to be slow and steady, especially as I have less to lose, but I'm happy with that if it's going to make the journey more enjoyable :smile:
numbers are just that, numbers
an athelete of 5ft 8 will weigh more than a slim bnut unfit person of the same height
if you are feeling fitter and healthier but not seeing scales move try to focus on that ....and the other benefits purported from this way of life

I didn't lose any weight this week,even if I didn't eat a lot, even during the weekend but I think it's because it's "that time of the month" and because of the heat. No pressure. I would like to be a size 38 (size 8/10 US/UK) for the end of the year but it's more to keep me motivated than anything else. :wink:
I do agree, take the pressure off. I hit such a plateau recently that I stopped thinking about weight loss to focus on health benefits. I'm in the 5:2 pattern, it's no hassle, and suddenly I'm losing again. Slow but sure, stick with it
Don't take the pressure off completely. Aim for something realistic, not necessarily weight loss, but something to keep you motivated without becoming either complacent or disheartened. I think we all need something to aim for and the long battle hardest won brings the greatest victory.
Why not put the pressure on the exercices ? Put the goals on walking 30 minutes more or things like that ? Trying to find something enjoyable which keeps motivated. One thing I like the most since I began to lose weight is to find old clothes and put them on. I even found a t shirt my first boyfriend gave me 25 years ago.... it brings happy memories to put some old clothes on and it makes me feel great
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