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That is a bit too fast
04 Sep 2013, 01:22
In 4 fast and about 1 week 1/2 I went from 125 pounds to 119.4 pounds. My calculation was supposed to give me a weight loss of half a pound a week so this is a bit unexpected. Should I worry right is not likes have a lot of weight to lose and really I didn't have that much water weight on me. I eat 1750 calories on my feast days.

My best ever month of weight loss have been 5 pounds

Thank you
Re: That is a bit too fast
04 Sep 2013, 06:12
I'm replying because you have had lots of views and no replies.

I wouldn't worry, in general terms, give it another 2 weeks and see what happens.
If however you are worried about loosing lean muscle, then you should probably ask again with a specific question that might prompt some of our more knowledgeable fitness people to reply.
Failing that are you aware of LeanGains -
Martin Berkhan seems to be the expert on intermittent fasting and muscle gain.
(Apologies to all Martin Berkhan followers for what was probably just a gross over simplification)
Re: That is a bit too fast
04 Sep 2013, 06:56
Like SianS says, give it a bit longer before worrying - many find a disproportionate loss in the first week or two which can't all be fat. Are you still lifting heavy weights? Are you getting sufficient protein? If yes, you won't be losing lean tissue.
I suspect you will level out quite quickly...
Re: That is a bit too fast
04 Sep 2013, 07:12
Hi yanicki1

I'm in my 3rd week of fasting and like you have also lost more weight than expected, but in my case think its more down to water loss. I have found that my eating habits have really changed, I'm now naturally making much healthier choices with food which can only be a good thing.

As long as you're getting plenty of protein and other essential nutrients you should be fine, and you will probably find that in a week or two your losses settle down.
Re: That is a bit too fast
04 Sep 2013, 10:07
I lost dramatically my first month - 7 kilos I think.
Then it slowed down and my average is 0.6.

Science says you loose around 4-5 kilos of water during the first 3 weeks of a calorie reduced diet.
Re: That is a bit too fast
04 Sep 2013, 10:27
If you look at the forum stats on the progress tracker you'll see that loss in the first few weeks is usually quite a lot higher than in subsequent weeks. It's almost certainly mostly water weight and you may well find in the next week or so you go up a little again or only maintain as you lose fat but regain some water. Overall in the longer term it should balance out to around half a pound a week loss (which is the average for women starting in the healthy weight range).
Re: That is a bit too fast
04 Sep 2013, 10:47
I have the opposite problem. I have gained 1lb after 5 fasts. Only one feast day was perhaps a little high as I had a dinner party, the other feast days' were always well below. i use myfitnesspal app. I swim 1 mile a day, as its breast stroke it takes me an hour. I'm really disheartened as I am going on holiday today for a week. How much will I weigh at the end of the week with baguette,cheese,patisserie and wine. I can't be a party pooper!
My husband says I should leave my body to medical science as they would find the " Maggie survival gene" for when the famine comes!!
Re: That is a bit too fast
04 Sep 2013, 14:05
I wouldn't worry about it. Lift big, eat big! Just not on fast days.

I lift weights and it's not affected my muscles, in fact, my body composition is vastly improved, however, I was pretty fat to start with...I eat a lot the rest of the time. :-)
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