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The LCHFMP Way of Eating
15 May 2014, 13:58
Stumbled on this from some web link.

Amazing results for Pamela, a lady in Florida who has been dieting and training since 2010 getting to a healthy weight from 220 pounds

or facebook..

Anyhow, she does LCHFMP which might help some people here struggling.

she describes it as.

Present day: I am 5 months a LCHFMP eater. What that means? I have been eating a diet primarily made up of healthy fats (65% of daily food roughly), moderate protein (about 25%, or 1 gram per lb. of lean muscle mass– yes, I had that figured for me) and maybe 5-10% carbohydrates ( this includes fibrous veggies which is pretty much all the carbs I take in…with the exception of my morning creamer and my oh-so-addicting daily Quest bar a few things. I’m very flexible…

i looked up the acronym and you do see other uses of it

starting to get used to concept of Pinterest. this is a nice collection

I remember once saying that the only weakness I thought of with 5:2 or 4:3 is there is very little guidance on percentages of types of food intake.

I dont think Pamela is an intermittent faster but LCHFMP seems to have merit

Re: The LCHFMP Way of Eating
17 May 2014, 00:19
I have seen it also described as

85% fat ( a little more or less is fine)
10% protein
5% carbs

That means 20 grams or less carbsm 50g or less protein, the rest fat.

Seems drastic doesnt it.
Re: The LCHFMP Way of Eating
17 May 2014, 06:02
Last summer when I was in Sweden this diet was all over the place there. I have a friend who does this and has been doing it for a while but doesn't appear to have lost any weight, I haven't asked her outright so she may have lost a little but nothing I can see.

The problem I would have with this is not being able to eat everything...pretty much the same as with low carb.
Re: The LCHFMP Way of Eating
17 May 2014, 06:31
Hi JR x i read the runs with hips but cdnt find what all the initials stand for...?
I' m guessing Low Carb High Fat but whats the MP?
More Please? :?:
Re: The LCHFMP Way of Eating
17 May 2014, 06:35
I am not impressed. Who has not tried one of these diets? It works for weight loss (but I think all diets do) but then fails in the long term because it is not sustainable for someone with a normal life: the lunch with colleagues, the sushi dinner, the family gathering, the aperitivo, etc. One can follow any diet, but after some months of saying no to everything, even if one has a will of steel, it will come the occasion to get off track, typically with devastating consequences.

Similarly to Nicky_94, I think that the big advantage of 5:2 is that I live my life and diet for two days a week, which I can shift around to fit my social schedule (and also my mood, who perfectly knows the difference between pasta and cauliflower in mac&cheese). In the normal days I stick to my TDEE and I can eat everything I fancy without having to stress about the percentages of fat/protein/carbohydrates in my plate.
Re: The LCHFMP Way of Eating
17 May 2014, 06:42
CandiceMarie wrote: Hi JR x i read the runs with hips but cdnt find what all the initials stand for...?
I' m guessing Low Carb High Fat but whats the MP?
More Please? :?:

@candicemarie.. its Moderate Protein

The amount of fat seems so excessive.
Re: The LCHFMP Way of Eating
17 May 2014, 07:22
Eeek, just looked at the percentages again, that leaves almost no room for vegetables, so wouldn't work for me, and I can't see any diet restricting vegetables being healthy.
Re: The LCHFMP Way of Eating
18 May 2014, 23:28
Nicky_94 wrote: Eeek, just looked at the percentages again, that leaves almost no room for vegetables, so wouldn't work for me, and I can't see any diet restricting vegetables being healthy.

Nicky_94, veges are carbs so there is room for vege but not much.

here is somebody's personal guide i googled.

copying her text..
I talk a lot about vegetables. I think many people on the LCHF diet avoid them for no good. A rule of thumb when eating LCHF is to avoid all food containing more than 5 g carbs / 100 g. If you are on a max 20 g carbs per day, as many on LCHF, GI, Atkins or other low carb diets are, that translates to 1 kg broccoli or 300 g of carrots. Quite a big difference, right. By choosing low carb vegetables like broccoli, you can eat 100-200 g and still manage your daily restriction of 20 g easily. It's about choosing wisely! Of course, you can eat carrots, too, but they contain a relatively high amount of carbs, so you'd want to keep it to small amounts.
Re: The LCHFMP Way of Eating
19 May 2014, 07:57 check out this web site for info from Grant Schofield a NZ Professor of Public Health (Auckland University of Technology) and director of the university’s Human Potential Centre (HPC) located at the Millennium Campus in Auckland, New Zealand. He is evangelical about this style of eating and there is a lot science info on the site. Personally Im not giving up hot buttered toast!
Re: The LCHFMP Way of Eating
19 May 2014, 08:41
http://scienceofhumanpotential.files.wo ... 3-4-14.pdf
this link is to Grant Schofield and his teams review of the draft revision of NZ dietary guidelines. Interesting.
Re: The LCHFMP Way of Eating
20 May 2014, 00:48
thanks @juliewil10 will check out the links.
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