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I have invented a new dance, which I am calling the tippy toe waggle. It was an inadvertent in invention and luckily a private one.
It stated innocuously enough with needing to put the rubbish in the bin. When I am at home I do everything barefoot where possible. So it was no problem for me to walk around the house with both hands full of bags and bins to be emptied into the big bins around the side. This is where the dance started.

I was walking around the corner of the house, both hand full when I realised I was walking on the hems of my jeans, so I started to tip toe to get my jeans off the wet ground. Another 3 steps and I had to add a waggle as the jeans were now down around my hips and sliding further. You know the waggle, sort of like a wide legged belly dancing, but trying to persuade the jeans to go up not down.

So I manged to reach the bins, tippy toe waggling all the way, and just before, I mean moments before I managed to put the bags down, the jeans fell all the way down, dragging my baggy knickers with them. Thankfully its a private alley way, not overlooked by anyone with a nice high fence and gate.

I was so chuffed (elated for none British) that after pulling them up and sorting the rubbish, I went inside and demonstrated the tippy toe waggle dance to my husband, just to show the amazing properties of trouser dropping it has. I forgot about the non-sexy baggy knickers though.
Love it!
... Even better story than the shed one :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry the other day. I was wearing a fairly new pair of jeans. (My first jeans in over 30yrs!) I was bursting for the loo and raced into the bathroom. Now remember, I have had 30 yrs of wearing elastic waisted trouser, I yanked my jeans down and then it dawned....I had been able to pull my lovely new jeans down without unfastening them! I was thrilled at the shrinkage but now I have to keep shoving them ion the dryer on high heat to get them to stay up! :frown:
Hi Julie just done my own version of your tippy toe waggle dance!
But..sadly not caused by too loose but merely too long trousers

Was just congratulating self on getting thru the 16 bit of today's 16:8 regime,then thought,will hoover before i eat i hoovered,my left big toe got caught in the right too long trouser leg and .....wehey!i started dancing!
The beauty of this dance is,it stops you falling flat on your face..
Would have looked hilarious to anyone watching hehe!
I bet hubby didn't notice what sort of knickers they were. :lol:
Actually he did notice the knickers, with the words, 'you need some new sexy knickers'.
I have a cure for your dance..... skinny jeans!!! I'm now wearing a size TEN.... see that... SIZE TEN jeans (was a 16, I'm so proud I want to wear them inside out with the label showing!) but they don't slip down over your feet like wider bottomed ones do. And they show off your new figure really nicely!!!
Domane wrote: I have a cure for your dance..... skinny jeans!!! !

Its cheaper to buy a belt. I will wear baggy until I utterly HAVE to buy 'new' clothes. In the mean time I am selling what i can on ebay to fund the new stuff as and when I need it. I am still working my way through the back of the wardrobe stuff.
I have a cunning plan with my outgrown summer stuff, like swimming costumes and cropped trousers, and that is to wait till just before the 'edit: WINTER SUN' holidays start and people suddenly realise that they haven't got any holiday clothes to wear in big sizes as all the shops are now selling scarves and gloves not swim wear, and that is when I am selling.
(Shhh.... don't tell anyone..... my "new clothes" came from the charity shop and second-hand from ebay....)
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