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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Friend of mine started the 12 week 4WBT program recently.

Very popular at moment and apparently "all the mums at her son's kindy are doing it". It is a commercial registration program for a moderate fee.

Apparantly you are transformed in 12 weeks through a rigourous diet and exercise plan.

thoughts? anyone done it? results?

reference site..

btw friend is loving it.
looks like a bit of a "money for old rope" con to me.......
SorryJuliana x No these things never draw me in,i won't even look at them any more
My days believing a quick fix is gonna work are well gone
I bet it 's not cheap tho for the poor suckers who give it a try
And whats supposed to happen after 12 short are healthy,fit,slim,toned,eating habits transformed forever,and everything's hunky dory? I don't think so. About as likely as a Prince Charming galloping up and whisking you off to happy ever after! X
Hi Julianna. I bought one of Michelle bridges books years ago. It has a 12 week exercise program and diet in it and I imagine it's similar to the internet programme. It cost maybe $30.00 not $20.00 a week. The exercise program is good if you want an intensive workout. The diet is nothing special just low calorie healthy food.
So my thoughts, if you want her exercise program buy the book and save heaps of money.
I suppose the idea is that you pick up healthy eating/exercising habits during the 12 weeks, and stick to them afterwards. My Australian sister-in-law is doing the Maxine's Shape Up Challenge which is another 12 week thing, where those judged winners get big prizes: Maxine's is low carb, high protein (inc Maxine's own protein bars), with plenty of veggies. Sounds ok, but the idea of having 5 small meals a day totalling c1200 (I think) seems more regimented than 5:2.
Update on friend doing 12wbt. I bumped into her and she looked amazing. She wasnt overweight to begin with but anyway she boasted 9kg loss and more to go. She is really into the heavy workouts incorporated in the plan and is following them religiously.

She did look glowing and fit.

So, if followed strictly and with a go get 'em positive attitude, it may be the boost one needs to get fit and loose fast. And really is inexpensive. As a skeptic of such commercial things, well, the proof is in my friend. But of course YMMV (Your mileage may vary) so it may not work for everybody.
Getting it off is the easiest bit. I myself have done it countless times only to balloon back (plus a few kilos) . Let us know in a year if they have managed to maintain the loss. To me that is the true test, and the beauty of 5:2. No problem for me maintaining 15 kg loss after 16 months.
Mandm wrote: Getting it off is the easiest bit. I myself have done it countless times only to balloon back (plus a few kilos) . Let us know in a year if they have managed to maintain the loss. To me that is the true test, and the beauty of 5:2. No problem for me maintaining 15 kg loss after 16 months.

I will keep you updated. You are right.. the initial enthusiasm before and during a 3 month program is easy to build up and maintain but what happens in the following 3 months. I guess many would continue enthusiasm, but then it can wane and before you know it its back to old habits.

Will be interesting to see.

the beauty of 5:2;16:8;19:5,fast-5;4:3 (now thats a mouthful)
is that it can be continued long term. It is something sustainable. As for the exercise bit, im guilt of not doing it despite my fleeting enthusiasm last Sydney summer but too much disruption each and every month of my life. It's still something i aim for
All the big diet studies show everyone using any diet getting wonderful results at three months, after which most weight loss slows dramatically. Very few people stick past 6 months. Even fewer get through a year to say nothing of five years maintaining a loss.

With exercise the results are similar, which is why health clubs sell one year memberships to far more people than the club can hold. The place is jammed in January, thins out in Feb, and by April you have the place to yourself.

I am eagerly awaiting seeing how maintainable 5:2 really is. I love hearing from the folks who are maintaining, no matter what size weight loss they are maintaining.
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