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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi all!!! Happy New Year and good tidings to all!

I have had a *bleep* stressful christmas/NY/past few months. I don't mean to sound stressy or melodramatic, but that is the way these days.

I hope you all had a wonderful Xmas. I went home for almost two weeks. Loved some of it. Sobbed some of it. My bf and I fought a hell of a lot, my grandma and others criticized our relationship (''if he was 25 years older than you and owned a yacht I might understand!'' - sorry, but yacht or not, I adore him), I ate and drank to infinity, blah blah blah. I'm 23 on Friday and I know my parents still worry so much about me - I go from happy and healthy to grumpy and gross with the click of a finger.

I got back to Reading this afternoon and headed straight to the pub with my man. Got in, having inhaled a KFC meal for lunch, a bottle of wine and a cheeseboard this evening, to having only gained 3 pounds over Christmas.

Basically - I need to stop moping and feeling sorry for myself and make the most of the new year. I'm lonely at the moment because I've moved somewhere with no friends - I'm taking it out on my man, my fam and I'm hitting the choc and the wine too much...but I'm the only person in charge of my life.

I'm sorry I haven't been around much recently, but I vow to make the most of my life this year - no more excuses or sticking with the easy option.

PINCHYPOPS is back!!! Fasting tomorrow with lots of greens in the fridge. Lots of love and best wishes to all xx
:heart: :heart: Welcome back @Pinchypops You did well only gaining a small amount considering all the stress you've got sorry it didn't go well with the family but they only want what is best for you and whatever the outcome you've got to make your own decisions in life ( you make your own bed now lie in it ) or some other crap like that.
Get your head in gear to eating healthy again and more importantly make yourself some new friends you need others in your life than work colleagues and B/friends/partners :heart:
Welcome back PP! :like: :like: :like:
Why not join us over in the low carb tent/ barn conversion/ orangery, Pinchy? We're all gonna make our bodies into temples..AND make it our year!
From your prior posts you had lots of steep learning curves all at once, time will work it all out for you. I think it is lovely you love your man. :heart: :heart: :heart: You have got the tools with 5:2 and know what to do because you have already accomplished so much. Your gains are nothing as @Sue.Q says too.

Back on the 5:2 wagon and all the best for 2014 :clover: :clover: :clover:
Welcome back Pinchypops and good luck with your fast tomorrow. Think I might just join you!

Bean :bugeyes:
So good to see you back Pinchypops. So time to put the stress away and start living. Aren't you glad you found 5:2 now, at least that's one thing that can make your life easier, instead of constant dieting.
You sound very positive now so chin up and onward into a fantastic 2014.
Many people including close friends and family put me through the paces with my (at that time girlfriend) we started dating when she was in her last year of school (I was 4 years out of school) and yes it hurt at the time but we have now been married 4 years and don't regret a moment.

The main thing in life is to make sure you are happy - it doesn't matter what friends or family may say (they usually just want the best for you and sometimes that can hurt)

Stick to what you love and you will only grow :-) Heres to a happy 2014 for you and your partner!

Oh and something my wife and I learnt very fast when we shifted to a new town where we had no friends etc is that it is very important to get "alone time", find a hobby or something you enjoy doing because even though you love your partner - when you spend 24/7 with someone you start to wear on each other. Its important to get that little bit of "me" time from time to time :-)
Thanks all :)

Awoke this morning feeling very panicky and sad. Coming on here has made me feel a lot better straight away.

Such a lovely feeling of support from people I don't even know - I think that venting on here, or even simply having the option to do so, is so helpful for all of us. Sorry if people think I'm using the forum as an excuse to moan a lot recently, it's just such a useful outlet.

Hope everyone has a great day!xx
A big hello from me pinchy, so glad you're back. Let it all out, it feels great to put how you are feeling in writing, it can help a hell of a lot.
We won't judge you like family can, but they love you so always remember that.
Anyway, you did so well before so get yourself back into that place again and you know exactly what you'll be able to accomplish. A couple of pounds gain over the Xmas festivities is not bad at all.
Good luck with today's fast, were all with you.
Welcome back @pinchypops. Hope the fast is going well today. :like:
Hi all,

Didn't have breakie today, just water and black coffee up until lunchtime. Just polished off a salad of crunchy leaves, half an avocado, prawns, egg yolks (someone at work eats hard boiled egg whites, so I nicked his yolks before they were disposed of!), red pepper and sweet chilli sauce. According to my estimations that comes in at around 300 calories.

I'll probably make soup this evening and bring into work for lunch tomorrow. Not sure what to have for supper (if anything at all), but got around 200 cals to play with if I want it.

People have previosuly suggested the 16:8 for non-fast days, so I might have a go at that 2 days this week. It's my birthday on Friday, so will be indulging over the weekend!
I love this forum for the chance to have a moan knowing that caring people will respond. As for family, I had the same with my hubby. He just wasn't good enough for my family, he wasn't well off, he wasn't in a stable job at the time, it wouldn't last etc. etc. etc. It was our 23rd wedding anniversary last week, so my judgement was a bit better than theirs.
Welcome back, it sounds like you had a tough time but you already sound more positive towards the end of your post. I am sure you can do this. Hope it's OK today, I am with you on this fasting day!
Tea was a piece of toast with a small portion of smoked salmon and a poached egg. Think I may have gone slightly over my 500 cals, but I'm sure it won't hurt.

Feels so good to be back in control. Hope everyone else has enjoyed their fasting today!
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