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Time to re-motivate myself!
11 Aug 2014, 17:27
A few weeks ago, I just stopped caring about 5:2 & gave myself permission to eat whatever I wanted. Not needing to be told twice (!) I began shovelling anything & everything down my neck...particularly at night. The funny thing was, not eating before mid-day every day of the week has become my norm - so that never changed, but the pattern for the rest of the day certainly did.....Also, I gave up visiting the I was no longer a participant in the 5:2 WOL.

I had achieved my two personal targets in April & early July this year (Mother's 80th party & daughter's graduation) and despite signing up for the Springing into Fall challenge - which should have kept me on the straight & narrow throughout the summer holidays & beyond - I think I found that having no actual "event" to aim for, was very significant.

My weight loss since starting 5:2 in late November last year, has been (though I say it myself...I don't wish to sound cocky, but it is nevertheless a fact) brilliant. I am staring down the barrel of my 52nd birthday shortly, but am told by people that I look younger than ever! I can go clothes shopping nowadays without any sense of fear (Size 14 UK is loose - woo hoo), compliments are coming my way all the time.......yet I recently chose to throw the towel in.

What's that all about? I so wish I knew....but as a result, I am no longer full of fun, or bouncy, or happy. In fact, I feel low & pretty miserable...not to mention rather disappointed in myself. There really is no up-side to falling off the wagon....

In the scheme of things, I have got away very lightly....with just a 3lb overall gain. I am the same weight now as I was when I started the Springing into Fall challenge 8 weeks I now only have 6weeks to shift the whole of the 14lbs I pledged to lose...yikes!! After a lot of soul-searching over the weekend, I realised that there was really only one way I am willingly fasting today. Nothing has passed my lips so far, other than fluids and I am sooo looking forward to a hearty bowl of soup a bit later!

As a life-long dieter, I am used to losing weight, then losing heart, then gaining it all and then some back. The (hopeful) difference this time is that my "blip" has lasted only around 4 weeks...which honestly is a world record for me! I can almost "feel" the commitment to 5:2 returning. My first day "back to basics" is going well so far and I know I will stick at it today.

Food is such an interesting subject, isn't it? As is the psychology of food. Sometimes I believe food is just about my only friend....yet eating the wrong sort & amount can leave me feeling so rubbish - both physically and mentally. I am enjoying @peebles's recent thread about what makes us regain after losing weight - it is very thought-provoking. Often I wish I could book time with myself to get inside my head & sort myself out....but somehow, it is never a priority. But then, that is no surprise really, because I come pretty low down on my own list of priorities! But that's a whole other story...

Sorry for going on a bit, but it feels good to have got these thoughts down.

:heart: Big hugs to you all, my fasting friends :heart:
Re: Time to re-motivate myself!
11 Aug 2014, 17:30
Good luck Hazelnut20, you know it makes sense!
Re: Time to re-motivate myself!
11 Aug 2014, 17:39
Its a good day for fresh starts Hazel!
Loose size 14 sounds good to me..even if you don't lose more,make sure you don't gain any! Coz you're in a good place sizewise!
But best of all,continue with yr S into F challenge,but don't stress yrself over it..that can often lead to mindless eating! X
Re: Time to re-motivate myself!
11 Aug 2014, 18:13
Hazelnut20 wrote: Also, I gave up visiting the I was no longer a participant in the 5:2 WOL.

Well Hazel, as the text below your avatar indicates: you are a 5:2 faster for life! Even if there are some periods where you feel this is not appropriate, you still are in a situation where life is changed by fasting. In totally different circomstances I had a period of almost 3 months without fasting when I was at the bottom of my maintenance range and not gaining. However I kept visiting the forum and still felt like a faster. So I think you are right in getting back to the forum and this will be a big help in getting back on track and keeping there (even if you sometimes feel like getting off the slipery slope).
Re: Time to re-motivate myself!
11 Aug 2014, 18:33
Keep going hazelnut and don't be too hard on yourself. Life has a funny way of creeping up on us and you have a lot of balls to keep in the air so the 5: 2 slipped abit better that than something else. Ys is really testing me this hols and then there is my Grandad so I sort of know how you feel because I won't make it into my dress next week because my bust is about 3 inches too big. Luckily I have a back up but then I have to work out how to keep motivated and I am hoping that it will be because I don't want to see the smug faces of people who said oh well it 's just a fad you won't keep it off etc. oh and food isn't your only friend we are all here too.
Re: Time to re-motivate myself!
11 Aug 2014, 18:45
Good luck@Hazelnut20 You sound as though you have got your motivation back.
Hope you can find yourself a bit of 'me' time-everyone needs and deserves that, even if it is only for a few minutes each day.
Re: Time to re-motivate myself!
11 Aug 2014, 18:48
I'm delighted to see you posting this and fasting today! Good on you!
But please tell me you are not still aiming for 14 pounds in 6 weeks?! You were joking?
I would worry about how you might feel if you did not hit that target?
If it is any consolation, I too am at the same weight as I started the solstice challenge, and I've been fasting regularly! (And obviously eating too much on other days, though I am optimistic about this week's weigh-in)
Hope it's going well today.
Re: Time to re-motivate myself!
11 Aug 2014, 18:53
@Hazelnut20 welcome back to the satisfying sanity of a good fast and a happy bunch of fellow fasters who understand completely, having visited that same point and returned like you.
Try for a pound a week loss m'dear, keeping it real food and low carb+medium protein+high good fat for the full force :0)
Re: Time to re-motivate myself!
11 Aug 2014, 18:56
Good luck on the next round of 5:2, hazelnut20.
Re: Time to re-motivate myself!
11 Aug 2014, 20:43
Well done on realising this is the way forward and downward. You have done brilliantly and visiting here even when you are not actively 5:2ing is the best way of keeping the WOL in mind and making it more likely that you will return after any 'holiday'. I know it's not easy but even if you are at the bottom of your priority list, make some time for yourself, my saviour used to be a cup of tea usually taken almost cold by the time I found a moment to drink it in peace.
Re: Time to re-motivate myself!
11 Aug 2014, 21:31
Welcome back @Hazelnut20 :like:
Glad today's fast went well for you let's hope Determination Day
was successful to those of us who needed that extra push.
As you know I've struggled most of this year, every week a new plan and getting nowhere still doing at least 5:2.
This "Blip" isn't your fault Hazel as you've read on that thread by @peebles We sometimes have no say in the matter, but we do need to hang on in there I'm proof of that fact, I didn't believe my own advice, it was very frustrating, hard, even maddening
I felt a failure and thought of quitting the forum/not fasting.
your 3lbs gained is a weekends indulgence for some of us.
You've done a great job on your own weightloss you look amazing be proud of yourself, and with the shortest part of your journey ahead of you, it doesn't matter if you don't meet the next challenge, the weight you've lost and very quickly your body is still in shock and rebelling. .
You congratulated me on just reaching
my xmas/valentines/solstice/and my interim goals.
I expected to meet all them at the end of last year!!!!
Am I a failure? NO I don't feel like one at all
Cut yourself a little slack and be kind to yourself Hazel, you've done day one today build on that and fast again when you're ready to, keep forum motivated for the much needed support.
:clover: :clover: :clover: Good Luck :clover: :clover: :clover:
---------From Sue x
Re: Time to re-motivate myself!
11 Aug 2014, 22:44
You only gained 3 lbs before getting back on track? That is wonderful. Keep doing that for the rest of your life and you will never again be fat.

But it is probably as important to stop judging yourself by your weight as it is to get back on your diet. It's just plain self-destructive to use such a superficial gauge of value. Separate out old, outgrown negative ways of thinking about yourself from the simple practical task of adjusting what you eat!
Re: Time to re-motivate myself!
11 Aug 2014, 23:14
You are already ahead of the game so count yourself lucky it's only 3lbs and get your fasting mojo back again.

Good luck! :clover:
Re: Time to re-motivate myself!
11 Aug 2014, 23:49
In case you don't know it, you are one of my inspirations on this forum, @Hazelnut20. We never know who will be impacted by what we share & I am glad you are back & ready to keep going. Thanks for all you've shared in all parts of your journey. As PJ-K said, :victory: we are lifers & in this case, that's a great thing. Continued good luck.
Re: Time to re-motivate myself!
12 Aug 2014, 00:36
Hi @Hazelnut20, thank you for your post,a s we've said before, it is rarely about the food is it? I am glad that you are climbing back on the wagon, as am I after several months of not finding the method that works for me. It is interesting what you say about needing an event to aim for; I would have thought that my impending big birthday would have done it for me, but apparently not! I continue to struggle and unconsciously sabotage myself despite knowing what I am doing. I am using the chimp book to try and set out a plan and stick to it.

I agree with Mary Lynn, I find your posts intelligent and thought provoking and inspirational :heart:
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