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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I am a firm believer in P.M.A., so have always thought 'if you always do, what you've always done, then expect to get, what you've always got'!!! That's why I ended up at nearly 15 stone at my heaviest (2 years ago) and have held it at just under 14 stone for the past year.

I reckon it's the same with the Way of Eating (WOE).

I had a really bad day last week and for the first part of it, kept saying to myself 'I can't do this today' and nearly gave up, BUT, then I put on my P.M.A. Head and went for a walk and kept repeating to myself 'I CAN do this', and 'I LIKE the feeling of hunger'. Sure enough I got through it, and felt VERY proud of myself for not giving in to my FAT Head!!!

Perhaps that's why some people give in after 'x' number of weeks, they just go back to doing what they've always done and keep listening to their FAT head.

I wonder how long we have to do this before this becomes our 'Normal' way of living and eating?

I always try to be a glass half full, rather than a glass half empty type of 'girl' and realise that 'if it's worth having, it's worth fighting for'. So, I'm gonna give this a real go - I CAN do it, I WILL do it and it IS worth fighting for!! So there!!! :lol:
It will be interesting to see how many of us are still here in a months time, or six months or a year! You seem to have a very good PMA but don't beat yourself up too much if it occasionally lets you down! Even we 'half glass full' people have our occasional 'moments!
Having a good PMA is what keeps us going. I keep visualizing myself in those size 14 shorts this summer!!
I've never been good at p.m.a. Perhaps, when I can look in my wardrobe at all the size 12 clothes I can get into, then my mentla attitude will be well and truly positive. I have to say though, this forum is really upbeat. I could become addicted to you.
Size 12 would be a dream for me. Not been there for years. But maybe one day!! I will be sorting my wardrobe next week. Hope to get all my 16's out. Let me know when you get your 12's out. Having a good PMA works wonders and helps to keep you going.
Good luck.
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