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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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The dreaded lurgy
19 Feb 2013, 10:29
Hi All

I've not fasted for the past 2 weeks as I've been really ill with flu. I spent about 5 days in bed and was off most food so survived on OJ with lemonade, a few biscuits and some cereal. I've gradually got my appetite back but have been really exhausted and still had a persistant cough so haven't had the heart to fast. I've not been able to exercise either which is starting to drive me bonkers!

So...I'm going to attempt a fast day today and hopefully Thursday too. I've had 2 coffees and I'm planning to have hot drinks during the day then grilled spicy Mackerel with lots of steamed veg for dinner.

Wish me luck!
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