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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Tough day
21 Feb 2013, 19:22
I'm completing my 10th fast day and have found it quite tough and yet Monday's fast day was a walk in the park. What's going on?!

I had a WW vanilla yoghurt for breakfast
Salad for lunch incl 15ml light dressing
Three mugs of tea with sk milk
One mug of fruit tea
Half a Haddock filet (Easy to Cook) with broccoli, cabbage & green beans (about to eat)!

Total under 500 cals and leaves me 46 spare.
I have been shivering (well it is cold and I've been writing most of the day at my computer) and took dog for 45 min walk brrrrrr.

I'm weighing myself tomorrow morning. Stand by....
Re: Tough day
21 Feb 2013, 19:41
I found it a bit up and down at the beginning too, I had to really distract myself to hang on to the end of the day sometimes but it has gotten so much easier and feels like much more of a routine now, so stick with it :)
I also feel colder on my fast days which I suppose makes sense! Have you got some soup or something you could have to warm you up with your last 46cals? Or warm milk perhaps?
Good luck with the weigh in!
Re: Tough day
21 Feb 2013, 20:30
U did so well to stick it out i fell off the wagon at tea time after being great all day this is day seven for me will try again tmr. well done u :D
Re: Tough day
21 Feb 2013, 20:45
just going to bed to get to the end of the day for me.It has been one of my toughest days yet.soon be tomorrow
Re: Tough day
21 Feb 2013, 21:02
Week 7 for me and fasting day. Haven't felt hungry today but I've wanted to eat all day and I just don't feel like myself and I have a headache I can't get rid of. Not sure why today has been so tough].
Re: Tough day
22 Feb 2013, 09:32
I ended up eating a biccie at 1145 as lay down to sleep and felt really awful, dizzy, wobbly and generally weird. Woke up OH as really scared of how I was feeling. I have high b/p & on medication for a few years now. I wondered whether it had dropped significantly which is why I felt like this? It was horrid. 30 mins after eating the biscuit I felt better & was able to sleep.
Re: Tough day
22 Feb 2013, 23:53
Peta- I hope you feel better, i'm not sure what might have caused the downturn since you've been fasting for a while. It seems like you were quite hydrated, it was probably a sugar crash.

Do you usually consume yoghurt as a breakfast on fast days, or breakfast in general on fast days?
Re: Tough day
23 Feb 2013, 08:24
Hi Sincere 21
Yes am fine now after a Feast Day, eating normally. It's easy to eat a yoghurt as I know exactly how many (few) cals it is! Happy to eat something else for brekkie, ideally under 100 cals. MJ d you my lunch was v low in cals to - salad stuff added up to 99 cals.

Anyway, I lost over a kilo 1.1kgs so after 10 fast days I've dropped 5.2 (Oooh 5:2!) but have a few stone to shift so am looking at 6 months so need to get the balance right & avoid problems as do not want to have anything demotivating me!

Thanks for your interest.
Re: Tough day
23 Feb 2013, 08:26
Sorry! Sincere 24! Writing this on iPhone in bed & can't see for looking!
Re: Tough day
23 Feb 2013, 09:27
No worries!

A few ideas without the artificial flavouring and sugars would be :
Boiled Egg- 70kcal with a cup of tea for 30 kcals

Green Smoothies- Almond Milk, with some greens and berries;
- 1/2 of a Banana, strawberries, almond milk;
- Apple, spinach, kale (great sources of iron)

Scrambled Eggs- 1 egg, spinach, tomatoes ( you can set the oven to low heat to avoid using oil and also when beating the eggs can add a bit of water so you can get a bit more fluff

Hope this helps, glad to hear you're doing well :)
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