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Weighed myself this morning and I've lost 10lbs since the new year. Well pleased but that isn't the whole story.

I quite enjoy messing with numbers and I give myself often tiny targets to aim for which makes them much more achievable. I have set myself an overall target on the Progress Tracker but off the top of my head I don't know what it is and as it's quiet a long way off it doesn't matter yet. The Progress Tracker is great as it's not just about pounds and ounzes, there is BMI as well. So -

Start weight 13st 9lbs (I'm 5'8")
Target - get to under 28 BMI = ACHIEVED
Target - lose half a stone = ACHIEVED
Target - get to under 27.5 BMI = ACHIEVED
Target - get under 13st = ACHIEVED
Target - the next one is a big one - to lose a stone which means I've another 4lbs to lose which i hope to do before easter
And so it goes on.

Does anyone else do this? I've seen the thread on weighing yourself everyday. I did that a few years ago and found it very destructive - if I had a good day and put weight on, what was the point!!! This way I have already achieved so much.
Yes, Im one for setting small targets for myself. what I like to do is draw out lots of little lines (in a notebook) from my starting weight to my target weight which gives me the satisfaction of putting a big X through each pound I lose and along the way I highlight certain weights such as 7lb loss or when I will reach a healthy BMI. It seems a tad OCD when I read this back but, Hey!, it works for me.
BTW, forgot to say, really well done on 10lb weight loss

:fat: X10 not too shabby ;)
Well done wildmissus & what a great idea! I tend to find little reasons to celebrate every few losses - a new number on the scales (be it metric or imperial! - more chances to win! ;)), a new number on the BMI, a nice round number for my loss... but perhaps I'll start actually setting mini goals ahead of time rather than just randomly congratulating myself!
My tiny targets seem to be working. I lost a massive 4lbs this week, a total weight loss of 1st 1lb so i now weigh 12st 8lb and I'm feeling very proud of myself and to be honest a big bit smug. :victory:

My next target will be to get to 12 and a half stone so only 1lb to lose. Given that I lost so much this week I might wait for a couple of weeks to weigh myself - i'll see how I feel next week. My target after that will be to get below BMI 26.5. :grin:
well done on 10lb wildmissus
i am also 5'8 but my starting weight was a lot higher than yours (14.12 :-() but am now am within site of dropping below the 14 mark for the first time in a couple of years
i doubt i will ever make 12.7 as i havent been that since my early 20s

good luck with your next target
People did research late last year and people who give themselves small rewards are significantly happier than those aiming for big things, regardless of the cost of the reward or their net worth. Think small targets are a good thing!
Thanks for the inspiration all of going to do same to get myself to where I want to be...

First lose 2lbs more by Easter....may seem like a small thing...but will get me under 10st by the time we attend the wedding of an old friend who we haven't seen in a considerable amount of time.... :smile:
jeniben. You can do this. My heaviest weight was Jan 2012 at 14st 3lb and I've never told anyone that before. It doesn't matter what we've weighed before, it is what we are going to weigh in the future that matters. I have had 45 years of my life and this way of life makes me determined to have another 45. Go for it girl just slowly and steadily.
thanks wildmiss
you and i are the same age too :-)
i plan on doing this as a way of life rather than just for the weightloss, tho that is a nice side effect
my Dad had diabetes and died from related illness, my Brother is borderline diabetic and takes tablets
i have just come off tablets for high BP after having surgery and do not want to go back to rattling when i walk so the benefits of lower BP and less likelihood of diabetes are good drivers for me too

What a great idea wildmissus! Instead of focusing on the big things (which can seem unattainable), focus on the milestones along the way. Was it Confucius who said "A journey of 1,000 miles begins with the first step'? That's what I'm going to do from now on - give myself little but meaningful goals and when I achieve them reward myself with something nice (non-food of course!).

Anyway, very inspiring post and well done on your results so far.
Jeniben, diabetes was a huge motivator for me as well. My mother has type 2, as has my father in law (and he is in a bad way) and brother in law. Given that I am not a spring chicken I was beginning to get paranoid about diabetes, blaming every niggle and unwell feeling on the possibility that I had become diabetic. I had my bloods done about 18 months ago to find out that I wasn't even pre-diabetic - what a relief. It is only since 5:2ing that I can now secure a future without diabetes.

I developed exercise/allergy related asthma about 5 years ago and with the weight slowly coming of it is slowly getting better.

As the advert says 'the future it bright'.

Thank you for your kind comments. I'm going to visit my best friend at the beginning of May so it won't be long before I use that as a goal to lose another pound or two, so another little target that I can set especially as she is planning a spa day for us - what a great reward for losing weight! :smile:
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